In Gestational Diabetes Diet
Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a disease that develops in women during pregnancy. Most women with obstetric disease will disappear quickly, but to avoid this leading to complications, you need to follow a specific diet. Often, the patient notices an increase in blood glucose levels during the second half of pregnancy during a glucose tolerance test. This analysis is advisable for all women who are expecting a baby, especially those with a history of diabetes. High blood sugar, taken simply on an empty stomach, is not always determined, and the glucose tolerance test is performed on the GTM.

What is the risk of uncontrolled eating?
Gestational diabetes can adversely affect pregnancy and childbirth. If the patient eats without any restraint, the disease can "break down" and lead to such consequences as:
- Premature aging of the placenta;
- A circulatory disturbance between mother and fetus;
- Thickening of the blood of the pregnant woman and the formation of tumors in them, which cause thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels);
- Significant increase in fetal body weight, which threatens complications in childbirth;
- Developmental delay of the unborn child.
Regular monitoring of diet and blood glucose for gestational diabetes can avoid such complications and keep the pregnancy quiet. Dietary restrictions for this type of diabetes are not very strict. In most cases, food is only a temporary measure. She has no intention of violating the future mother's preferences, but rather of assisting in the protection of her and the future child's health.
Dietary policies
The daily menu for gestational diabetes should be divided into 6 meals. The principle of partial nutrition is to avoid a sharp rise in blood sugar. In addition, with this diet, the pregnant woman will not have severe hunger, which is difficult to tolerate in this condition. Total caloric intake should not exceed 2000-2500 kcal per day. As a pregnant woman's body functions under increased loads, it is not necessary to underestimate it, and she should get enough food for energy expenditure.
Only a doctor can calculate the exact energy value of a food. To do this, he takes into account the physique, body mass index, and other personal characteristics of a woman. Diet should prevent weight gain while not reducing body weight. Weight gain of more than 1 kg per month in the first trimester and more than 2 kg per month in the second and third trimesters is considered abnormal. Excess weight can create a burden on the whole body and increase edema, increased stress, and complications from the fetus.
Diet for gestational diabetes is based on the following principles:
- Consumption of convenient foods and fast food is strictly prohibited;
- When selecting carbohydrates, preference should be given to their “slow” options, as they are consumed for a long time and do not lead to stressful changes in blood sugar (they are found in grains, vegetables);
- You should measure the meter readings 60 minutes after each meal and record them in a special diary;
- The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index.
In fact, diet for gestational diabetes patients 9. It helps to lower blood sugar through a healthy diet. Pregnant women should not take any pills to lower blood glucose. Adjustment of this condition can be carried out only due to dietary restrictions.
Artificial sweeteners are contraindicated during pregnancy because they can adversely affect the development of the fetus.
Permitted products
What can an expectant mother who has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes eat? The list of foods and dishes is very extensive and by carefully planning the meal several days in advance, the nutrition will be varied and tasty. To make the digestive organs function more harmoniously, the total caloric content of the daily diet can be divided as follows:
Diabetes in pregnant women
- Breakfast - 25%;
- Second breakfast - 5%;
- Lunch - 35%;
- Afternoon tea - 10%;
- Dinner - 20%;
- Late dinner - 5%.
From the meat assortment, you can eat rabbit, turkey, chicken, and low-fat veal. No more than 1 time per week with a therapeutic diet, you can eat pork, but only the leanest parts of it. Soups are best cooked over chicken or vegetable broth (when cooking a bird, it is best to change the water twice). Fat-free fermented milk products are allowed, but it is better to refuse whole milk. This product is too heavy for digestion and can start digestive problems in pregnant women.
In moderation, you can eat the following foods:
- Low and medium glycemic index vegetables;
- Cereals;
- Egg
- Nuts and seeds;
- Fish and seafood;
- Hard unsalted cheese with 20-45% fat content;
- Mushrooms.
When cooking, it is best to prioritize baking and steaming. You can cook stew and dishes, but foods prepared in this way usually get bored very quickly due to the mild taste.
Treatment for GTM does not indicate food starvation. During pregnancy, exposing the body to such stress is very dangerous, so it is good to think through the diet in advance and always have a healthy snack with you. By planning the menu in advance of the day, a woman can avoid attacks of severe hunger while at the same time protecting herself from the severity of the disease.
Instead of fruit juices, it is better to eat whole fruits. They are high in fiber and more nutritious than completely natural sugar-free drinks made from fruit ingredients.
If a pregnant woman experiences severe hunger between meals, a glass of low-fat kefir maybe her best snack
Prohibited products
Pregnant women with gestational diabetes should avoid the following foods and diets:
- Sweets;
- White bread from premium flour;
- Smoked meats, salty and spicy foods;
- Sweets and honey;
- Vegetables and fruits with high glycemic index;
- Legumes;
- Shop sauces, ketchup, and mayonnaise.
Because of the limitations of a pregnant woman's diet, it can not fully supply the body with vitamins and minerals. To prevent a deficiency of these substances, you should take special vitamin complexes for women with the condition. There are many types of such medications, so they should only be prescribed by an observant obstetrician-gynecologist.
With GTM, you can not eat fatty and fried foods because such food affects the pancreas and adversely affects the work of all the organs of the digestive system. Heartburn, during pregnancy, is often caused by diabetes, even in healthy women, and can worsen due to nutritional errors. Therefore, it is better not to eat too many sour, spicy and salty foods. For the same reason, pregnant women are not recommended to indulge in brown bread (its acidity is very high).
A low carbohydrate diet, popular among some doctors and diabetics, cannot provide a woman with enough energy and nutrients. In addition, too sharp a rejection of slow, healthy carbohydrates can lead to stress and a bad mood. Pregnant women should avoid such situations. Some women may be prescribed a low-carb diet after childbirth to prevent full-blown diabetes, but only a doctor can make such a decision.
Fruits are best eaten in the morning because they contain a lot of carbohydrates so the body can easily digest them.
Dinner should be light and include cheese, vegetables, boiled fish or seafood. Sugar and any sweets are, unfortunately, completely unacceptable for use with gestational diabetes.
Day sample menu
The menu of healthy pregnant women should contain 50-55% complex and simple carbohydrates, while patients with gestational diabetes should reduce this amount of sugar. On average, carbohydrates should make up 35-40% of the total diet, while protein intake should be equal to that of healthy people. Reducing carbohydrates in the diet can help prevent the risk of a large fetus, surgical unit, and labor complications.+
The sample menu for the day may look like this:
- Breakfast - low-fat cheese, oats in water, tea without sugar;
- Second breakfast - baked apple;
- Lunch - boiled turkey fillet, vegetable soup, carrot, tomato and cucumber salad, buckwheat, dried fruit salad without sugar;
- Afternoon tea - nuts;
- Dinner - boiled pike perch, boiled vegetables, sugar-free tea;
- Snack before bed - a glass of kefir, a slice of whole-grain bread.
- 2 eggs 1 whole grain corn flour, 3 1/3 butter, and salsa
- 2 eggs (hard-boiled) 1-2 servings with whole-grain snack
- 2-egg yolks with vegetables with 1 ¼ cup strawberries
- 1 smoothie: ½ Banana, 2 strawberries, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tablespoon nut butter, 1 tablespoon flaxseed
- 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts and ¾ cup blueberries ½ cup cooked oats (made with water)
- 1 low fat plain Greek yogurt with 1 cup raspberries and 2 tablespoons Almond slices
- Easy Eggs Florence Recipe
- Easy Flax Breakfast Pudding Recipe
- Simple Low Carbon Pancakes With Almond Food Recipe
- Salad: Dressing with greens, vegetables, 1/2 cup beans, and a little roasted whole-grain roll
- Whole Grain Whisk: A medium whole-grain sugar solution with greens and 4 ounces roasted chicken or shrimp and mustard and fruit
- Whole Grain Pita: Shell protein (lean beef, low-fat dumplings, chicken, fresh turkey), greens, onions, tomatoes, butter, and 1/4 cup sunflower seeds. It is also possible to catch fish beyond the type and size limit due to the fish material. Peanut butter is another good protein option.
- 1 whole-grain bread ½ cup roasted sweet potatoes and roasted turkey burger on a large salad
- Boiled, steamed, or fried non-protein vegetables 2 proteins and 1 cup of brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta
- Greens (for example, lettuce, Cogate, kale)
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Green beans
- Tomato
- Onions
- Mushrooms
- Chicken or Beef Fajitas Recipe
- Abbreviated pesto salmon
- Vegetables Basil Chicken
- 5 whole-grain crack or 1 brown rice cake 1-ounce low-fat cheese
- Low-fat cheese or 1 tablespoon nut butter 1 ounce 1 small cut apple
- 3 cups air popcorn with 1/4 cup nuts
- 20 Diabetes-Healthy Snacks
- Roasted red beet hummus
- Easy Guacamole Recipe