Professor Neumyvakin offers an unconventional method of treating diabetes with hydrogen peroxide. In principle, this is a drug that is very popular in medicine, with its help it disinfects wounds and cuts, stops bleeding. When the drug reaches the skin, a reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of atomic ozone. When peroxide enters the body, the oxidative process destroys pathogenic microbes, speeds up metabolism, restores acidic and alkaline balance, enriches the circulatory system with oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide in type 2 diabetes
Peroxide has a formula similar to the formula of water. Water has the formula H2O, the drug H2O2, where O2 is atomic ozone. This liquid appeared thanks to the French chemist Tonard in 1818. He mixed strong vodka with the chemical compound barium and oxygen. As a result, the neoplasm H2O2 appeared. Because peroxide is heavier than water, it may be combined with it in any proportion.
The human body has a complex system of interaction that functions throughout life. The immune system can withstand painful germs and regenerate under altered conditions. Red blood cells and white blood cells that produce natural peroxide are examples of these.
Diabetes weakens the immune system. It is not unexpected, however, that this chemical has found use in the treatment of such a condition. Once inside the human body, it can be broken down with the release of atomic ozone O2. It destroys viruses, bacilli, and fungi.
Advantages of Hydrogen Peroxide
Why is this substance good for diabetes? It breaks down fatty acids, energy, amino acids, stimulates glycemic processes, and synthesizes bile acids. H2O2 fluid eliminates pain symptoms, reduces insulin dose, improves gastrointestinal activity, and normalizes metabolism. The body does not accumulate peroxide, it is well excreted.
According to Professor Neumyvakin, to the question is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide in diabetes? The answer is unequivocal, necessary. It is able to keep glucose normal. This method can not harm, the main thing is not to exceed the dose. A more effective remedy is the use of a remedy with fruit and blueberry tea.
Of course, this drug is an additional unconventional treatment. In this case, there should be a balanced diet and physical activity.
Forms of peroxide release are different:
- For medical purposes, use a 3% solution.
- The saturated composition is called perhydrol and is used as an antiseptic.
- The mixture of H2O2 and urea is hydroperite and is produced in tablet form as a disinfectant and antibacterial drug.
- Alcohol solution used as ear drops.
The drug can decompose under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it should be stored in a tightly closed bottle.
It is also important to know that H2O2 liquid can be combined with phytomedicines, but in no case should it be used with medicines.
Neumyvakin treatment
The author of the methodology suggests the use of the drug throughout life, but to do so, one must be guided by a prescription.
- One daily rate should not exceed 30 drops.
- Consume only 3% fluid.
- Drink 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.
- Dilute with warm water.
The start of intake should be 1 drop of a diluted spoon. Add 1 drop daily. The course of use should be 10 days, then rest for 5 days and continue. The last day will be equal to 10 drops. The number of drops can be from 5 to 10 per glass of water.
Treatment of diabetes with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin in the next stage begins with 10 drops, the daily norm is not more than 30 drops. It can no longer be increased.
The professor believes that the use of peroxide can help get rid of sugar and hypertension, blood vessel problems, and gastrointestinal activity. Also, the professor in his research draws attention to the fact that the action of the drug leads to negative consequences: intoxication, allergic reactions, fever, poor sleep. However, the scientist links these side effects to the removal of toxins from the body, but in no way to a bad effect. After a while, the painful symptoms will disappear.
The main goal in treating diabetes with hydrogen peroxide is to reduce the impact of microbial elements in pancreatic cells and prevent subsequent infections.
Natural remedy for diabetes: hydrogen peroxide and the nuances of its use
Traditional medicine offers a whole system of treatment methods and medications that improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes.
Alternative medicine also offers promising relief for diabetes.
Of the many methods proposed, the use of hydrogen peroxide in type I or type II diabetes has been observed. It is only necessary to understand that diabetes is a serious chronic disease caused by the inability of the pancreas to fully produce insulin, as well as a decrease in the sensitivity of specific insulin receptors, leading to rapid disruption of carbohydrate metabolism and associated complications.
With diabetes, all metabolic processes are disrupted, the endocrine and immune systems suffer. Therefore, treatment with hydrogen peroxide alone and ignoring medications recommended by doctors can seriously worsen a patient’s condition and even cost him his life.
Effect on the body
Hydrogen peroxide (N2O2) is one of the most affordable and widespread drugs sold through the pharmacy network.
In medicine, a three percent solution is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic:
- When this substance interacts with the enzyme catalase, which is found in all tissues of the body, there is abundant foaming, which contributes to the separation of necrotic tissues;
- Since peroxide is a strong oxidant, it inactivates pathogens;
- For disinfection of scratches, wounds, suppurations and disinfection.
The peroxide is not non-toxic, but in concentrated form (30 percent solution) it causes burns to the mucous membranes and skin, so a 3 percent solution is used. The human immune system naturally produces natural peroxide and thus protects the body from harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Therefore, medical peroxide has found its application in weakened immunity of various etiologies. Once in the body, H2O2 is broken down by the release of free atomic ozone O2, which adversely and rapidly affects bacteria, viruses and fungi.
For the first time, the use of peroxide for the treatment of patients with diabetes of both types was suggested by Dr. Neumyvakin.
He argued that the substance has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, as it provides additional support to organs and tissues with oxygen, participates in fat metabolism, inactivates free radicals, and participates in the reaction of insulin with glucose.
In addition, H2O2 prevents infectious diseases, relieves intoxication, dilates blood vessels, saturates the blood with oxygen, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves mental work, has a regenerative and anti-aging effect, does not cause allergies.
Sometimes when you drink this solution there is a rush of blood in the face, headaches. But with regular use of this substance, these symptoms disappear on their own in a few days.
Due to its complex effect on the body, endocrine, and immune system, peroxide, if taken orally, is an effective means of combating such a common and horrible disease as diabetes. N2O2 allows to stabilize the patient's condition, reduce the insulin dose and prevent unwanted complications inherent in both types of diabetes.
Healing technique
When using H2O2 for diabetes, the peroxide needs to be fresh and of good quality. The concentration of the substance should not exceed 3%, otherwise, there is a risk of burns on the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus.
Hydrogen peroxide solution
Drink the solution on an empty stomach. In extreme cases, at least two hours should pass after a meal. The medicine should be washed well.
In type I or type 2 diabetes, treatment with peroxide should be started at minimal doses, gradually increasing the dosage. It should be borne in mind that the maximum amount of H2O2 should not exceed 40 drops per day, so there are no negative effects.
Here is the optimal peroxide treatment regimen:
- On the first day take 1 drop of 3-percent solution, diluted in one or two tablespoons of water. If the drug is normally tolerated, then you can drink H2O2 four times a day;
- Daily dosage is increased by 1 drop. So, on the second day of treatment, one dose will be 2 drops, on the third - 3, etc .;
- This should be continued until the dose of the solution reaches 10 drops in a single dose. Then it is necessary to take a break of five days and repeat the course;
- Such courses can be repeated several times with careful monitoring of blood sugar levels.
Instead of water, hydrogen peroxide can be used with a decoction and infusion of blueberry leaves and fruits, which has a sugar-lowering effect.
According to Dr. Neumyvakin, on day 5-6 of taking the solution, a noticeable improvement in the general condition and a decrease in sugar are noticed. This is due to the fact that drinking H2O2 stimulates the immune system, improves pancreatic function, stabilizes metabolic processes, and suppresses related infections.
Body tissues are enriched with oxygen, which ensures the oxidation of non-oxidized metabolic products and prevents the formation of free radicals.
Can I drink hydrogen peroxide in diabetes?
H2O2 is a strong oxidizing agent that adversely affects the pathogenic microflora.
Once in the body, peroxide disinfects the pancreas, prevents pathological changes in its structure, improves digestion.
The substance stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, especially pancreatin, which improves the secretion of the hormones pancreatic insulin and glycogen. It helps reduce sugar in diabetes and normalizes fat metabolism.
By enriching organs and tissues with oxygen, H2O2 improves the overall metabolic processes, which leads to an increase in the immunity of diabetics and, as a result, an improvement in the general condition. The solution has a regenerative and antiseptic effect, which is an important factor in the prevention and treatment of diabetic trophic ulcers.
He claims that he is able to significantly improve the condition of people with diabetes, reduce the insulin dose and avoid serious complications.
Peroxide is an absolutely safe drug that does not cause side effects. True, all this is subject to the necessary dosing and strict control of blood glucose.
When a person uses peroxide for diabetes, observing the dosage and rules of administration, it should not have side effects or negative effects. But, like all medications, there may be contraindications.
Also, someone has an individual intolerance to peroxide. In this case, the following is noted:
- Mild nausea;
- The appearance of a skin rash;
- Feeling tired, drowsy;
- Nasal congestion, cough, and runny nose;
- Short-term diarrhea.
But no serious reactions from the body to the intake of hydrogen peroxide have been found.
The above side effects, as a rule, pass spontaneously within a few days of regular intake. True, provided that the patient does not exceed the dosage of H2O2 and does not violate the dosing regimen.
Hydrogen peroxide is a common, inexpensive, and completely harmless drug that is available in almost every home in a medicine cabinet. The use of H2O2 as a cure for diabetes is absolutely reasonable and safe.
By observing the dosing and treatment regimen proposed by Dr. Neumyvakin, a significant improvement in the patient's general condition, an improvement in his quality of life, and a significant reduction in insulin dose can be achieved.
- It stabilizes sugar levels for a long time
- Restores pancreatic insulin production
Hydrogen peroxide in type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus - is it possible to drink and how to treat it properly
Hydrogen peroxide in type 2 diabetes: treatment according to Neumyvakin
Type 1 and 2 diabetes is considered an incurable disease. The modern medical practice offers techniques that prolong the life of the patient without complications. Insulin injections, strict diet - necessary conditions for treatment.
Alternative medicines offered by alternative medicine promise a cure or a significant improvement in well-being. Hydrogen peroxide is one such method.
Let's see if it is possible to drink hydrogen peroxide in diabetes?
What is hydrogen peroxide?
H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide or peroxide, a colorless, easily soluble liquid with a "metallic" taste in water, ethanol, and ether. It is traditionally used as an antiseptic 3% aqueous solution to clean purulent wounds and phlegmon. By interacting with the natural enzyme catalase, which is present in all tissues, it creates an abundant foam that allows you to remove necrotic residues from the wound.
In its pure form, it is used for whitening tissues, teeth, disinfection, stain removal, as rocket fuel.
It is a strong oxidizing agent in its chemical properties. When dissolved in water, a decomposition reaction occurs with the release of free oxygen atoms. They are not toxic, but concentrated solutions (30% and more), if they get on the skin and mucous membranes, in the eyes, throat, and bronchi, cause burns. Ingestion of 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide is fatal.
Dr. Neumyvakin's system
The professor suggested the use of a weak solution of H2O2 as a cure for pancreatitis in diabetes of both types. He explains his method by the ability of oxygen to disinfect the environment it enters without causing side effects.
Treatment of diabetes according to Neumyvakin consists of:
- Intake of 1-3% aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution;
- Eat in the form of tea, compote.
It is assumed that, as not clinically proven, the intake of hydrogen peroxide in type 2 diabetes results in:
- Purification of blood from toxins (bacteria, viruses, fungi);
- Regulation of all metabolic reactions in the body;
- Effects on hormonal background;
- improve the brain's oxygen supply;
- Glucose substitution reaction with glucose.
The result of hydrogen peroxide therapy will be the rehabilitation of acid-base balance, increased mental ability in the absence of allergic manifestations.
A feature of this method is the mandatory gradual increase of the dose from the minimum size to a certain value. Peroxide should be taken in the afternoon and nothing should be consumed within 40 minutes after taking the solution.
If the treatment regimen recommended by Professor Neumyvakin is followed, then, according to him, with insulin-dependent diabetes, insulin injections will be significantly reduced. Type 2 diabetics feel an increase in vitality, weight loss. Delay of disease manifestations occurs due to "cleansing" of the pancreas from infectious effects.
In the absence of contraindications, with the exception of patients undergoing organ transplantation, side effects may occur, especially in the case of a drug overdose.
Such negative consequences can be:
- weakness;
- nausea;
- skin rash;
- allergic cough and runny nose;
- gastrointestinal dysfunction.
How true can the predicted results be?
Precautions for use
Atomic oxygen in an aqueous solution has no selective property: it reacts with the first reagent that comes it is the way. The slightest disturbance of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity or stomach stimulates the interaction of hydrogen peroxide, thus reducing its productivity in relation to the pancreas.
The antiseptic, entering the blood, can destroy red blood cells, causing anemia. The oxidation reaction is not subject to external control due to the use of peroxide only as an external agent.
Stomach walls with a prolonged application of drug erosion, its digestive function is impaired to a precancerous state.
The lack of reliable clinical data suggests that testing the effectiveness of the method proposed by Professor Neumyvakin is not recommended.
Treatment of diabetes with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: aspects
There are many different methods to deal with such an insidious and complex disease as diabetes. Well-known doctor Neumyvakin claims that treatment with hydrogen peroxide is effective if you have type 1 or 2 diabetes.
How the tool affects the human body
- It is a wonderful antioxidant, it can be claimed to be the best. Peroxide has a destructive effect on toxic elements. Infections are destroyed - bacteria and fungi. The same goes for viruses.
- The tool participates in the process of fat metabolism with maximum efficiency. The same goes for carbohydrates and proteins.
- Hydrogen peroxide helps to normalize blood composition. Its fluidity improves. The blood is cleansed, saturated with oxygen.
- This tool is involved in the fight against free radicals ..
- The acid-base balance is normalized.
- Participates in the regulation of the hormonal background of the thyroid gland.
The same goes for the adrenal glands.
- All tissues of the human body receive enough oxygen thanks to this substance.
- It transfers calcium to the brain.
- Even with long-term use, there is no accumulation of funds in the human body. And, therefore, does not cause allergies.
Toxic reactions excluded.
It does work on insulin. Sugar moves into the cells from the blood plasma, which facilitates the work of the pancreas. Diabetics reduce their need for insulin.
- The work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
- It leads to vasodilation in the brain. The same goes for the heart and respiratory organs.
- Encouraged mental abilities.
- Tissue regeneration occurs, has a rejuvenating effect.
It can be argued that hydrogen peroxide is a medicinal agent. That is exactly what Dr. Neumyvakin thinks.
For diabetics, treatment according to Neumyvakin is real salvation from this insidious disease.
The essence of the treatment of diabetes with hydrogen peroxide
This tool is suitable for adding to liquids - for example, tea. It can be supplemented with hydrogen peroxide of about 50 ml. In that case, you will not feel any discomfort.
Treatment of diabetes may include separate use of peroxide. From 3 to 4 times a day, you should drink water in a volume of 250 ml, with stirring H2O2.
This is a very effective method if you repeat the procedure for 5, or even 6 days.
During this period, it is possible to achieve impressive effective changes in the well-being of diabetics, and blood sugar levels are reduced. And it doesn't matter what type of diabetes it is - first or second.
In such solutions, it is appropriate to add peeled leaves or blueberries. This berry has a hypoglycemic effect, which means that it can be used properly and rationally during the treatment of diabetes.
How to take hydrogen peroxide
It is necessary to take only qualitatively purified solutions of this agent.
Treatment of diabetes, and of any kind, should begin with the lowest doses. Thus, it is best to dilute 1 to 2 drops of 3% solution in 1 or 2 tablespoons of water.
During the day, this procedure should be repeated several times.
The next day, increase the dosage by 1 drop, and so continue daily - the increase should go until the moment when the dose of 10 drops is received at the same time.
To make the effect more impressive, it must be borne in mind that hydrogen peroxide should be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise the risk of negative effects of this agent increases. After you have eaten, at least 2 or 3 hours should have passed. Once you have taken hydrogen peroxide, you cannot eat for even 40 minutes.
To improve the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to use hydrogen peroxide in the cycles of diabetes.
It is useful to use a special scheme: the course of treatment is 10 days. After that, a short break lasting 3-5 days. Then a new course - you need to start with 10 drops, without increasing the dose.
The fact is that high concentrations of the product can lead to burns ..
Possible side effects
Neumyvakin treatment is a great way to fight diabetes. But here it is important to know what side effects are possible:
- skin rash;
- may feel sick;
- the person feels tired;
- sleeps;
- feelings of cold appear - cough and runny nose;
- in rare cases diarrhea is possible.
As for contraindications, they are not for such a useful method of treatment. But still, for those who have undergone organ transplantation, this tool should not be used. Otherwise, problems may occur.
What are the benefits of peroxide for diabetics
- The pain is removed.
- The number of insulin doses is reduced.
- The general condition of the digestive tract improves.
- Metabolism normalizes.
If you take the medicine correctly, you can achieve unprecedented results in treating this disease. It is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment. This is the only way to eliminate the risk of complications.
Don't be discouraged if you have diabetes - after all, this is not a sentence. If treated properly, then you can defeat this insidious and complex disease. The main thing is the strength of will, confidence in victory. And then you will succeed. Health to you!
Features of diabetes treatment according to Neumyvakin
Diabetes is a chronic disease and develops on the background of metabolic disorders. In addition to conservative treatment methods, there are many alternative methods. One of the popular methods of treating diabetes without medication is the method of Professor Neumyvakin.
Bit method
Professor IP Neumyvakin suggests the use of hydrogen peroxide and soda for treatment, because, in his opinion, these two simple substances preserve human health and help cure diabetes mellitus forever.
Neumyvakin speaks of type 1 and 2 diabetes as a disease resulting from an improper lifestyle. Indeed, scientists have long proven that diabetes does not develop due to excess glucose in the menu, but due to the immunity of cells to this substance. Impaired glucose uptake occurs in the case of metabolism and obesity.
Baking soda treatment is aimed at restoring the natural acid-base balance in the body, the violation of which is often noticed in diabetes.
Soda treatment: indications and contraindications
An increase in liver acidity causes the development of diabetes. Neumyvakin offers an alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes - using conventional baking soda.
- improve metabolism;
- toxin elimination;
- normalization of gastric acidity;
- nervous system regeneration.
Bathrooms with soda help to improve the common good. The antiseptic properties of this product will help speed up the healing of ulcers and wounds, which is especially important for patients with diabetes.
Soda removes toxins from the body and improves the effect of medications. In diabetes, it is used as a regular bath or taken orally.
Such treatment should be started only after consulting a doctor. Baking soda is contraindicated in the following cases:
- a form of insulin-dependent diabetes;
- individual intolerance;
- gastritis and gastric ulcer;
- low stomach acidity;
- the presence of cancer.
Baking soda treatment is contraindicated during gestation and lactation.
Using baking soda as a medicine will help you lose weight and improve your overall well-being.
How to use soda?
Another option is treatment with internal drugs. To do this, dissolve a little soda in a glass of warm water and drink in one gulp.
In the first week of taking the drug, you should use a quarter of a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water. The solution is drunk on an empty stomach daily for seven days.
If no side effects occur at this stage, take half a teaspoon of baking soda next week.
The treatment is carried out in a two-week course. Then you need to take a break of two weeks and, if desired, the course can be repeated. As a rule, baking soda after a two-week intake of type 2 diabetes improves metabolism and increases cell sensitivity to glucose.
Hydrogen peroxide
Another common alternative treatment for diabetes is hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide helps eliminate toxins, normalize acid-base balance in the body, and also increases cell sensitivity to insulin. This substance is produced in the stomach of a healthy person, so if used properly, hydrogen peroxide does not pose a health hazard.
The substance can be taken orally, given intravenously, and is also used as a compress.
Peroxide compresses are used for skin diseases, but this treatment also improves tissue regeneration.
To prepare the medicine, you need to add hydrogen peroxide (two teaspoons) to a quarter cup of warm water. The compress is then moistened in this solution and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
In diabetes, this method can be used to accelerate wound healing.
If taken internally, hydrogen peroxide is drunk with water three times a day. At the beginning of treatment, the maximum allowed amount is 1 drop of peroxide per day. Dilute with 50 ml of water. Every day, the amount of medicine and the frequency of application increase so that the maximum allowed number of drops of peroxide is reached - 10 drops per day.
After reaching 10 drops it is necessary to take a break of 3 days, and then the treatment can be continued by drinking 10 drops of the drug per day. The reception can be divided into two parts - 5 drops of the means to be drunk in the morning and 5 drops in the evening.
What to remember?
Once we understand whether it is possible to drink baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for diabetes, it should be borne in mind that alternative methods will not replace conservative treatment.
Soda and peroxide are ancillary medications, and the main medication is prescribed by a doctor who observes how the patient develops diabetes and decides how and what to do to the patient.
An alternative therapeutic method can harm your health, so you should always consult your doctor before starting treatment.
Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured, so you don't have to think about the fact that soda or peroxide will completely alleviate the disease. These products can improve the patient's condition, as well as a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
However, no alternative or alternative method of treatment will help if the patient does not follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor to normalize his own condition. Don’t wait for instant relief, disrupt your diet, and lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Diabetes treatment requires an integrated approach and only the patient’s activities depend on his well-being.
Treatment of type 2 diabetes with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin
Professor Neumyvakin offers an unconventional method of treating diabetes with hydrogen peroxide. In principle, this is a drug that is very popular in medicine, with its help it disinfects wounds and cuts, stops bleeding.
When the drug reaches the skin, a reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of atomic ozone.
When peroxide enters the body, the oxidative process destroys pathogenic microbes, speeds up metabolism, restores acidic and alkaline balance, enriches the circulatory system with oxygen.
Treating diabetes with traditional medicine at home
Hydrogen peroxide in type 2 diabetes
Peroxide has a formula similar to the formula of water. Water has the formula H2O, the drug H2O2, where O2 is atomic ozone. This liquid appeared thanks to the French chemist Tonard in 1818. He mixed strong vodka with the chemical compound barium and oxygen. As a result, the neoplasm H2O2 appeared. Peroxide is heavier than water and can be mixed with it in any ratio.
The human body has a complex system of interaction that functions throughout life. The immune system can withstand painful germs and regenerate under altered conditions. These include red blood cells and white blood cells that make natural peroxide.
With diabetes, immunity suffers. It is therefore not surprising that this substance has found its application in the treatment of such a disease. Once inside the human body, it can be broken down with the release of atomic ozone O2. It destroys viruses, bacilli, and fungi.
Advantages of use
Why is this substance good for diabetes? It breaks down fatty acids, energy, amino acids, stimulates glycemic processes, and synthesizes bile acids. H2O2 fluid eliminates pain symptoms, reduces insulin dose, improves gastrointestinal activity, and normalizes metabolism. The body does not accumulate peroxide, it is well excreted.
According to Professor Neumyvakin, to the question is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide in diabetes? The answer is unequivocal, necessary. It is able to keep glucose normal. This method can not harm, the main thing is not to exceed the dose. A more effective remedy is the use of a remedy with fruit and blueberry tea.