Urine Acetone for Diabetes

Acetone in the urine of a diabetic individual is a pretty regular occurrence. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, the occurrence of acetone in the urine is almost non-existent, but with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, acetone is often detected in the urine.

At home, you can test for acetone in pee. Acetone in urine test strips are sold at pharmacies..

Normally, urine should not contain more than 0.5 mmol / l of acetone. Increased acetone content causes intoxication of the body. This is a dangerous condition that can lead to coma and death.

Clinical signs of increased acetone in urine

Elevated acetone levels negatively affect human health. Acetone causes poisoning of the body.

Elevated acetone leads to:



The specific odor from the patient's mouth;


Loss of consciousness.

Which contributes to the appearance of acetone in the urine

Acetone in the urine can occur for two main reasons:

  • Poor compensation for diabetes - with elevated blood sugar levels, the body needs energy that is nowhere to be found due to the fact that all glucose accumulates in the blood and does not enter the cells. Therefore, the body begins to break down stored fats, and acetone is one of the products of lipid breakdown.
  • Hungry acetone is acetone that occurs as a result of starvation in the body, the body reacts particularly sharply to the absence of carbohydrates. Therefore, with diabetes, you can’t starve, severely limit your carb intake. If the circumstances are such that you have to give up food (illness, loss of appetite), it is recommended to monitor the level of acetone using visual test strips.

There are numerous more causes, in addition to these:;:

  • Consume a lot of fat;
  • Stress, strong feelings;
  • Urinary disorders, renal failure;
  • Dehydration.

According to statistics, about 50% of people with type 1 diabetes experience acetone in their urine at least once in their lifetime.

Diagnosis of increased acetone concentration in urine

  • You can diagnose an increased concentration of acetone in your urine at home - for this, you need special visual test strips4
  • Urine analysis - primary definition of elevated acetone in urine;
  • Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - a laboratory test of urine that more accurately determines the content of acetone in urine.

The degree of development of complications

The negative effect of acetone on the body increases with increasing its concentration in urine:

  • The first or simple stage - the person does not yet feel the effects of acetone on well-being. Elevated ketone levels can only be determined by analysis. The person experiences weakness, fatigue;
  • Second or middle degree - when speaking from a person’s mouth, the smell of acetone is felt. It is also called a fruity scent;
  • The third or severe degree is expressed in blurred consciousness, loss of consciousness;
  • Extreme coma.

How to get rid of acetone in urine

To get rid of elevated acetone, you must first take your diabetes under control and achieve normoglycemia. Normal blood sugar levels will ensure the normal functioning of all body systems, which will improve the quality of life and save a person from the likelihood of developing late complications of diabetes.

With an increased concentration of acetone, heavy drinking is recommended. It is necessary to drink more fluids - water, tea, alkaline mineral water;

When hungry acetone is necessary to introduce carbohydrates into the diet - eat a couple of tablespoons of honey, drink sweet juice, tea with sugar.

You can take absorbents - activated charcoal, garbage, enteros gel. They will help get rid of body intoxication.

Prevention of elevated acetone

  • To prevent the appearance of acetone and poisoning of the body, you must remember the following:
  • You need to take diabetes compensation seriously. With the right insulin therapy regimen, sugar levels will remain normal, this will ensure the normal functioning of the body, which will not lack energy. Sufficient energy will lead to the fact that the body does not have to break down fat.
  • You cannot starve yourself and drastically limit your carbohydrate intake since carbs are the body's primary source of energy. During illness and lack of appetite, it is recommended to drink a sweet beverage instead of eating or eating a little honey or jam.
  • Do not abuse fatty foods. The diet should be balanced and contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  • It is necessary to maintain water balance, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid a day.


Maybe someone will need my experience. My daughter had a seizure at the age of 3: fever, nausea, and a very strong smell of acetone. WHAT I did: stop feeding (children refuse to eat), for the day 2 bottles of Borjomi and 2 bags of rehydration.

 Pour Borjomi into a saucepan, put it to heat on gas, sipping water. It should turn out that the hot water is odorless. It tastes disgusting, but it is the norm for the day. Regidron is diluted in the morning with a sachet and in the afternoon. 

Then you must ensure that your youngster consumes it all in one day. Kids are capricious, they refuse, so you have to figure out how to do it. And then you need to monitor it, or better to sniff it in the morning, in the evening, and as soon as a faint odor appears, then drink it again one day. Eat the next day, you need to start with weak currants, raspberries without sugar! vegetable puree on water.

Thanks for the more detailed answer.

 Is it true that activated charcoal promotes the removal of acetone from the body?

To remove acetone, it is first necessary to determine the cause of its appearance. It can be acetone on the background of high sugar or "hungry" acetone due to lack of carbohydrates. So we have to act. In the first case, it is urgent to reduce the sugar to normal values, in the second - to increase the number of carbohydrates, preferably fast (honey, juice, jam) under the appropriate dose of insulin. In both cases, heavy drinking, mineral water such as Borjomi, Regidron solution, weak soda solution are indicated.

Some use act.coal, but it is better to proceed as described above

My daughter has type 1 diabetes. Sick from 5.5 years old, now 9 years old. We have suffered from acetone 5 times in the last year. And in a very serious form, they passed 2-3 days through the intensive care unit - droppers. The diet was so respected that all family members switched to it. We cannot understand what the reason is. Can anyone tell me something?

Irina, what kind of diet did you talk about, because your daughter is on insulin? IDDM can be controlled not by following a diet (which does not exist), but by properly selected doses of insulin.

One of the most common mistakes in compensating children is insulin overdose, boils, and, as a result, high blood sugar afterward.

Read about T1DM. Start taking doses, but no one else can do it. As there is no universal dose at all, everything is individual.

Start by choosing prolonged insulin - cancel breakfast and measure your sugar often, cancel lunch the next day and measure again, and then dinner (just don’t go on a hunger strike all day). Of course, overnight measurements are also required. When you pick up a dose of extended, which will not reduce the initial sugar but keep it at the same level.

Once you choose an extended one, start picking up a short one. Measure the sugar before meals, count the number of XEs of carbohydrates per meal, insulin, then measure 1.5 hours after meals (should be 2-3 mmol / L higher than the original) and then after 3 hours (should return to original). So, gradually pick up the prospects for breakfast, lunch, dinner - they can vary greatly. Usually, the highest odds are for breakfast, the lowest for dinner.

Notice how different products affect sugar (which raises sugar quickly, which is slower), which also affects sugar (physical exertion, stress, illness, temperature changes, etc.).

Achieving compensation is a difficult, time-consuming, but essential process.

Diet - nothing fried just steamed; chips, crackers, cake - nothing, etc., and so on.

It is very difficult to pick up a dose when a child is in school. She is a mobile child and loves to eat. If I cancel breakfast, she will eat something along the way or at school itself. Is there any other way to choose the dose, because I do not completely trust our doctor (when discharged from the hospital the cause of ketoacidosis is always the same - "violation of diet").

When she was in kindergarten, we injected 2 times, in very small doses. And now 3 and the total number of units of insulin is equal to our weight, and that’s a lot. Such doses were given to us after our breakdowns.

I read in SG1 about CGMS. What is it?

Unfortunately, the dose of insulin cannot be determined in any other way. just by constantly measuring sugar and noting how much insulin is consumed on a given amount of carbohydrates. Try to leave a choice of doses for the weekend, rest, in the evening, check the sugar at night (with which they went to bed, they got up with it).

And the daughter herself doesn't make insulin? You can give her calculated food at school (sandwich, apple, a packet of cookies / all kinds of milk slices, etc.), She can measure your sugar, call you, pick up tips and eat insulin. After that, measure the sugar again after 1.5-2 hours. You can warn the teacher to follow her or the daughter will do it herself. This is the best option, then there will be more lessons, you still have to eat at school.

As for the dose-to-weight ratio - there is now a completely different opinion on this issue. It does not matter the dose of insulin, it is important that the sugar is normal (I mean the appropriate doses, not biting and constant eating to overdose and constant hypoglycemia).

And the doses have, of course, increased and are likely to increase - because the smaller the child, the lower the need for insulin, in the process of growing up, the need will increase and the doses will increase. So don’t be afraid to increase.

CGMS is a system that measures sugar levels every five minutes for 3-4 days. Such a system is placed in a hospital or outpatient setting, during which time a normal lifestyle is led, and the time of diet and insulin injections is recorded. Then on the computer, you can see all the sugar during that time, sugar fluctuations. sugar change charts are made. Very convenient for dose selection.

Ask your doctor, he will tell you where you can put CGMS.

And yet - compensation is not a constant dose daily for life, it is a constant need, depending on environmental conditions, internal conditions, etc.

The main thing is to notice and monitor all changes in needs over time and respond to them, increasing or decreasing doses.

ps - Do not deprive a child of various goodies when there are still sweets. if not in childhood.

And yet - if your child doesn’t get sweets, are you sure he’s not eating slowly from you? Maybe that's why sugar "jumps"?

These are not just words, they happen very often, although at first parents deny such behavior of their child.

Read correctly, look at the number of carbohydrates on the packages with sweets and give them to your daughter.

They got sweets, but under our control and short teasing. He quietly sends her his girls ’birthdays and eats whatever he wants there, it’s just under control.

And she was stabbed at the age of 5-6, but then something happened and she is afraid - her hands are shaking. They asked if she was silent or replied, "I don't know. I'm just scared." Now we've transferred that to free school attendance, maybe we can somehow solve the dose problem.

Thanks a lot for the tips.

Well, it is good that the child receives a variety of foods, including goodies. Then you need to monitor and select the dose.

If you’re on free school attendance now, start picking it up now, especially since you first check out the renewed action in the morning, then at lunch, then in the evening, and then at night - that is, you can cut some time each day.

Regarding self-injections, maybe she was somehow unsuccessful and injured in her time? But somehow it needs to be brought to independent injections.

Haven’t thought about the possibility of an insulin pump? True, this is not cheap and does not eliminate the need for dose selection, it will be (easier) for daughters to make insulin easier.

Urine acetone for diabetes: why and how to treat

In humans, "acetone", in medicine - acetonemic syndrome. This is a pathology associated with metabolic disorders in the body ..

Distinguish between primary and secondary acetonemic syndrome.

It is primarily regarded as a distinct disorder. It is caused by a congenital defect. Today, every fifth child suffers from cyclic vomiting syndrome. In children of early preschool and school-age, with this diagnosis, acetone crises recur periodically. Over time, she fades.

The secondary acetonemic syndrome is a syndrome of concomitant metabolic disorder. With diabetes, it is more often observed in the phase of decompensation or with long-term adherence to a diet low in carbohydrates.

The main symptoms of increased levels of ketone bodies that manifest over time:

in the first place the symptoms characteristic of high sugar were observed: thirst, rapid urination, increased dryness of the mucous membranes.

later: nausea, dizziness, vomiting, acetone odor from the mouth

if the situation does not improve, symptoms of central nervous system damage appear headache, apathy, or excessive irritability; as well as symptoms with irritation of the digestive tract: abdominal pain, tense abdominal wall (hard stomach).

How dangerous is an increase in acetone?

The presence of ketone bodies in the urine is a normal physiological state.. The main thing is the level of maintenance and well-being. If the acetone level is slightly increased and you feel well, you don’t need to raise the alarm right away. Monitor your health, ketone levels, and glycemia carefully. In case of undesirable symptoms - consult a doctor.

Urine acetone treatment

  1. If acetone is elevated and you do not feel well, you must take immediate action.
  2. First and foremost, you should talk with your doctor, who will modify your treatments.
  3. With increased sugar - normalize glycemia, and then carefully monitor this indicator.

Ketone bodies are excreted by the kidneys, so consuming plenty of fluids will help lower acetone levels. It is good to take alkaline mineral water for that. If there is a need to vomit, you must drink in small sips, but often (approximately every 10-15 minutes).

You can use visual test strips or with the help of an analyzer to measure ketone levels (multifunction devices that define different indicators with different test strips. For example, FreeStyle analyzers work like a glucometer and a ketone level measuring device)

Urine acetone for diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease. The consequences of this pathology are dangerous for the body, for example, the accumulation of acetone. When there is an abundance of it, even the skin becomes soaked with a distinct odor. But acetone in urine with diabetes is not a sentence, it needs to be detected and resolved in time.

The acetone process

The mechanism of acetone production in urine is as follows: the body receives energy by burning glucose or sugar. Its glycogen reserves are found in the liver and muscles. A middle-aged adult weighs about 600 g, which is enough for the internal organs and systems to work on this energy for 24 hours.

If glucose does not enter the cells and glycogen stores are already depleted, then the body must look for additional sources of energy. Then it begins to use fat reserves, which leads to the formation of acetone, its withdrawal with urine.

In diabetes, another type of insulin is produced enough, in some cases more than normal. The causes of pathology are different. This is why ketonuria does not form with this form of diabetes.

Causes and signs of pathology

With diabetes, there are several reasons for the appearance of acetone:

  • failure of the insulin injection regimen;
  • lack of carbohydrate diet;
  • prolonged, constant fasting;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • stress, long-term anxiety;
  • reducing the number of meals per day;
  • disproportionate physical activity;
  • injuries
  • abuse of fatty proteins and proteins.

Acetone accumulates gradually in the urine. You smell first from the mouth, from the surface of the skin, and then from the urine. The acid-base balance is disturbed, so the diabetic is constantly thirsty. Dryness is constantly felt in the oral cavity as if the tongue is sticking to a dry palate.

Breathing becomes frequent, the sick person can perform 20 inhalations/exhalations per minute. The quantity of sugar in the blood increases as acetone levels rise. There is a risk of dehydration, which can lead to a severe condition known as diabetic coma.. Facial skin suffers the most from dehydration - it becomes dry, it becomes wrinkled.

There are other symptoms - weakness, fatigue, lethargy. The disease is accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting (often confused with poisoning or intestinal infections), urination becomes frequent (even at night).

You have to be very careful about your health. If a person with diabetes mellitus receives insulin but the smell of acetone in the urine is still present, then the cause must be determined urgently. It could be:

  • improperly selected insulin rate;
  • there is a violation of the drug regimen;
  • expired insulin.

The well-being of a sick person will deteriorate on a daily basis. The signs of pathology will become more pronounced.


Before removing acetone, it is necessary to confirm its presence, determine the amount. In the laboratory, the doctor prescribes a general and biochemical blood test, special urine tests (total, daily volume, Nechiporenko analysis, three-glass test).

Acetone levels at home are easy to check. In pharmacies, there are drugs for independent measurement - Ketostiks, Acetontest, Ketur-Test. With the presence of acetone in the urine greater than 3.5 mmol / L, urgent hospitalization is required.

Therapeutic measures

The treatment for this condition is to remove the causes that led to the appearance of acetone in the urine. A specialist - a nutritionist will help adjust the diet. The endocrinologist will assist you in determining the appropriate insulin dose and will make recommendations.

It is necessary to properly remove acetone from the urine so that it does not affect health. It is important to drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended to drink more mineral water. When such a rule is difficult to fulfill due to constant vomiting, try to drink in small sips, but often after short breaks.

Proper nutrition will help you get rid of ice acetone can be eliminated by a proper diet.  You should limit your food intake during the first day. The digestive system will cope more easily with intoxication. Next, you need to stick to a diet. Frequent meals with small meals will ease the digestive system. The absence of animal fats will have a good effect on the digestive process.

You can use a soda solution. Dissolve 5 grams of soda in a glass of water, drink this mixture daily. At the first symptoms of acetone, you should drink a cup of sweet hot tea. Be sure to observe bed rest, it is easier to overcome difficulties at rest.

It is possible to treat the appearance of acetone by alternative methods with the approval of a doctor. The use of sauerkraut every day for two months can remove acetone from the urine. Folk healers of garlic offer grinding under pressure, cooking in the form of tea, and constant use of such a drink. Linden flower tea is useful for all patients with diabetes because it helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

The main treatment for type 1 diabetes is the regular use of insulin. With the constant intake of hormones, acetone will be excreted from the body. Sometimes enterosorbents - Smecta, Polysorb, Polyphepan - are prescribed for complete and fast disposal of acetone.

Negative complications

Acetone has a toxic effect on the body. The most dangerous consequence of diabetes is ketonemia - the appearance of acetone in the blood. Its symptoms are dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, confusion and fainting. In severe cases, the sick person falls into a coma.

Urine normally does not have a sharp, unpleasant odor. But if a little remains, it acquires a slight ammonia hue, which is formed due to alkaline fermentation. There will be a persistent stench of sour apples in the urine if acetone is present.

Prolonged ketonuria results in death from heart failure, respiration, or cerebral edema. Therefore, at the first signs of this pathology, it is necessary to contact your doctor. With diabetes, you need to be twice as careful about your health.

Urine acetone for diabetes

Very often diabetics have to deal with a disease called ketonuria. This physiological abnormality is characterized by the shapeless appearance of ketone bodies (or acetone) in the urine.

In the absence of timely treatment, the level of toxic organic matter can reach dangerous values, resulting in an increased likelihood of complications and death. Therefore, the identification of alarming symptoms should be a reason to consult a specialist immediately.

How are ketones produced in the body?

Acetone in urine with diabetes is formed according to a series of biological reactions in which 2 main substances are involved - glucose and insulin. The first is the most important source of energy in the form of monosaccharides (simple carbohydrates). And insulin (a pancreatic hormone) controls glucose.

When, due to any defects in the endocrine system, the amount of insulin decreases sharply, the sugar level begins to rise pathologically, bypassing the normal level. A significant portion of simple carbohydrates cannot be absorbed by the body, so tissues and cellular structures feel hungry.

The brain picks up alarms from diffThe brain detects signals from many regions of the body that want nourishment.erent parts of the body that need nutrients. Trying to stabilize the disturbed balance allows you to switch to a new way of restoring energy, which is a backup. The next step is the breakdown of lipids (fat cells), not glucose. However, together with a small number of monosaccharides, it releases by-products, toxic acetone.

Possible causes of acetone synthesis

There may be several factors that provoke insulin deficiency and, as a consequence, the process of acetone release. The most common are the following:

  • prolonged stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • eclampsia (severe toxicosis during gestation);
  • violation of the schedule of insulin injection into the blood;
  • ultra-high physical activity;
  • sunstroke;
  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • use of drugs;
  • tumor formations;
  • dehydration;
  • central nervous system trauma (central nervous system);
  • regular drinking of alcoholic beverages;
  • lack of carbohydrates in food;
  • diarrhea;
  • eat excessive amounts of protein and fat;
  • experienced surgery;
  • taking medications that artificially increase the glycemic index;
  • infectious diseases;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • anemia.

It is worth noting that acetone is often formed in the urine of a diabetic if poor quality insulin is regularly injected.

What are the symptoms of ketonuria?

The disease can be diagnosed by characteristic physiological signs, which include:

  • temperature rise;
  • general weakness;
  • frequent urination;
  • short-term fainting;
  • chronic thirst;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • shortness of breath (even in the absence of increased activity);
  • dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • narrowing headache;
  • intoxication;
  • hangover;
  • the smell of acetone from the body;
  • neurosis;
  • dry skin;
  • stomach pain;
  • dry mouth.


Usually, if ketonuria is suspected, the doctor prescribes a special urine analysis that reveals the exact content of the ketone elements. However, you can conduct the study yourself, there are 2 main methods for that.

Using test strips (Uriket, Acetontest, etc.). They are available at nearly every drugstore. After carefully studying the instructions, it is necessary to reproduce several actions in accordance with the rules, and then compare the color that appears on the test strip with the indicators on the scale. If the parameter exceeds 3.5 mmol / L (hazardous concentration), you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Ammonia addition. About 10-15 ml of ammonium hydroxide should be added to a clean urine container. The presence of ketone bodies will be shown by staining the liquid in a sparse (bright red) color.

In fact, ketone bodies with the normal functioning of both adult and child bodies should not manifest during urination. Therefore, even a small amount of acetone is a signal for action.

Is it possible to solve the problem yourself?

As mentioned earlier, ketonuria can be triggered by many factors, each of which has its own characteristics. At home, a person can detect ketone bodies in the urine but does not have the ability to determine the true cause of the deviation. Attempting to self-medicate when, in addition to acetone pathology, the body is also affected by diabetes, it is very dangerous.

It is safest to consult a doctor. He will first give instructions for KLA (general blood test), urine diagnosis, and biochemistry. Then, after studying the results of the study, they will determine a more appropriate course of treatment that contributes to the safe removal of acetone from the body.

How to remove acetone from the body with diabetes at home

Insulin deficiency increases the concentration of glucose in the blood.

What to do with high acetone?

Elevated acetone is an alarming symptom that may be suspected by the characteristic odor of acetone from the patient's breathing. The following symptoms are associated with the condition:

  • increased thirst;
  • temperature rise;
  • stomach pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • weakness.

Acetone in the urine in diabetes threatens the development of ketoacidosis, which leads to coma.

Acetone in the urine occurs with a lack of insulin. This happens when a patient forgets to give an injection or intentionally reduces the amount of insulin given. This condition can develop if an expired injection is used.

In some cases, acetone is released due to the body's increased need for insulin action. It happens with heart attacks, stress, and stroke.

Acetone in diabetes can be removed in only one way - it is to normalize sugar levels. The appearance of a sharp smell of acetone during breathing is a reason to contact the clinic. Correction of this condition is carried out under the supervision of medical staff.

Short-acting insulin is administered to the patient at regular intervals. The number of medicine increases. Injections every hour.

Be sure to take steps to restore the acid and water balance in the body. Saline and saline are used for this. In addition, coagulation group preparations are prescribed.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, this condition rarely develops and is associated with complications of the disease. If the patient neglects the diet, the risk of complications increases many times over. To normalize the patient's condition, a number of drugs that stimulate the pancreas are prescribed. Over time, this leads to a decrease in insulin synthesis by pancreatic cells, which causes the appearance of acetone in the urine. In this case, the smell of acetone in type 2 diabetes indicates the need for insulin injection therapy, because sugar-lowering drugs are not enough to reduce the concentration of glucose.

In elderly patients, such symptoms may indicate pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, or brain, which increase the need for insulin.

A patient with type 2 diabetes, noticing the smell of acetone, should consult an endocrinologist.

Home treatment

To detect increased acetone in the urine, test strips for home use help. Depending on the result of the analysis, a decision is made on the patient's further actions.

I have been studying the problem of diabetes for many years. It is frightening when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to tell you the good news - the Endocrinology Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has managed to develop a drug that completely cures diabetes mellitus. Currently, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

If there is at least one plus, the acetone level increases slightly and the treatment is carried out at home. To do this, it is necessary to normalize blood glucose levels by injection, review the diet and restore water loss in the body.

Two corks on the tape during the analysis indicate the development of a dangerous pathological process. At the same time, the patient's breath acquires a distinct acetone odor. Seek medical attention. If this is not possible, you must call the doctor on duty and consult about further actions. Treatment is based on increasing the amount of hormone applied.

Three markers on the test strip indicate a dangerous premature condition in which he cannot self-medicate, the patient needs urgent hospitalization.

The only way to remove acetone from the body in diabetes at home is to inject insulin. Injections reduce sugar levels. The patient needs to make up for the lack of fluid in the body, for this, he needs to drink a lot of water. It is recommended to drink a glass of still mineral water or clean water with a pinch of soda every hour.

To get rid of acetone, you need to increase your insulin dose, but this cannot be done without consulting your doctor. It is recommended to call a clinic or call an ambulance at home.

Elderly patients should call an ambulance at the first sign of acetone in the urine. Decreased insulin may occur due to vascular pathologies, so self-medication is not required.

The following rules will help avoid the development of ketoacidosis and the appearance of acetone in the urine that preceded it:

  • exact adherence to the time interval between injections;
  • sugar control;
  • Balanced diet;
  • lack of stress.

You need to measure your blood sugar every day. Contact your doctor for any deviations of this value. If the sugar is kept at an elevated level, a violation of the salt balance in the body begins and acetone appears in the urine. This happens with carbohydrate abuse. The increase in acetone can be stimulated by the use of alcohol, which is forbidden in diabetes.

With a low-carbohydrate diet, occasionally increasing the concentration of acetone in the urine may be a common option, but only if the value does not exceed 1.5-2 mmol / L. Noticing such values ​​on test strips and comparing them to a low-carbohydrate diet, the patient would consult an endocrinologist.

The patient should not independently adjust the dose of insulin administered or change the injection schedule. Too long an interval between injections and a decrease in dosage can cause a sudden increase in blood glucose and lead to the development of dangerous conditions, leading to coma. All changes in the treatment regimen must be agreed upon with the endocrinologist in both the first and second type of disease

Urine acetone in diabetes: causes, prevention, symptoms

It was 130 kg now 65! In a week, 17 kg of fat came out without diet and exercise! I drank cheap bitters. A fat belly is not from food! It will burn in 3 days, drink a strong Soviet on an empty stomach! Easy weight loss is available to everyone! Fat burns are ordinary. The age of fat is not from food! He will leave in 3 days, drink ordinary Soviet food on an empty stomach ...

The smell of acetone in diabetes

In case the work of the pancreas leaves much to be desired, insulin is secreted in small amounts or not produced at all. In this scenario, glucose is extremely difficult to enter cells without assistance, causing starvation to begin at the cellular level. The brain begins to constantly signal a lack of nutrients, leading to an increase in human appetite - this imbalance leads to an increase in blood sugar.

In the fight against excess glucose, the brain causes auxiliary energy substances - ketone bodies, the form of which is acetone in diabetes. Under the influence of these substances, cells begin to absorb (burn) fats and proteins, because they can not fully cope with glucose.

Expert opinion of Gusev Julia Alexandrova A specialized endocrinologist who has poisoned the body with ketone bodies can lead to the formation of ketoacidosis, which results in diabetic coma or death.

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