The symptomatology and etiology of diabetes mellitus enable the identification of diseases that are dangerous to human life and health. Swelling of the legs in diabetes, along with edema of the internal organs, are factors that threaten diabetics.
It is the swelling of the legs that first indicates impaired blood circulation and nervous regulation in diabetics. If a patient with diabetes has severely swollen extremities, such edema is visible.
However, if an internal organ is swollen, it will be invisible. For example, only a doctor can diagnose cerebral edema. It is necessary to consult a doctor because severe swelling of internal organs can only be treated with medication.
Reasons and Course
Avascular surgeons and endocrinologists can help diagnose severe edema of the internal organs.
Swelling is a collection of fluid in the soft tissue. The disease manifests unevenly. In 70% of cases, the lower and upper limbs swell, while in 30% of cases, the internal organs swell.
It has been determined that in diabetics, one leg is often thicker than the other. If an arm or leg is swollen, pressing on the limb will leave a characteristic dent.
Diabetes is the most prevalent cause of leg swelling. Because internal and external organs can swell in diabetes, the causes of swelling vary. Swelling of the body with type 1 diabetes is generally natural and worsens a person’s well-being.
Swelling of the lower and upper extremities can occur in diabetics suffering from arthropathy (damage to the diabetic joint). Swelling and discoloration to red are the first signs of the disease.
In patients with angiopathy (vascular damage), neuropathy (nerve damage), and cardiovascular disease, the legs are also the first to swell.
The main reasons for swelling of the legs in diabetes are poor nervous regulation and inadequate blood circulation. Edema in type 2 diabetes is common. Women often experience swelling in their bellies, arms, and faces.
Edema can also be caused by kidney disease and other chronic conditions.
Soft tissue swelling in diabetics can be caused by:
- Renal failure
- Pregnancy
- Varicose veins
- Poor diet
- Tight shoes
- Impaired water and salt metabolism
- Decreased nerve conduction
- Weakness and damage to blood vessels
- Chronic disease
Dangers and Consequences
If the swelling of the feet is not treated in time, unpleasant consequences can occur. The toes can become deformed, the shape of the feet can change, and there are often subluxations, dislocations, and fractures.
Some feet may hurt, change color from natural to red, expand, or shorten. To recognize a diabetic foot, doctors have introduced the concept of the "diabetic foot," which includes swollen legs, sore and dry skin, and corns.
In diabetics, nails can sometimes become deformed, and the risk of skin infection increases. If a finger is swollen to the point where its color changes from natural to bluish, there is a high risk of finger amputation.
pulmonary edema can occur if the patient is given the wrong therapy. The appearance of venous thrombosis and brain edema are the most dangerous complications of the disease because they can be life-threatening.
Symptoms of swelling of the lower extremities have their own characteristics:
- Burning in the hands or feet;
- Strong pulsations in the upper or lower extremities;
- Painful sensation;
- skin redness;
- Hair loss in the upper or lower extremities;
- Slow wound healing;
- Deformity of toes and toes;
- Decreased sensitivity, upper or lower limbs swollen.
Read What Are The Negative Effects Of Sugar On The Body
Treatment to relieve edema
The treatment of edema in diabetics is complex, involving medications and sometimes alternative methods and diets.
Anti-edema medication for diabetes should be coordinated with doctors and properly combined with existing medications the diabetic is already taking.
It is crucial to focus on the compatibility of drugs containing different ingredients, as some substances can mutually exclude the use of others.
Doctors recommend choosing an anti-edema drug based on the etiology of the disease. For instance, if leg swelling is caused by nephropathy, normalizing the glycemic index is essential.
Special attention should be paid to the diet. If cardiovascular disease is the cause of the swelling, drug therapy is necessary.
Valsartan can be used to lower blood pressure. Captopril, an ACE inhibitor, helps reduce blood pressure and prevent kidney disease development. Diuretics such as Furosemide and Verospirone are effective in removing excess water from the tissues.
If the swelling is due to hormonal imbalances associated with type 2 diabetes, maintenance therapy with mineral and vitamin complexes can be helpful.
For neuropathy, analgesics like Ketorol or Ketorolac may be prescribed. To treat skin damage in diabetes, Betadine, Miramistin, or hydrogen peroxide are recommended.
Traditional remedies
Elderly individuals often prefer folk remedies for treatment. Homemade ointments with honey and eucalyptus tincture can relieve swelling of the lower extremities.
These should be rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day. If the feet swell, decoctions of primrose, ginseng root, beet, oats, or hydration can be helpful.
To prepare a decoction, pour 200-250 g of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the dry mixture and let it steep. Figs are also effective in reducing swelling.
To prepare, boil a few figs in water. Drinking one tablespoon of fig water five times a day helps remove excess water from the soft tissues until the symptoms disappear.
Prevention Measures
- If a patient’s legs swell periodically due to diabetes mellitus, preventive measures should be taken.
- Daily Foot Examination: Diabetics should carefully examine their feet every day, paying special attention to the soles, interdigital spaces, and feet.
- Hygiene: Daily hygienic procedures are essential. It is recommended to wash your feet with cold water during the day. Any skin diseases should be treated promptly.
- Skincare: Use oily nourishing creams for foot care. Massaging feet with essential oil can help prevent swelling.
- Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity and physiotherapy.
- Diet: A diabetic diet should eliminate excessive consumption of sugary foods.
- Rest: Diabetics need ample rest, ensuring that the legs are elevated above the body.
What to do if your legs swell from diabetes?
In this article you will learn:
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects the whole body. Glucose damages blood vessels and nerves, and this cannot affect organs and systems. Very often diabetes affects the legs. What to do when your legs swell from diabetes, we will discuss in this article.
Elevated glucose levels are a trigger complication.
- Glucose directly affects the nerves. Nerve fibers innervate the vessels, regulating their lumen. When nerve fibers are damaged, the vascular wall does not receive the desired nerve impulse, therefore, the blood vessel performs its function poorly. The blood in the legs stagnates, and this is a prerequisite for edema.
- Blood glucose crystallizes and damages the vascular wall. The affected vessels become stained, and the wall becomes permeable to plasma. Plasma flows into the intercellular space, resulting in edema.
But you should remember that diabetes increases the susceptibility to cardiovascular disease (the heart fails well with its pumping, blood stagnates), obesity (with an overweight and heart it is difficult to pump blood and it is difficult for blood vessels to cope with their work), kidneys are damaged (the kidneys will not behave well with excretory function).
Diseases unrelated to diabetes mellitus, such as thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, arterial insufficiency, and varicose veins, can also occur. Consequently, when edema appears in individuals with diabetes, a comprehensive examination should be undertaken, which includes:
- General urine analysis;
- General blood test;
- Blood chemistry;
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities;
- Echocardiography;
- ECG;
- Kidney ultrasound.
In addition, inflammatory swelling of the legs can occur with diabetes. As you know, with diabetes there is a tendency to dry skin and infection. Patients may suffer from itching, and scratches that heal poorly, and may become infected. The skin in this area will be swollen, painful, and red. Such edema will be asymmetric.
Signs of edema
Before the onset of edema in patients with diabetes, specific sensations occur:
- Stiffness, crawling "goosebumps" (a sign of damage to nerve endings);
- The pale skin of the feet, the feet are constantly frozen (a sign of violation of the blood supply to the feet);
- Then edemas appear, at first subtle, but if left untreated, the picture worsens and the swelling is visible to the naked eye.
The appearance of edema in diabetes is a bell that the veins have already suffered from high glucose levels and it is time to take urgent measures, otherwise, the disease will progress.
If left untreated, the feet can suffer even more: trophic poorly healing ulcers or an incredible complication - diabetic foot syndrome. If you delay treatment, you may even lose a limb.
- The most important thing is to monitor your blood glucose levels. You need to buy a glucometer for this purpose.
- Be monitored regularly by your doctor, and undergo the necessary examinations, including ultrasound of the veins in your legs.
- Stop smoking - nicotine causes the narrowing of blood vessels and thus worsens the violation of blood flow in the legs.
- Follow a low-cholesterol diet, because cholesterol narrows the lumen of the arteries and also contributes to a violation of the blood supply to the legs.
- Wear comfortable flat shoes.
- Useful daily walks in the fresh air (of course, in comfortable shoes) to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities.
- Avoid damaging the skin of your feet.
- Follow other organs like kidneys and heart.
- Examine your feet daily, especially your feet, for damage, cracks, scars, and ulcers. If detected, treat with antiseptics and consult a doctor. With diabetes, the pain sensitivity is reduced, so you can’t easily notice the injury.
With edema beginning, a good effect is given by resting with raised legs. For example, lie on your back, put a pillow under your feet, and rest for about 15-20 minutes. This position helps to “empty” the legs of stagnant blood. It is recommended to do this type of rest several times a day.
Foot massage, especially lymphatic drainage foot massage.
It is possible to prescribe radioprotectors and drugs that improve blood flow (pentoxifylline, trental, ascorbate, troxerutin,
Prescribing diuretics (furosemide).
Take B vitamins, they improve nerve conduction.
Some recommendations
- Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease that cannot be completely cured. But you can live perfectly with it, following all the recommendations of the doctor, because then you can avoid many complications.
- Never ignore a new symptom. For you, this symptom may seem trivial (for example, stiffness, and swelling of the legs), but for the doctor, it is a bell about the progression of the disease.
- Remember the target organs that are damaged in diabetes: the heart, kidneys, and retina.
Remember, the future belongs to preventive medicine! be healthy!
Swelling of the legs in diabetes
Swelling of the legs is a common occurrence in a third of all diabetics. Due to the presence of a dangerous background disease, any change in health requires urgent medical attention. Self-medication will contribute to a waste of time and may worsen the patient’s condition.
Etiology and clinical presentation
Why do my legs swell
Constantly elevated blood sugar due to metabolic problems gradually damages the walls of blood vessels and contributes to the appearance of edema in the lower extremities.
The legs can swell because glucose makes the capillaries permeable. As a result, part of the fluid enters the intercellular space of adjacent tissues and causes an increase in its volume. This picture is especially characteristic of type 2 diabetes.
In addition to carbohydrate metabolism, the excretory system often suffers in the body of patients. The kidneys cannot cope with the load and retain water in the body.
Why your feet swell with diabetes can be explained by the presence of the following factors:
- Prevention of hyperglycemia is not enough, the patient does not have enough medications and measures.
- Excess weight, which overloads the whole body.
- Alcohol is known for its destructive effect on the circulatory system.
- Smoking.
- Hypertension. Constant pressure on the vessels inside injures and stretches them.
- tumors.
- symptoms
Conditions for swelling are:
- stiffness in the legs;
- noticeable burning sensation;
- tingling in the skin;
- violation of sensitivity to extreme temperatures (limbs freeze for no reason);
- white cold skin.
These symptoms start from the bottom of the legs, gradually rising higher and higher to the thighs.
The presence of swelling can be noted by the strips if you remove the shoes or socks.
When edema of the legs with diabetes becomes apparent, in older people this pathology leads to the appearance of accompanying problems:
- Dry skin;
- Stains;
- Neuropathic ulcers, are usually diagnosed visually and may not be felt by the patient.
How dangerous are swellings?
The main danger is provoking the development of such a complication as diabetic foot. In the absence of timely treatment, the pathology causes amputation due to necrotic processes and gangrene.
The appearance of even micro-cracks is unacceptable because the pathogenic bacteria that cause infection and suppuration penetrate deep into them.
Poor blood flow that characterizes diabetes also contributes to the development of the diabetic foot.
To prescribe adequate treatment of leg edema in diabetes mellitus, the endocrinologist conducts a thorough examination of the patient and collects a history to determine the possible causes of swelling.
His actions are as follows:
- Visual examination and palpation for temperature changes and skin thickness analysis.
- If it is possible to measure the pulse in the legs.
- Ultrasound examination of the vascular system of the legs.
- Reflex and sensitivity test.
- Neural electronic myography.
Choice of treatment tactics
The first measure is lowering blood sugar:
- Through drugs;
- Following a prescribed diet.
Then they try to increase blood flow and drain excess fluid from the legs through diuretics.
After consulting a diabetes doctor, it is allowed to use traditional medicine and herbal teas.
When cracks, cornets, or wounds appear, the foot is treated urgently:
Iodine, celery, and any alcoholic antibacterial agents are forbidden because a patient with diabetes will dry out the skin even more.
About plants
Extract-based drugs are used to restore blood circulation and damaged nerve endings:
- oats;
- St. John
- evening primrose;
- Red pepper;
- burdock;
- Hydrastis;
- ginseng.
Your doctor may prescribe herbal teas that contain these herbs.
An ointment containing honey and eucalyptus is very popular among diabetics with the appearance of edema because it quickly improves blood circulation and alleviates symptoms.
Fig compote, which is taken in 1 tablespoon, helps the elderly well. up to 5 times a day.
Not only does it alleviate bloating, but it is also excellent prevention.
Regular exercise:
- increases body tone;
- speeds up metabolism;
- strengthens and trains the walls of blood vessels;
- restores kidney and heart function;
- strengthens immunity;
- struggling with physical inactivity.
Despite the usefulness of gymnastics, when your legs are swollen, you can’t tire your body too much, but you shouldn’t leave lectures.
Additional measures of influence
What the patient can do is follow a proper diet. It involves the rejection of:
- foods containing digestible carbohydrates;
- excess fat;
- salinity.
If the swelling of the legs has developed based on cardiovascular failure, then it is necessary to take special drugs that restore the heart.
Diuretics (Furosemide) remove excess fluid and relieve symptoms, and inhibitors will help the kidneys.
If a patient is diagnosed with a hormone disorder, then the following are prescribed as a preventive measure:
- natural food supplements;
- multivitamin complexes.
Analgesics relieve pain due to neuropathic changes.
The mandatory measure is to wear compression stockings and socks. The compression effect of a special knit "squeezes" excess fluid from the legs and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
The main preventive measures are:
- Regular inspection of the foot for damage or scratches. In case of detection, it should be treated immediately with acceptable antibacterial agents.
- Wearing comfortable, safe shoes. Preferably - orthopedic. Shoes should prevent injuries and should not narrow the foot, which disrupts blood flow.
- Due to the reduced sensitivity of the skin, it is worth using any heating equipment carefully, because you can get a burn.
- An important cosmetic measure along with thorough daily hygiene is the use of a regular moisturizer.
Diabetes for the elderly is a real body test. Both men and women need constant attention to their health and responsible use of prescribed medications. But even that cannot guarantee the absence of swelling, which requires immediate treatment.
How to treat leg edema in diabetes
The article describes how to treat leg swelling in diabetes. The disease is considered a dangerous disease resulting from a lack of the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas. The hormone insulin can cause damage to the health of the body: human organs and systems.
Impaired carbohydrate metabolism leads to an increase in blood sugar, and tissue structures can no longer cope with glucose excretion. This leads to disorders of the exchange of water, salt, protein, and fat in the body.
The complex of hormonal and metabolic transformations is recommended to be carried out with the lack of the necessary complex of therapy. Serious complications occur without treatment:
- condition before impact;
- myocardial infarction and heart failure;
- severe damage to the eye vessels;
- excretory system disease.
Limb edema of the legs with diabetes
In addition to diabetes, the heart and circulatory system, arteries, and capillaries are affected, and they are subject to blockages due to disorders in the excretion of sugar from the body.
Clogging of the blood vessels around the eyes leads to blindness. Obstruction of the renal arteries leads to renal failure. If the coronary arteries and arteries of the brain become clogged, heart attacks occur, leading to a pre-stroke condition.
Diabetes causes complications in the lower extremities, and edema of the legs can occur. Leg edema.
Causes of edema of the legs in diabetes
There are reasons for the defeat of the lower extremities and swelling of the legs in people with diabetes:
- arthropathy causes damage to the ankle of the leg against diabetes;
- angiopathy affects the blood vessels of the body;
- neuropathy leads to damage to nerve endings in diabetes.
The primary factors of arthropathy are swelling and redness of the feet. Leg edema with diabetes occurs with a variety of complications, including diabetes-related cardiovascular disease. Without treatment, systemic edema of the legs with diabetes leads to:
- changes in the structure of the fingers;
- subluxation.
Diabetic foot disease in current medicine is called "diabetic foot". Anyone diagnosed with diabetes is required to constantly monitor the situation with their feet. Follow these syndromes:
- limb pain;
- swelling of one of the legs;
- limb stiffness;
- decreased leg sensitivity;
- roughness, stratification of the skin on the foot;
- a frequent manifestation of corn;
- change in the structure of the nails and feet.
Diagnosis of leg edema in diabetes
For a diabetic to be able to determine the swelling of the feet, it is enough to press the pad of the toe on the area of hardening. With edema of the lower extremities, but no swelling, a hole appears in the area. It should disappear after twenty or thirty seconds. To treat edema of the legs in diabetes, you need to make an appointment with a doctor.
Treatment of leg edema
Therapy for leg swelling, such as diabetes, requires a holistic approach that includes:
- close cooperation of the patient with the doctor;
- drug treatment;
- diet and diet;
- keeping the body healthy and sustainable.
When you diagnose leg swelling, you urgently need to make an appointment with a surgical vessel and an endocrinologist. Doctors will examine the body, determine the degree of foot damage, and prescribe the necessary medications and therapy.
The patient will receive recommendations that help in the proper care of the lower limbs, if necessary, the medical staff will conduct a hygienic treatment of the feet with antiseptic, applying various types of therapeutic ointments or corn cuttings.
In diabetes and edema, it is recommended that doctors repeat the procedure of diagnosing the legs at least once a year. Standard intake and treatment consist of:
- physical examination and examination;
- listening to the pulse in the legs;
- ultrasound examination of the veins of each lower limb;
- reflex tests of knee joint neurology;
- control of different types of sensitivity;
- ENMG (electronic neural myography).
Prevention of swelling
Examination of the legs of a person with diabetes consists of simple but necessary principles, following the rules, there is a great opportunity to prevent the development of serious diseases.
By preventing edema of the ankles and other symptoms of the disease, people avoid exacerbation. Prevention of leg edema is in the following positions:
- Daily systematic examination of the feet in which the main attention must be paid to the foot, sole, and the toes between the toes;
- Daily hygienic procedures include washing the feet. Washing is done with neutral soap in cold water. It is then recommended to wipe the feet with smooth movements with a soft towel made of natural cloth. It is recommended to exclude synthetic tissue for diabetes.
Treatment and care of the lower extremities of a person with diabetes
Diabetes treatment and foot care:
- Removal of the cuticle on the nails using nails and tweezers. The procedure removes the likelihood of getting a different type of microtrauma;
- Use of fatty oils for soles;
- Treatment of hardened areas with mushrooms;
- Daily inspection of shoes for the presence of protrusions, tearing of insoles, penetration of gravel and foreign objects that can rub or leave injuries on the skin of the feet;
- Wearing more comfortable shoes;
- Call a doctor when symptoms of the fungus appear: roughness, redness, burning sensation;
- Massage of the lower extremities with the use of medicinal essential oil;
- Conducting medical gymnastics and exercises;
- Maintaining a rest and diet regimen aimed at reducing the consumption of sugar and foods that include the specified type of ingredients.
Remember, treatment with the help of drugs alone will not bring greater benefit to a diabetic patient than complex and universal treatment.
Dietary food and physical exercises with masters at the right time without firming will help the patient forget about the swelling of the legs in diabetes, improve the digestive system, and maintain cells dependent on insulin production and damage.
Edema in diabetes: what to do?
Hello, dear readers. The human body is 70% water. Approximately 2/3 is inside the cells and 1/3 is in the intercellular space. If the volume of fluid in the intercellular space has increased, then edema occurs.
Edema is a signal that some pathological process is taking place in the body. There are many reasons why edema occurs. In this article, we will look at the swelling of diabetes and what to do with them.
Why is swelling with diabetes?
Edema is a swelling of the tissue that results from the accumulation of fluid in the body. This is a visual symptom that indicates pathological problems in the body.
In both types of diabetes 1 and 2, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, which contributes to an increase in blood sugar. It is its high content that is the driver for the development of complications.
High sugars damage nerve endings. Nerve fibers supply nerves to the blood vessels, which regulate their lumen. In the case of nerve fiber damage, the blood vessels do not receive the necessary impulses and "badly" do their job. There is stagnation of blood in the legs, which is the reason for the appearance of edema.
Glucose crystallizes and damages blood vessels. Damaged vessels become thin and brittle. Their walls become sensitive to plasma, which enters the intercellular space. The result is swelling.
So it turned out that high blood sugar was to blame. But in addition to these main reasons, other factors affect fluid accumulation.
With diabetes, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. The heart does not fully fulfill its function of "pumping out" and the blood stagnates.
The predisposition to obesity, which often accompanies diabetics, can also cause limb swelling. In addition, damage to the kidneys, which perform a poor excretory function, can also cause swelling.
How to understand that you swell?
With diabetes, the arms, legs, face, feet, and hips can become swollen. To determine the swelling yourself, you need to lightly press the swollen area with your finger, and then remove it sharply.
If a hole remains on the skin that disappears within 5-7 seconds, then there is an accumulation of fluid in the body and it is necessary to consult a doctor.
In addition to edema, the following symptoms are possible:
- pain;
- worse;
- redness;
- tingling sensation;
- stiffness;
- feeling of "creeping" goosebumps;
- decreased sensitivity;
- the feeling of heaviness.
Depending on which organ is affected, the sites of swelling will also change.
With kidney damage, the face, eyes, especially the eyelids, usually swell. The swelling spreads from top to bottom. The skin has a pale color. It is warm to the touch. When pressed, a pit is formed that quickly disappears.
With cardiovascular disease, swelling of the legs occurs. The swelling extends to the hips. Cardiac arrhythmia is noticed and excessive fatigue occurs. The skin becomes bluish and becomes cold. The pressure trap is slowly smoothed out.
Who to contact with edema?
If there is edema, it is necessary to consult a doctor: endocrinologist or vascular surgeon. Experts will collect a medical history to determine the causes of the swelling. The diagnosis is as follows:
- visual examination by palpation;
- determination of additional symptoms: pain, tingling, etc .;
- general analysis of urine and blood;
- blood chemistry;
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities;
- Ultrasound of the heart and kidneys;
- cardiogram.
After diagnostic measures, the doctor will be able to determine the causes of edema and prescribe appropriate treatment.
How to treat swelling?
Edema is just a symptom of the disease. Therefore, treatment requires the cause that causes it. Treatment is carried out comprehensively in all directions:
- Normalize blood sugar.
- Adjusting sugar or adjusting insulin dose.
- Treatment of the urinary system.
- Treatment of the cardiovascular system.
- Diet food.
- Psychic exercise.
- Rejecting bad habits.
How to alleviate swelling at home?
Traditional medicine offers how to remove swelling of the feet with various baths and decoctions. But you have to understand that these actions can only make the situation worse. Therefore, it is better to consult an expert before using them.
Treatment of edema with folk remedies is possible with a therapeutic infusion. To prepare it you need oats, beans, currants, and lilac buds. They are mixed in equal amounts.
Then 2 tablespoons of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and lasts 2 hours. Filter and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
You can also prepare a decoction of flax seeds. To do this, 2 tablespoons of seeds are poured into 0.5 liters. water and simmer for half an hour. Cool, filter, and take half a glass every morning for 2 weeks.
Instead of a conclusion
How to treat edema? You need to move more and be in the fresh air, so as not to allow "stagnant" phenomena. The better the metabolism - the less swelling.
If your feet are swollen from heat or fatigue, place them on a slight elevation for 15 minutes to facilitate the outflow of fluid. Or take a warm bath with sea salt: 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water.
- Visual examination by palpation to determine skin thickness.
- Control of different types of sensitivity.
- Measurement of pulse in the legs in the absence of extensive edema.
- Knee reflex check.
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities.
- Determination of peripheral nerves and muscles using ENMG (electron-neural myography).
To eliminate diabetic edema, you must follow a series of rules. You must perform the following steps:
- Normalize glycemia (sugar levels) to reduce the risk of damage to peripheral blood vessels.
- Follow a therapeutic diet, especially for type 2 diabetes edema. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats and fast carbohydrates, which negatively affect the walls of blood vessels.
- Stop smoking because nicotine causes vasospasm, which leads to angiopathy.
Medical treatment is aimed at relieving bloating. Methods of therapy are divided into:
- Conservative - normalization of blood glucose, removal of swelling with the help of drugs and folk remedies, prevention of possible complications.
- Surgical - removal of small areas of skin with necrotic lesions. Vascular regeneration (angioplasty) is performed. If complications are severe, partial or complete amputation of the foot is used.
Swelling of the legs in diabetes is treated with several groups of drugs. That includes:
- Angiotensin receptor blockers (Valsartan) - lower blood pressure.
- Diuretics (Furosemide, Veroshpiron) - remove excess fluid by increasing the amount of urine.
- ACE inhibitors (captopril) - prevent the development of complications in the kidneys.
- Analgesics (Ketorol, Ketorolac) - relieve pain.
- Metabolism (Riboxin) - dilates blood vessels.
- Antiseptics (Miramistin, Furatsilin) - disinfect wounds, and ulcers.
- Supplements (Oligim) - restore vitamin and mineral balance.
Effective medications to treat diabetic edema are several medications. The best three are opened by Valsartan:
- The drug is prescribed to reduce the risk of heart failure and normalize blood pressure.
- Edema tablets should be taken without chewing at a dose of 40 mg 2 r / d. The capsules are taken once a day (all 80 mg).
- The advantages of the drug include high efficacy and a rare manifestation of side effects.
- The need for a long course of treatment can be considered a minus of Valsartan.
- Actovegin follows. Short description:
- A nootropic agent is used to improve cellular metabolism and increase capillary flow.
- Intravenous injections must be given in combination with sodium chloride or glucose solution. The daily dose is 20 ml, and the infusion - 10-50 ml. Then prescribe 3 tablets 3 r / d course 4-5 months.
- The advantages of Actovegin are high efficiency, and the absence of side effects.
- Disadvantages include the high cost of the drug.
- In third place is the drug Tiogamma. His description:
- The drug belongs to the group of antioxidants, increases the level of glycogen in the liver, and improves the condition of peripheral nerve fibers in diabetes.
- Take 1 tablet daily before breakfast. The course of treatment for swelling is 1-2 months.
- The advantages of Thiogamma are ease of use and fast positive therapeutic effect.
- An extensive list of contraindications and side effects can be attributed to the minuses, although adverse reactions are rare.
If scratches, cracks, or fissures appear in diabetes and edema, it is forbidden to treat them with diamond green, alcohol, or iodine. This can make the problem worse. To reduce the risk of skin lesions, it is necessary to moisturize the feet with nourishing creams and ointments every night, after the completion of water procedures.