Causes Of Frequent Urination In Diabetes

 Causes Of Frequent Urination In Diabetes

Normally, a person visits the toilet during the day to urinate up to 8 times. It depends on food composition, fluid intake, as well as diuretic medications. In this case, three-quarters of the fluid received is excreted by the kidneys, and the rest by sweat and respiration.

With diabetes, the number of visits to the toilet increases to 15-50, while the excretion of urine is abundant. This violates not only the daily rhythm of life but also leads to sleep disorders because patients have to wake up at least five times a night to pray.

The symptom of polyuria (increased urine output) refers to the classic manifestations of diabetes and is usually combined with two more - increased thirst and appetite. Excessive fluid release in diabetes (diabetes mellitus) leads to dehydration.

Norm and pathology of urination

In the absence of serious diseases affecting the urinary system, a person goes to the toilet an average of 8 times a day. The number of trips is affected by drunk fluids, some food, and the use of diuretics. Thus, with ARVI or during watermelon use, this amount can be significantly increased.

Only 1 part of the consumed fluid is excreted by breathing and then by the kidneys. With diabetes, the number of days and night visits to the toilet can be increased to 50, and the outflow of urine will be abundant each time. At night, a sick person can wake up 5-6 times.

In diabetes, thirst and strong appetite caused by cell dehydration are accompanied by polyuria (increased urine output).

Classification of cystitis

In the medical field, there is a categorization of cystitis that differs:

  • Infectious (indicates a pathogen).
  • Non-infectious (chemical, medicinal, allergic, food).
  • acute.
  • Chronic (lasts more than 3 months).
By escalating the inflammatory response:

The presence of complications:

Uncomplicated - it develops with an unchanged urinary tract, without concomitant diseases and provoking factors. Approximately half of the patients are subsequently diagnosed with a latent kidney infection.

Complicated - arises as a result of functional and organic alterations in the bladder, the existence of concurrent illnesses of internal organs, and the use of instrumental research methods. Complicated conditions include old age, nosocomial infection, pregnancy.

Pathogenesis and etiology

The occurrence of polyuria is directly related to high blood glucose. In parallel with its increase, the pressure in the tubules of the filtering organ increases, because glucose can absorb and remove fluid (up to 40 ml of fluid per 1 g of substance).

The reverse absorption of water consumed by a person with diabetes is impaired due to metabolic problems. As a result, fluid loss can reach 10 liters per day.

Important! Due to dehydration, important substances are flushed out of the body - potassium and sodium, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

However, frequent urination with type 2 diabetes does not always appear only as a sign of hyperglycemia, the pathology develops:

  • With diabetic neuropathy;
  • With the development of pyelonephritis or cystitis;
  • With bladder neuropathy.

The prolonged course of the disease affects the sensitivity of the nerve fibers, making it difficult for the body to control the accumulated urine. Urinary incontinence often occurs in the development of bladder neuropathy. Another reason for frequent urination in diabetes is the development of a kidney or bladder infection.

If it wasn’t diabetes, what else could it be?

An increase in the frequency of urination often indicates not only the appearance of diabetes but also serves as a symptom of other diseases, such as:

  • development of cardiovascular failure;
  • the presence of prostate tumors in men;
  • various pelvic floor injuries;
  • cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • kidney stones;
  • chronic renal failure.

Also, frequent urination can be caused by the use of large amounts of water, drinks in the hot season, foods that have a diuretic effect (watermelon, cranberries, and others), and diuretic medications. During pregnancy, women start urinating more often because a growing unborn baby puts pressure on the bladder.

Bladder destruction

With diabetes, the bladder stops functioning normally when autonomic neuropathy develops.

If a person usually feels the urge to urinate when 300 ml of urine accumulates, then patients with cytopathic do not feel it even 500 ml. This can cause incontinence at night.

The symptoms are accompanied by:

  • Incomplete bladder emptying;
  • Poor urine flow;
  • Long trips to the toilet;
  • Urine flow between toilet visits;
  • With a prolonged course of cytopathic, urinary incontinence occurs.

Preventive measures

To prevent difficulty urinating, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Don't get too cold. Try to keep your feet warm. Low temperature forces the body to focus on thermoregulation, which increases the risk of pathogens.
  2. Reject harmful products. Spicy spices, alcohol, soda, smoked meat, and some other foods can cause mucosal irritation. This is especially dangerous in chronic urinary retention because the swelling occurs and the lumen narrows. Deterioration may occur.
  3. Adhere to hygiene. Insufficient ventilation, excessive moisture, and lack of care create fertile ground for bacterial growth. After hygienic procedures, it is necessary to remove excess fluid with wipes. You should only buy bedding from natural materials.
  4. Do sports. Exercise helps maintain muscle tone. It is important for the prevention of urination disorders.
  5. After 40 years, visit a urologist every six months. Monitoring and continuous monitoring can identify pathologies in the early stages when they are easier to deal with.
  6. Do not engage in treatment. Diuretic abuse is often the cause of urinary retention. Lack of appropriate therapy leads to worsening of the condition and complications.

Heavy urination is often not a separate disease, so it is important to monitor your health and seek help in a timely manner.

Kidney problems

The kidneys in diabetes often suffer from nephropathy, which is characterized by the destruction of filtration functions. As a result, kidney failure develops, the body is poisoned by toxins, which remain in the body for a long time and are not excreted by the kidneys.

Urine protein supplement;

  • Occurrence of vomiting and nausea;
  • Significant increase in urine volume;
  • High pressure
  • Itchy skin;
  • Weakness and headache.

In addition to worsening well-being and speeding up the process of destroying the kidneys, people with diabetes are prescribed hemodialysis.


Non-infectious urethritis occurs due to:

  • mucosal irritation with small stones in urolithiasis of the kidneys,
  • injure the canal during endoscopic cystoscopy, masturbation, in which some men improperly insert various objects into the lumen of the canal,
  • malignant neoplasms in the canal, which lead to the development of inflammation,
  • allergic diseases and diabetes, which cause itching, which causes scratching and infectious urethritis,
  • narrowing of the ducts due to tumors, prostatitis, benign pancreatic hyperplasia, which leads to stagnation of urine and inflammation,
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic veins.

Nonspecific infectious urethritis with an inflammatory process in the urethra develops with the penetration of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, and other microorganisms. With the onset of the herpes virus, viral infectious urethritis is diagnosed.

Specific infectious urethritis is gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, mycoplasma, chlamydia. The route of infection is sexual or hematogenous: the flow of blood or lymph from the site of inflammation to other organs.

Inflammation of the urethra also develops by reducing the body's defenses due to severe illness, starvation, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, stress, alcoholism, with existing chronic inflammatory foci in the body, concomitant diseases of the genitourinary organs, hypothermia, and lack of personal hygiene.

Read Signs of diabetes in children

Treatments for frequent urination

Different doctors are involved in diagnosing kidney and bladder problems in diabetes, but an endocrinologist and therapist are always involved. Blood and urine tests are prescribed first, and then doctors recommend diet and special physical exercises. If necessary, some medications are prescribed.

If treatment fails and blood glucose levels remain high, medications to lower blood sugar are prescribed.

It is important to consider that lack of adequate treatment can lead to diabetes insipidus.

It can only be treated with hormonal drugs, and the use of tablets will remain for the rest of your life.


To discover the reason for the increase in urinary excretion, the patient is asked to measure and record the amount of fluid consumed and the amount of urine over several days.

The laboratory tests blood and urine samples for sugar, sodium, potassium and calcium, and some proteins. These tests can also indicate the cause of polyuria.

If after these studies the reason for the increase in urine production has not been clarified, examine the heart with ECG and X-rays, and the kidney with ultrasound. If diabetes and increased urination due to brain disease are suspected, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging may be performed.

Read How to lower your blood sugar

Features of a diet with frequent urination

Effective treatment for frequent urination in diabetes begins with a balanced diet. Requires competent restriction of carbohydrate foods and fats.

It is necessary to completely give up simple sugars, sweets, and white flour products. The restriction applies to products with animal fats. Sweeteners are acceptable, but only in limited quantities.

Important! Vegetables and fruits such as melons and watermelons, apricots and peaches, cranberries, grapes, celery, and tomatoes are completely excluded from the diet due to frequent urination in diabetes.

In addition to nephropathy, the patient is advised to watch for a reduction in the number of protein products in the diet. Salt is also completely excluded from the diet, ie the amount of its consumption is reduced several times. With nephropathy, it is recommended to eat no more than 0.7 g of protein per day per 1 kg of body weight.

Treatment of pathology

Traditional medicine can also make life easier for a sick person. Decoctions are mainly used to help alleviate inflammatory processes and normalize bladder function:

  • With night enuresis, a mixture of honey, ground apple, and chopped onion is prepared. Mix 1 tablespoon of each ingredient. Take it 3 times a day for a week.
  • Incontinence helps cope with the infusion of sage. 40 g of dried grass is cooked with 1 liter of boiling water and allowed to soak for 2 hours in a thermos. Take 300 mL three times per day.
  • Fennel and parsley seeds (2.5 tablespoons each) are poured with a liter of boiling milk. Place the pan on the stove and cook for 4 minutes on medium heat.t. Filter through a sieve or flask and allow to cool. Add 5 teaspoons of honey to the cooled milk. Drink 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach, 100 ml.
  • Decoction of medicinal herbs - carrots, hops, cob, and valerian - helps with stress incontinence. Equal parts of dried herbs are mixed, then 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left to soak for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup of soup 2 times a day.

The therapy for urine incontinence is determined by the underlying cause. It is critical to closely adhere to the doctor's advice throughout the postoperative phase after uterine excision.

Treatment can consist of taking medication, adhering to certain diets. If incontinence is caused by uterine prolapse, Kegel exercises are recommended here.

It will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, preventing uterine loss and eliminating voluntary urination. In the case of diabetes, surgical treatment may be needed.

For a positive course of treatment, you need to get an accurate diagnosis. To do this, go through all the necessary examinations and take the tests.

An endocrinologist is involved in the treatment of diabetes. A patient suffering from frequent urination with diabetes is prescribed a special diet and a course of special exercises is developed.

If necessary, medications are prescribed. When prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out if there are diuretics before the onset of symptoms.

If the prescribed therapeutic course did not give results, the doctor will prescribe drugs that lower blood sugar.

Special exercises to restore muscle tone of the bladder and urethra in the early stages of diabetes can bring positive results. Alternative medicine has also been used successfully to treat frequent urination in diabetes.

Rapid urination is a serious problem. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately to avoid serious health consequences.

Diabetes is not dangerous in itself. Very often it causes the development of complications. One of the common complications of diabetes is diabetic polyneuropathy.

Polyneuropathy is a pathology associated with damage to the human nervous system. Under the influence of adverse environmental factors, the patient breaks the connection between certain parts of the body and the brain.

Read How to treat diabetes 2

Features of urinary incontinence

Because of the anatomical characteristics of the urinary system, type 2 diabetes mellitus disease frequently occurs in women. Controlling the number of instincts gets increasingly difficult as the illness progresses.

The psychological aspect of urinary incontinence in diabetes leads to the fact that patients do not always tell the doctor about it. As a result, the condition only gets worse, complications join.

With timely attention to the problem, appropriate treatment is possible:

  • An integrated approach is required with the exclusion of diuretic products from the diet;
  • Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs;
  • As for the treatment of frequent urination, drug therapy has been selected to lower blood sugar and treat concomitant diseases.

Incontinence treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Type 2 diabetes

There are individuals who observe them, and we can conclude with a high degree of certainty that they have type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes has been observed in adults and is considered an epidemic worldwide.

The disease was named two thousand years ago after the Greek word “diabayno,” meaning “I flow, I will run out”. And the definition of "diabetes" was acquired relatively recently. In the eighteenth century, several English physicians independently tested the urine of diabetics and found it to be sweet.

Signs of type 2 diabetes

The initial symptoms of the disease are visible to the naked eye. People have no doubt at all that they are already developing type 2 diabetes.

These include, first of all, three main features:

  1. Obesity - contributes to insulin resistance: fat cells prevent the penetration of glucose - a source of energy - into cells. Staying in the bloodstream depletes blood vessels, which ultimately not only exacerbates type 2 diabetes, but also leads to gangrene, heart attack, and stroke.
  2. Undisputed desire to eat, especially sweet and floury foods - increases blood glucose levels.
  3. Chronic fatigue, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue.

People sometimes do not attach due importance to these signs, referring to congestion, chronic lack of sleep, and poor nutrition. But often, not getting enough energy, they do not physically feed their muscles and brain with glucose. Despite this, people may notice a symptom like increased appetite, leading to weight gain.

Overweight people do not get enough glucose in the brain. It is located in fat cells, increasing insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes. Those who observe these three signs in themselves should start measuring their blood sugar levels. This can be done independently using a glucometer: the level should not exceed 6 mmol / l.

There are other types of diabetes and other symptoms:

  • exceeding the permissible blood glucose level, measured on an empty stomach;
  • insatiable thirst - a person drinks 5 to 10 liters of water a day;
  • frequent urination
  • the impotence of the body, causing immobility;
  • rapid weight gain due to high blood glucose and insulin levels;
  • feeling of stiffness and tingling in the limbs, especially in the tips of the toes;
  • itchy skin.

With an increase in blood sugar, it becomes very thick. At such a moment, a part of the brain - the hypothalamus - gets excited and begins to cause a person to feel thirsty. The result of drinking a huge amount of fluid is an abundant and rapid excretion of urine.

Violation of normal microcirculation in the blood due to elevated glucose levels leads to poor nutrition of nerve endings. In this case, the person has a feeling of stiffness and tingling in the limbs.

The more glucose, the worse the blood circulation, and as a result - a significant decrease in immunity. Very often in people with type 2 diabetes, reproduction of the fungal microflora on the skin is observed, which causes an itchy feeling.

The final diagnosis should be made by an endocrinologist. 

Consequences of diabetes

What is the risk of type II diabetes? Due to undiagnosed diseases, people die from their complications.

High blood sugar levels affect nerve fibers: signal transmission from the brain to organs and the back is disrupted, blood vessels are depleted.

If glucose is not controlled, a person can die from complications of type 2 diabetes:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • renal failure;
  • limb gangrene.

If a disease like cancer can be cured, then type 2 diabetes is a lifelong diagnosis that forces a person to live by their own rules. To avoid blindness, heart attack, or stroke, many patients must undergo hospital treatment several times a year.

A disease like diabetes is dangerous and difficult to bear psychologically:

  • you can observe the destruction of family relationships;
  • disability;
  • frequent depressive states.

People with diabetes should not have a driver’s license. All this often leads to suicide attempts.

Half of the patients with diabetes find out about the diagnosis only when they start to refuse:

Another insidious complication can be noticed: the person stops feeling pain. This often leads to the absence of limbs.

Many doctors have not come across such a concept as diabetic foot syndrome. And instead of going to the surgeon, inappropriate treatment is carried out, which leads to a worsening of the patient’s condition. But such medical errors are still considered a rarity. But even undetected callus with such a syndrome in diabetics can lead to amputation.

Diabetes treatment

The treatment of type 2 diabetes is perceived by many as hopeless and hopeless. It has a long history. Back in the 3rd century BC Areteus of Cappadocia was the first to describe the symptoms of diabetes: thirst and frequent urination. He could not help his patients with such a diagnosis, but he took the first step in the fight against the disease.

For one officially diagnosed diabetic, three are ill without a diagnosis, meaning their treatment is not happening. Hospitals are full of people whose lives can only be saved by amputation.

It is almost impossible to cure patients with diabetes, but if you follow all the doctor's recommendations, life can be made easier and significantly extended.

Diabetes treatment includes:

  • medications selected and prescribed by a physician;
  • insulin injections.

The symptoms disappear, but not forever.

Type II diabetes can be treated without daily insulin injections. They are replaced by the use of a small device that regulates the flow of insulin in the body. This is the so-called pump. Such treatment of diabetes involves the establishment of a catheter for the person, through which the necessary hormone is continuously supplied. This eliminates the need for constant injections until the symptoms of the disease disappear but cannot be cured.

The pump is designed to give the patient the opportunity to forget about diabetes, but he will still remind himself. It is completely impossible to cure this terrible disease. Doctors claim: diabetes is not a sentence, but a way of life that cannot be violated under any circumstances.

Treatment for second-degree diabetes includes:

  • Use of medications.
  • Diet.
  • Choosing the right shoes.

This will greatly enable, if not cure the disease, then at least not cause the development of complications.

The shoes of such patients should have minimal flexibility and no internal sutures. The insert should have a perfect surface. Most often, such shoes are made to order. If you don’t pay attention to it, you can get foot problems.

Alternative treatments for high glucose of the second type include:

  • dose reduction of therapeutic drugs;
  • feasible physical education.

People who do not want to deal with a lifelong diagnosis, see in this method a rational bone and completely get rid of pills and injections.

Official medicine takes a different view: these miracles have been known to her since ancient times.

Prior to the discovery of insulin, diabetes treatment includes:

  • in accordance with a strict diet;
  • in physical activity.

Proper nutrition and the use of special sports techniques in the form of dosing can in some cases help to abandon the tablets. But the cessation of physical education leads to a return of the disease.

Maintaining a diet with modern drugs is not a problem, but it is much harder to protect yourself from the stress that causes blood sugar to jump.

However, there are so many speculations and myths about transplantation that not everyone decides on this method of dealing with diabetes. By itself, this procedure is a very complex medical operation in terms of compatibility and possible risks during the procedure. But many doctors consider this method the most effective and use it in their practice. But even after saving a person from injections and removing all the symptoms of diabetes, doctors do not believe the disease has been defeated. It remains incurable because its causes are unknown.

Treating herbs and music for diabetes with official medicine is considered nonsense. The only radical way to get rid of insulin dependence is transplantation - a rare and dangerous operation. And although all the symptoms go away, the diagnosis remains. Sports methods of treatment are suitable only in the initial stages of type 2 diabetes, provided there are no restrictions in sports.

The only affordable way to stabilize blood sugar other than medications, like 100 years ago, is through diet. Dietary change - this is the foundation on which all the recommendations for prescribing drugs are laid. If a person takes insulin, there is no food ban. People who take pills must limit themselves to foods that raise blood sugar.

All people with this diagnosis should clearly know the most important truth: it is not diabetes that should control the patient, but he.

This will help combine incurable diseases with a holistic lifestyle.

Diabetes mellitus is a complex systemic disease, which often leads to various complications and slow infections. General weakening of the body and elevated blood sugar create favorable conditions for the activation of pathological processes. Thus, cystitis becomes a common companion of diabetes.

The mechanism of development of inflammation of the bladder (this phenomenon is understood as "cystitis") in diabetes is associated primarily with a general weakening of the protective properties of the immune system, including thinning of the mucosa, as well as the development of micro-and macroangiopathy. In any case, therapeutic measures to detect the disease should be aimed not only at eliminating the source of infection, but also at compensating for blood glucose levels.

Symptoms of cystitis

The first signs of bladder disease in diabetics differ little from the standard complaints of urological patients. Celebrate here

  • cramping pain localized in the lower abdomen,
  • frequent urination, false urination,
  • urinary incontinence,
  • fever, or other signs of intoxication.
  • the presence of freckles in the urine.

Such manifestations should necessarily alert and become a reason to seek advice from a competent physician. If it is not possible to visit the clinic, then you should call a urologist at home, because starting treatment without consulting a doctor is not very useful, or even dangerous!

Even when the symptoms of cystitis are not too frightening, appropriate treatment is needed, as the infection can cause the development of pyelonephritis or the transition of the disease to chronic cystitis. Such problems are already quite difficult to correct and are dangerous with frequent relapses.

How to treat cystitis in diabetes

In addition to standard studies (general urine analysis, bacterial examination), the doctor may prescribe a bladder ultrasound or cystoscopy, according to the results of which a medication regimen will be prescribed.

As a rule, acute treatment of cystitis involves taking antibacterial agents/antibiotics. Antispasmodics may be prescribed to relieve local symptoms (cramps, severe pain). Adherence to the rules of personal hygiene is of great importance.

During the treatment period, it is useful to adhere to a frugal diet, consume fermented dairy products, probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora. It is also worth increasing the amount of fluid consumed due to clean water and liquid yogurts, kefir. At the time of taking the medicine, you may need to adjust the dose of your sugar-lowering medicine/insulin.

Prevention of frequent urination

If diabetes is diagnosed, preventive measures must be taken to protect health from complications, including frequent urination:

  1. Have regular check-ups by endocrinologists and related experts.
  2. To protect yourself from illnesses, take care of your immune system and get vaccines on schedule.
  3. Eat right, do not abuse harmful food and alcohol.
  4. Adhere to personal hygiene to protect yourself from urinary tract infections.
  5. Reduce stress in everyday life.
  6. Get a good rest.
  7. Also, in diabetes, in order to protect against complications, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood sugar levels and strictly adhere to the diet. Exercise must be present, but it must not be debilitating.
  8. In the absence of careful health care and proper lifestyle, no frequent urination therapy will be effective.
  9. Preventive measures must be carried out regularly, without violating the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. With all the requirements and diet, it is possible to almost completely eliminate all the complications of diabetes, including frequent urination.

What research needs to be done?

First of all, a patient who has noticed a frequent urge to empty the bladder should visit specialists such as endocrinologists and nephrologists. The first doctor will determine what the blood sugar is, how the thyroid works, and in what condition. In addition, he will prescribe an examination of this organ, namely, he will need to undergo laboratory tests, ultrasound examination. Depending on the results of these diagnostic measures, it will be clear whether to consult a nephrologist.

But in any case, doctors recommend a visit to this specialist, even if studies have not shown anything wrong. In fact, frequent urination is a serious pathology that must be detected and removed in a timely and correct manner.

According to the instructions of this doctor, you will need to undergo a laboratory study of blood and urine. This will help determine the integral state of these biomaterials. You will also need to go for an ultrasound to check your kidney activity.

Thanks to these methods of examination, the specialist will be able to choose the optimal treatment plan, taking into account all the details about the condition of the thyroid gland and kidneys. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to act quickly and not make a mistake with the treatment scheme of the disease.

Symptoms of cystitis in diabetics

The clinical picture of cystitis in diabetics does not differ from that in people who do not have this disease, it includes the following symptoms:

frequent urination;

  • the appearance of false urges, in which urine is excreted in drops or absent;
  • pain during urination;
  • itching and burning in the urethra;
  • leakage of urine after emptying the bladder;
  • change in urine color associated with the appearance of mucus and epithelium;
  • the appearance of bloody impurities in the urine;
  • cramps and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness, headaches.
Hope that this article might have given you clarity regarding frequent urination

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