How To Lower Your Blood Sugar

An increase in blood sugar (hyperglycemia) is a condition typical of those who have diabetes. Hyperglycemia occurs in both types of diabetes (both type 1 - insulin-dependent and type 2). Patients with type 2 diabetes have a high capacity for sugar management, and adhering to a set of guidelines can help minimize the risk of significant consequences.

Recall that the normal glucose concentration is up to 5.5 mmol / L for capillary blood, up to 6.1 mmol / L for venous blood. On an empty stomach, measurements are taken in the morning. If the indicator rises beyond 6.1 mmol/l, there is cause for concern regarding hyperglycemia.

Low carb diet

The fundamental guideline of such a diet is to limit (or, better, make an exemption for) "fast" carbs. That includes:

  • Sugar (plus all sweets, goodies);
  • Potatoes;
  • Flour (including pasta);
  • Carbonated drinks, juices;
  • Chocolate.

In that situation, there are frequent meals that can lower the content of sugar. In the event of hyperglycemia, the use of:

  • Some vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, beans, garlic, onion, spinach);
  • Meat, fish, poultry;
  • Fish;
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms.

Keep in mind: you can’t really do without a low-carb diet. It is the foundation for treating all types of diabetes and preserving the patient's normal state. Following the diet, attempt to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should not exceed 30 g. At the same time, this portion should be divided into three meals. Thus, sugar will not increase, and surviving pancreatic beta cells will have a chance to be preserved;
  • Do not overeat. Finish the meal as soon as you feel the first signs of satiety;
  • Try to include an equal amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats in each meal;
  • Plan a week in advance and follow the menu.

Physical education and sports

Moderate physical activity will benefit everyone, and those who suffer from hyperglycemia - especially. As a result of physical activity, blood sugar levels usually fall.

The set of exercises is usually chosen by the doctor, but walking is what should be present in the life of every diabetic on a daily basis. This will not only benefit glucose levels but will also build muscles and enhance general health. But don't go overboard:

Taking medication.

Medications prescribed by your doctor will quickly help you lower your blood sugar. You can not buy drugs without consulting a doctor, because before taking any drug you need to consider all the features of the clinical picture.

I must say that antidiabetic pills are effective only in mild glycemia. If glucose is too high, insulin injections are used.

All glucose-lowering drugs are divided into groups:

  • Stimulation of insulin production by the pancreas (Maninil, Diabeton MV, Novonorm, Amaril);
  • Increased insulin sensitivity (Glucophage, Siofor, Aktos, Avandya);
  • Reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines (Glucobai).
  • Sugar-lowering drugs have a number of contraindications:
  • Kidney, liver diseases;
  • Heart disease;
  • Acute conditions (heart attack, diabetic coma, stroke);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance

Traditional remedies to lower blood sugar?

You can additionally turn to homemade recipes, which will also help fight hyperglycemia. Here are just a few of them:

1) Mix chopped blueberry leaves, dandelion root (1: 1). Pour boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink a third of glass during the day;

2) Pour 1 incomplete cup of oats with 5 cups of boiling water. Leave on the fire for an hour. Stir occasionally. Strain. Drink in small meals throughout the day. The broth can be put in the cold for a few days for later use;

3) 5 tbsp. l Flaxseed pours 5 cups of lukewarm water. Cook for about 10 minutes. Insist 50 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day. Recommended course - 4 weeks;

4) boil the leaves as a tea, drink during the day;

5) 2 tbsp. l April linden buds pour 2 incomplete cups of boiling water. Insist on approx. 6 hours. Drink filtered 4 meals a day;

6) on an empty stomach drink a cocktail of juice of 1 lemon, egg. The meal should arrive in an hour. Do this for three days. Then take a 10-day rest before repeating;

7) Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 bay leaves. Leave for 20 hours in a thermos. Drink strained, in a slightly warm form. The infusion is recommended to be taken half an hour before meals, a quarter cup four times a day. Read more about tincture preparation here;

8) Chopped dried walnut leaves, crushed in May, as much as possible. 1 tbsp. l of raw materials pour 1 cup of hot (approximately 85 degrees) water. Boil for a minute. Insist until cool. Drink strained several times during the day. This treatment can be very long: the decoction can be taken for about a year. In addition to diabetes, walnut leaves can fight thyroid disease, hypertension, cysts, fibroids, atherosclerosis;

9) Walnuts, grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder (1: 5). In the evening pour a glass of 1 tbsp. l buckwheat mixture, pour 50 ml of sour milk or yogurt. In the morning, eat the resulting porridge by mixing it with a sour apple. Next, eat 1 tablespoon before the rest of the meal (half an hour). l porridge. Do this for 3 months. Such a diet not only helps lower blood sugar at home but also has a positive effect on the digestive tract, as well as on the endocrine glands.

What foods are there to lower blood sugar?

Controlling your blood sugar is important even if you are healthy. If the indicators exceed the norm and more diabetes is diagnosed, it is vital to monitor glucose levels. Of course, you need to follow your doctor’s advice and take your prescription drugs. In addition, you should reconsider your eating habits, giving preference to those foods that contribute to lowering blood glucose levels. The properly selected menu will not only provide the body with the necessary micro and macro elements but will stop the development of the disease and in some cases will turn it around (we are talking about type 2 diabetes).

Portal "Healthy People" ( collected the most popular recommendations and consulted with the professor of endocrinology department of the Belarusian State Medical University, chairman of BOMO "Endocrinology and Metabolism" Alom Shepelkevich.

Diversity and balance

According to the recommendations of the International Diabetes Federation (MDF), a healthy diet is an important component in the treatment of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to adhere to a varied and balanced diet to maintain stable blood glucose levels and strengthen the immune system. MDF experts recommend choosing foods with a low glycemic index (an indicator of how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed and the food’s ability to raise blood sugar).

Simply put, the fewer carbohydrates a product contains, the lower the glycemic index:

  • high GI - above 70 units;
  • average GI - 40–70 units;
  • low GI - 10-40 units.

Foods with a high GI contribute to a rapid rise in blood glucose. Low GI foods are absorbed more slowly, gradually releasing energy.

Special attention - carbohydrates

If there is a violation of blood sugar, it is necessary to monitor the number of carbohydrates consumed. Previously, people with diabetes were advised to completely eliminate digestible carbohydrates. But today, experts reject such categorical formulations. Any restriction is stressful for people, and can cause a breakdown, this also applies to diet. Moreover, digestible carbohydrates in a number of situations (in children, in conditions of intense intellectual action) are necessary for the body and it is impossible to replace them with proteins or fats.

A large amount of simple carbohydrates contains not only pasta and bakery products but also fruits, starchy vegetables (for example, potatoes, peas and corn, rice), as well as milk and yogurt.

In any case, it is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates. Vegetables, in addition to being an energy source for the body, also contain fiber that regulates digestion. Almost all vegetables can be consumed without restrictions, with the exception of potatoes, because they contain a large amount of starch. Her experts recommend eating two to three times a week.

Another product that contains healthy complex carbohydrates is whole grains (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley).

By the way, reducing the amount of sugar and starch consumed with the products helps to stabilize blood insulin levels.

Each meal should have three fundamental components: carbs, lipids, and proteins. If you ingest these nutrients through food, you will feel full longer. An important rule: preference should be given to slow (complex) carbohydrates, as well as monounsaturated fats. Also choose lean proteins (e.g. fish, meat, eggs, milk, beans after full cooking).

Fruit is also possible

Despite the fact that fruit contains carbohydrates, by consuming some of them, you can regulate your blood sugar level. But here it is important not to forget the measure. Make sure that one serving of fruit contains no more than 15 g of carbohydrates. This is the equivalent of a small apple, a slice of melon, or a cup of berries.


The most harmful is starvation. Even if a person is overweight or obese, which are common companions of type 2 diabetes, refusing food or restricting it is not the best option. Prolonged rejection of food can lead to spoilage, which later leads to the appearance of harmful products on the plate. In addition, such a "rush" to the refrigerator can lead to overeating.

Weight loss is a prerequisite. Losing weight dramatically means losing weight! Excess weight needs to be resolved gradually (it is safe to lose up to 3-4 kg per month) and generally by 7-10% in 3-6 months.


Aside from the fact that “you have to have breakfast on your own,” it should also be satisfying. The most useful is breakfast, which consists of protein and carbohydrates. In this case, there is a feeling of satiety for a long time, and this is an important condition for weakened blood glucose levels.

The way you cook is also important. Refuse fried, smoked, and greasy. Simmer, bake, cook or steam. This rule applies not only to breakfast but to all meals.

Eat beans

Certain foods can help increase insulin sensitivity. This property is possessed by oats, barley, and legumes, for example, lentils. This effect of these products is due to the fact that they contain fiber that supports beneficial bacteria in the gut and reduces insulin resistance.

Add spices

Cinnamon, cumin seeds, oregano, curry will make the dish brighter and help reduce the amount of salt in the food. This is important for people who have problems with blood sugar and blood pressure. Also, consuming these spices reduces insulin resistance ..

Load your muscles

Exercise is a good way to lower blood sugar. The fact is that during exercise the muscles need more energy than in a relaxed state. Therefore, a significant amount of glucose is spent on "feeding" the muscles. These can be simple exercises that can be performed at home, which is important during isolation due to a coronavirus infection, such as yoga.

Sleep and stress

It’s no secret that our well-being largely depends on whether the dream is full. In addition, quality sleep supports hormonal levels, which means it prevents spikes in sugar levels.

During stress, the hormone cortisol is released into the bloodstream, which helps increase glucose levels. Learn to respond calmly to a variety of stimuli.

Sugar control

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, remember to monitor your blood sugar level daily. Must not exceed: on an empty stomach - 6.5-7 mmol / l, during the day - 9-10 mmol / l.

 Traditional remedies for blood sugar?

Among the most popular techniques of informal medicine plant decoctions and tinctures, the capacity of which to reduce sugar has been recognized since ancient times. Some mechanisms have been experimentally proven, thanks to which the effect of lowering blood glucose is achieved. Certain plants have been discovered to have compounds with a high affinity for the hormone insulin or sulfur-based hypoglycemic chemicals.

Alternative medicine treatments, whose efficacy has been shown over time, can be used as a supplementary therapy. It should be noted that folk remedies are not valid to replace the methods of official medicine. Any non-traditional way of therapy should be discussed in advance with your doctor.

Important: Isolated use of plants with the ability to lower sugar, along with diet, is allowed exclusively for type 2 diabetes. This technique may not be a complete alternative to insulin therapy.


Blueberry leaves and berries have the ability to lower sugar, and also strengthen vision and immunity. Half a glass of blueberry juice can be consumed on a regular basis. To make the therapeutic agent, take 1 tablespoon of raw blueberries, pour boiling water over them, and allow to cool. If required, the broth can be filtered to remove any remaining contaminants. In the morning and evening, drink 100 ml. The consumption of blueberry decoction has been shown to lower the levels of glucose in the blood from 15 mmol/l to 7 - 5 mmol/l.


Rapeseed root includes the chemical inulin, which is classified as dietary fiber. The soup is made in the same way as blueberries, and 100 mL is taken three times a day after meals.

Rhodiola Rosea

The raw material of pink Rhodiola is used for the preparation of alcoholic tinctures. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or non-concentrated alcohol over 2 teaspoons of raw ingredients. Insist on at least three days in a dark, room-temperature environment. 1 tablespoon should be taken 15 to 20 minutes before a meal. It should be noted that the amount of sugar after a meal does not rise considerably when the tincture is used first.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, experimental information on the hypoglycemic properties of cinnamon was published. To lower blood sugar, you should use cinnamon in the form of a spice powder. You need to start with small doses, strictly controlling the concentration and well-being of glucose. It should be noted that the hypoglycemic properties of spices have a cumulative rather than an immediate effect.

The use of traditional medicine prescriptions should be carried out under strict control of blood sugar with a glucometer 

She graduated in 2014 with honors from the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education at Orenburg State University with a degree in microbiology. Graduate postgraduate study FSBEI at the State Agrarian University Orenburg.

In 2015, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis received advanced training in the extra professional program "Bacteriology."

Laureate of the pan-European competition for the best scientific work in the nomination "Biological Sciences" from 2017.

How to lower blood sugar: useful tips

This article will discuss in detail a topic that is important for people with diabetes. How to lower blood sugar while you are at home, what foods to use to achieve a good result on the glucometer screen, how to use the methods of traditional medicine so as not to harm your health - you can find out by reading the information below.

Diabetes medications

Important information

Every diabetic knows perfectly well: in order not to increase glucose levels, you must fully follow the advice of your doctor. The doctor’s main prescriptions include correct medication dose calculation, timely medication intake, maintaining a strict low-carbohydrate diet, and a healthy lifestyle. These are general conditions that everyone must meet.

There are many individual subtleties in the treatment of diabetes that are discussed in the doctor’s office. They are suitable for a particular case, so do not heed the advice of "experienced" diabetics who suggest an effective treatment.

It may not be suitable for everyone. This applies even to food: the same ingredient can affect a patient's condition in different ways.

Diet is the main criterion of proper therapy.

The main goal is to maintain sugar levels at a normal level throughout the disease period.

You can avoid many diseases that occur on the background of progressive diabetes:

  • pathology of the kidneys, liver,
  • vision impairment,
  • inflammation of the urinary system,
  • skin diseases,
  • bone disease,
  • high blood pressure.

The main ways to reduce sugar

Normal screen glucose values

There are 4 main ways to lower high blood sugar:

  • taking medication,
  • support for diabetic diet,
  • playing sports,
  • ethnoscience.

It is worth noting that methods that will not bring the expected effect separately must be used together. A person who is attentive to their health will be able to achieve success and overcome hyperglycemia.

Normal glucose values ​​for diabetics are 3.2-6.2 mmol / l, they may increase after meals.

Sugar increases after a meal

Diabetes treatment is a lifestyle that the patient should lead. Any deviation from the strict framework threatens to worsen the condition. Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve a good result quickly, but if you go to your goal, you can forget about the disease.

Drug treatment

It is worth noting that drug-free therapy is possible. The doctor does not always prescribe strict medications.

To do this, there is a certain group of people:

  • type 1 diabetics,
  • high type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Insulin is needed by type 1 diabetics

Type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent. It necessarily requires the introduction of an additional dose of insulin and dietary support. Type 2 diabetes - does not depend on insulin.

Treatment includes taking sugar-lowering pills and adjusting your diet. Often, after some time, type 2 diabetes switches from taking tablets to insulin due to an increase in sugar levels.

But there are cases when it is enough just to adhere to the necessary diet to control sugar indicators. This refers to young diabetes who are just developing, and glucose levels are not that high.

Frequently used drug among patients

The necessary medication should be prescribed by a doctor, the dosage is selected individually.

  • Drugs that fight the symptoms of diabetes are divided into 3 groups:
  • Tablets that reduce insulin resistance - include "gluforazh".
  • Drugs that stimulate the pancreas, which produces insulin - "Diabetes".
  • Drugs that reduce the rate of absorption of carbohydrates into the blood - "Glucobay".

TIP: the above drugs have a number of contraindications, it is worth reading the instructions before use. Take only as directed by your doctor.

There are contraindications to taking medication

The doctor can prescribe a complex of three types of drugs to achieve good results.

It is forbidden to take tablets that lower glycemia if there are the following diseases:

  • udar,
  • heart attack,
  • kidney and liver pathology,
  • prediabetic coma,
  • heart failure,
  • personal intolerance of components,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation.
  • Diet adjustment
  • Diet food

For patients with diabetes, diet no. 9. It is based on reducing carbohydrate foods on the menu. It is allowed to eat a certain amount of ingredients rich in complex carbohydrates, mainly focusing on protein foods. But it is worth noting that the diet should be balanced, healthy.

A very important indicator is the glycemic index (GI) when choosing a product. The higher the GI, the faster the sugar level rises, so you should choose foods with a low index.

"Newborn" may be confused about how to eat to lower blood sugar?

It is difficult to renew the body for a new life, to abandon the usual, beloved food. In such cases, doctors advise you to first remember a few rules that will lay the foundation of the diet. By understanding the key points, you can gradually cleanse your diet as you listen to your body.

  1. It is forbidden to eat fast food
  2. Complete rejection of harmful products - sweets, sugar, fast food, soda, industrial sauces, canned food, flour, and confectionery.
  3. Reduce carbohydrates to 30 g per day by dividing them into several meals.
  4. Careful study of the composition of the sugar ingredient. Such products should also be disposed of.
  5. Exclude foods with saturated fats from the food - fatty meat, butter, fatty dairy products. When preparing salads, replace vegetable oil with olive oil.
  6. Eat food prepared mainly by cooking, baking, steaming, stewing. Exclude fried, smoked, salty foods.
  7. Drink plenty of water.
  8. You need to eat according to the regimen, at least 6 times a day, in small meals.

The right diet for diabetes patients

There is a list of ingredients suitable for diabetics. There are a lot of them to eat in a variety of ways, so don’t worry about it.

It is much more important to adhere to pill-free therapy, with the help of an approved diet:

  • seafood,
  • low-fat fish,
  • lean meat, poultry,
  • mushrooms,
  • cereals (except rice and porridge) and legumes,
  • durum wheat pasta (rare),
  • berries (except raspberries),
  • vegetables (except potatoes),
  • fruits (except grapes, bananas),
  • nuts,
  • skimmed milk products without additives,
  • low-fat cheeses.

Green vegetables benefit the body

Among the general list are such ingredients that can lower sugar levels, with frequent use.

What foods can lower blood sugar:

  • green vegetables (spinach, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, green peas),
  • seafood,
  • unsweetened fruit (green apple, lemon, grapefruit),
  • greenery,
  • tomatoes,
  • spices (cinnamon).

Selective sample for glucose-lowering

One of the possibilities of a healthy diet.

The table below shows a one-day menu consisting of meals that contain a low glycemic index. This diet will reduce sugar levels, and with constant use - long to maintain normal grades.


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