How To Prevent Amputation In Type 2 Diabetes

 Are you in the early stages of type 2 diabetes or are you in doubt about your pre-diabetes?

Diabetes is growing increasingly widespread, and the symptoms are distinctive.

In this article, you will learn the 11 symptoms of type 2 diabetes and how to reverse them.

Do I have type 2 diabetes? All the symptoms of type 2 diabetes

There are many people on the planet who have been coping with specific problems for a long time but have no understanding of what they signify.

These are the symptoms that occur in many diseases. These characteristics can therefore mean several things. Until someone tells you something about the disease: " type 2 diabetes 

How to prevent amputation in diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease. Both type 1 (youth sugar) and type 2 (aging sugar).

If you've just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may not notice it as much. You have no serious complaints yet. Everything in your body just does its job.

You may be a little tired from time to time or you may have the first symptoms of untreated diabetes. But as soon as you start taking medicines, they are quickly gone.

Until you are five or ten years later and find out that the first complications are starting to appear.

High blood sugar destroys your entire body from within. Nobody part or organ can stand it if there is too much sugar in your blood.

islet cell transplant an option for type 1 diabetics

This is a process of years that you do not notice in the beginning. You can walk around for ten years without complaints.

But sooner or later the disease will take its revenge unless you do something about it sooner. Because all nasty complications, including having your foot removed, are easily prevented. I'll discuss how that works later.

First I want to explain to you exactly why some people have to take off a few toes, the foot, or even a part of the leg. And to do that, I'll start with the story of your elevated blood sugar.

This is a diabetic foot

As you may know, your body has trouble coping with large fluctuations in your blood sugar level. This is because the hormone insulin no longer works properly in type 2 diabetes patients.

But what does insulin have to do with your blood sugar?

That's simple. If you eat something with sugars, it ends up in your stomach. There the sugars are absorbed and transported in your blood through your body.

If all goes well, insulin is released. This substance signals all tissues in your body to absorb the sugar in your blood and use it as an energy source.

But in a diabetic patient, this hormone no longer works properly. Too little is made of it or you are insensitive to it. As a result, the sugars are not removed from your blood.

The snowball effect of an elevated sugar level

This is really disastrous for all tissues in your body. The blood that flows past contains too much sugar. And this is not good at all.

In the long run, you can suffer from all kinds of serious complications. Think of blindness or cardiovascular disease. And a diabetic foot (with amputation as the end station) is also part of this.

A diabetic foot is a sugary food. In other words, a foot that has been continuously exposed to blood with too much sugar in it. The tissues in your foot can't handle that at all.

diabetic foot

The small blood vessels and nerves in your foot (and also arms) are destroyed. No more oxygen gets to the tissues and no more waste products are removed.

Two Dangerous Consequences

Worse, you can develop pain from those broken nerves ( neuropathy ) or lose sensation in parts of your foot. Both are serious so I will discuss them one by one below.

Pain due to a diabetic foot

The nerves in your foot can be damaged by your high blood sugar. This can cause bad pain. For example, a burning pain.

In such a case, your skin is hypersensitive. You can hardly tolerate touch. Even the pressure of sheets or socks can be too much. You understand that you can suffer a lot from this and that you absolutely must prevent this.

Usually, the pain starts at the bottom somewhere in your toes or your feet. But if your type 2 diabetes gets worse and you don't change it, the pain can spread. Before you know it you will also get it in other places in your body. Including in your lower leg.

Read this The 10 golden rules of a good diet against diabetes

A numb feeling in your feet

If your nerves become sugary, you can lose feeling in your foot.

You might think, "Oh, that's not so bad... What do I care that I can't feel the sand between my toes on the beach anymore. There are worse things in the world."

Unfortunately, it is not that simple.

Not feeling your foot is dangerous. Firstly, because it is often the preliminary stage for what comes next (other complications or amputation).

Secondly, it often happens that people develop further complaints on their feet but do not notice this because they no longer have any feeling in them.

From bad to worse

Suppose you get an infection. Or you suffer from a foot ulcer. Or your feet have opened because you have walked for a long time.

Combined with poor circulation, things can easily go wrong.

Your body can heal your feet much less easily because oxygen and nutrients can no longer reach the right place. And if you don't notice the injury and keep walking with it, it will only get worse.

Feeling little is more harmful than you think

It is not uncommon for people with a simple foot ulcer - which can be treated in healthy people - to develop serious problems.

Not least because they run for a long time. They hardly have any complaints because they no longer have feelings on their feet. And sooner or later they will pay the price for that.

If you don't treat a foot ulcer in time, it can lead to such nasty complications that your foot will have to be amputated. And of course, you want to avoid this.

If you can prevent foot ulcers, you've come a long way. Because research shows that 80% of foot amputations are caused by a foot ulcer that does not heal properly and cannot be treated in any other way.

Foot amputation is also very rare in people without diabetes.

The UK health service has found that people with diabetes are 15 times more likely to give up their feet. However, the amputation can apply to a few toes, a piece from the foot to even below the knee (depending on how far advanced the problem is.)

Purpose of this article

I understand you don't want to be part of this. Taking off a foot is one of the most horrific surgical procedures and of course, you never want to experience this. Below I will therefore give you 5 tips to prevent amputation in type 2 diabetes as much as possible.

Side effects of insulin lispro

#1: Get there early to avoid amputation

The earlier you find out you have diabetic foot, the better it is.

In fact, the sooner you know you have diabetes, the sooner it is.

Type 2 diabetes that you do nothing about eventually leads to health problems such as a diabetic foot. Once you've been diagnosed, you'll need to constantly monitor your blood sugar to make sure you don't end up in the danger zone again.

As long as you continuously keep your blood sugar low, the risk of complications is much smaller. In a moment I will give tips that mainly concern your blood sugar.

But what you as a diabetic patient also need to have constantly tested is how sensitive your feet are. Then the doctor takes an instrument to test how your feet respond to stimulation.

In addition, he will ask you questions to find out whether you may have complaints that can be caused by diabetic foot.

Think about:

Cold feet

red feet

Pain complaints

This testing and tracking to see if you do indeed have problems with your feet is very important. If you skip this, you can run into problems pretty quickly.

Keep an eye on your feet

If you already have a diabetic foot and your doctor saw it during an exam, you still need to keep a close eye on your feet.

diabetes feet treatment

It is best to go to a medical pedicure. He or she knows about the feet of diabetic patients and can look very closely at your current foot care. 

At the same time, she can test the health of your foot. So you have several people who look at your foot and can urge you to intervene if necessary.

Because if the pedicurist discovers that you have a wound or a foot ulcer? Then this can be treated. 80% of foot amputations start with a foot feel that gets out of hand. With all its consequences.

#2: Keep your blood sugar low

Of course, I hope you never have to have your foot amputated. And there is only one way to do this and that is to continuously keep your sugar level low.

Your body can no longer handle sugar well and as a result, all tissues in your body are destroyed.

But if your body can't handle sugars well, you can of course stop eating sugars.

Or make sure that as many sugars as possible that enter your body leave as quickly as possible.

If you keep your blood sugar low long enough, most symptoms of type 2 diabetes can recover nicely.

Your body can heal very well from the most serious complications as long as you catch them on time and are consistent in keeping your blood sugar low.

But what are the best ways to achieve this?

In this article, I discuss in detail how you can keep your blood sugar permanently low in six weeks or less. And below are some practical tips to get this done.

What are the different types of diabetes

#3: Only eat unprocessed food

Mandarin orange has not been processed. It grew on a tree and now it's on your plate.

But mandarin juice from a pack is processed. The mandarin oranges have been pulled through a factory and put into a pack after a lot of fuss. The same goes for a can of tangerine wedges in sugar water.

There are secondary benefits to food processing. Canned mandarins keep much longer than fresh mandarins. And a carton of tangerine juice is much more compact than carrying around a huge bag of tangerines.

But that's not why the food industry makes these products. No, they do it this way for one reason only: to make money.

Sugary products are addictive.

And natural products don't contain enough sugar to be addictive.

You've never seen anyone addicted to carrots. 

But there are plenty of people who are addicted to sweets, sodas, snacks, or all kinds of unhealthy fruit juices.

Manufacturers almost always make products unhealthier

That's because the manufacturers make the products sweeter than the raw materials. What is impossible in nature (a very sweet taste) is achieved by endlessly processing food. As a result, you will always crave more.

The only solution is to stop eating sweet junk and factory food.

Everything that comes from a factory is by definition unhealthy. The amount of sugar has been increased and if you are unlucky, all healthy substances (such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber) have also been removed.

So do you want to be careful with what you ingest and thus prevent the chance of an amputation? Then always choose natural food. Everything that has grown on a plant or has stood in the meadow is eligible.

#4: Losing weight in type 2 diabetes is very healthy

Research shows that being overweight greatly increases your risk of diabetes. It is quite rare to get old age diabetes without being overweight. It does happen, but the chances are slim.

Scientists are not yet sure why obesity is strongly linked to diabetes. But what they think is that being overweight causes insulin to stop working properly because the fat cells prevent it from working. This is also known as insulin resistance.

You can influence insulin resistance in your body. There are all kinds of foods that make your insulin resistance better. But the best way to improve it is to lose your excess weight.

Easier said than done?

Most people who are overweight know it about themselves and have made one or more attempts to get rid of it. But not with my help. So there is still hope.

It explains how you can eat healthily, feel full and still lose weight. That's quite unique because most diets simply instruct you to eat less. 

That just doesn't work because you'll get hungry again sooner or later.

My nutrition tips ensure that you always have a full stomach and that your hunger decreases more and more. As a result, you don't feel like the fatteners you always had before.

That makes losing weight a lot easier and more fun. Maintaining a healthy weight by living a healthy lifestyle is one of the best things you can do to prevent amputation in the long term.

#5: Keep your stress low

Did you know that stress can cause your blood sugar to go up, even if you eat normally?

You're shooting yourself in the foot by being too tense. Your body can no longer cope with high blood sugar.

But not only that.

Stress also causes people to eat less healthily, exercise less, and generally do things that are bad for their blood sugar.

They do this because the tension makes it very difficult to keep up with their good intentions.

And because stress triggers a sugar craving and sitting on your butt.

A little tension is good. There is nothing wrong with working hard or exercising every now and then. But if you work twelve hours a day and then the crockery flies around the room for a few hours, you're living a life that would drive most people screaming mad.

It may not drive you crazy, but your diabetes will get worse.

If you want to avoid amputation of your foot, it is not just a matter of eating healthy and exercising a little. Avoiding being constantly stressed is just as important.

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