How To Prevent Diabetes

 Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the metabolism (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) is disturbed, as well as the level of normal glucose (sugar) in the blood. 

The pathological process develops due to the lack of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the entry of glucose into the tissues. The pancreas, specifically its beta cells, is responsible for producing hormones.

How to avoid diabetes?

Preventive measures to avoid diabetes should be started as soon as possible. Diet and lifestyle are important. It is possible to completely cure diabetes, but it will take long-term treatment, so it is best to know how to avoid diabetes.

How to avoid diabetes: basic rules

One of the main preventive measures is to respect a clearly calibrated water balance. The pancreas, to neutralize the body's natural acids, must also, in addition to insulin, produce an aqueous solution of the element bicarbonate. If there is a lack of water in the body, then insulin synthesis slows down and bicarbonate, on the contrary, speeds up.

An additional dangerous factor is an excessive content of refined sugar (white sugar) in the daily diet. For glucose to enter the cells quickly and correctly, a sufficient amount of water is needed.

Therefore, doctors who talk about how to avoid diabetes pay special attention to the use of sufficient amounts of fluid under the individual needs of the body and the environment.

Necessary minimum for each person: 1-2 glasses of clean still water after waking up and one before each meal.

Other drinks, juices, tea and coffee, and especially alcohol, do not count.

For those who want to learn how to avoid diabetes, you need to think carefully about proper nutrition. The use of potatoes and flour products should be limited. 

If there is a risk of getting sick, it is strictly forbidden to eat granulated sugar because it strongly emphasizes the pancreas. Attention should be paid to slow carbohydrates.

Their main representatives are leafy vegetables, legumes, and cereals. For those who are overweight, it is recommended to limit the use of dairy and meat products, and baking. The last meal should not be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

An important item on the "How to Avoid Diabetes" list is the addition of some foods to your daily diet:

  • tomatoes
  • various greens;
  • citrus;
  • oration;
  • peas;
  • babura paprika;
  • Swede.

To avoid diabetes, it is necessary to regularly subject the body to moderate physical activity. This will keep the muscle fibers in tone and burn the fat cells. 

Such prevention will strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve the immune defense, get rid of excess weight, or prevent its appearance. It is enough to dedicate 10-20 minutes a day to exercise or light sports exercises.

Good diabetes avoidance habits include:

  • active games in the fresh air;
  • replacing the use of elevators with ladders;
  • Hiking through the city or parks
  • for short distances using a bicycle instead of public transport.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of many diseases is the absence of stressful situations. Experiences, stress, and depression negatively affect the work of the whole organism.

 The cardiovascular system is particularly affected. When blood pressure rises they lead to a failure in carbohydrate metabolism. Bad habits such as alcohol and smoking should also be discarded.

A risk factor is the use of hormonal drugs, which with long-term use can disrupt metabolism, as well as create additional stress on internal organs. The pancreas suffers from one of the first.

Timely diagnosis of the pathological process and monitoring of health are of great importance. If the first signs of diabetes appear or you have a hereditary predisposition, you should seek medical advice immediately.

In Turkey, patients in Anatolia are provided with: an individual approach, the use of modern and accurate examination equipment, and detailed instructions from experienced doctors on how to avoid diabetes and how to treat it effectively in Turkey.

Diabetes prevention

Diabetes mellitus is one of the very common diseases. It brings many complications and unpleasant consequences. Some people have diabetes from an early age during their lifetime. Some get sick as adults. Can you do something? Is it possible to prevent diabetes ??

Type 1 Diabetes 1. How to Warn?

This is insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The disease develops in young or childhood as a result of pancreatic beta-cell death. Cells die as a result of the autoimmune process, that is, the body fights with itself. As a rule, this type of diabetes is inherited, it has a genetic predisposition.

Does this mean that prevention of type 1 diabetes is not possible? Not for sure that way. The child does not inherit the disease itself, but only the predisposition to it. 

It can develop or not. However, some factors increase the risk, and if they are neutralized or their effect is reduced, the child will be more likely to stay healthy.

  • Artificial feeding of the child,
  • Viral infections,
  • Severe stress,
  • Use of products containing artificial additives.

Thus, the prevention of diabetes in children is generally reduced to simple things.

When a child is born, everything must be done so that it remains breastfed for up to a year. Scientific observations confirm that there are significantly more diabetics among "artists". 

Breast milk feeds the baby not only with nutrition but also by supporting immunity and protection from many diseases.

Prevention of viral infections is essential. Vaccines against particularly dangerous infections are given for this. Other: hardening, active lifestyle. The child should walk, run, and spend a lot of time outdoors.

Strange as this sounds, but proper parenting is also diabetes prevention. A very important part of proper education is the formation of the child's ability to cope with stress and respond properly to it. In this case, it will be possible to neutralize the stress factor for the development of diabetes.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes (independent of insulin) is in most cases the result of an improper lifestyle. Therefore, optimizing and adjusting diet, physical activity, work, and rest will be preventative measures for diabetes.

Start with water balance

For normal work, the body must receive a sufficient amount of water. The pancreas, using water, in addition to insulin, also produces bicarbonate, which is needed to neutralize acids. 

The brain considers this process more important, so with a lack of pancreatic fluid it produces bicarbonate. In this case, the insulin level decreases and the sugar rises.

Moreover, the vital role of water cannot be overstated in enabling glucose to permeate cell membranes. Insufficient hydration compromises the efficacy of even typical insulin levels, resulting in a surge in blood sugar levels.

Dehydration can strain the pancreas, causing erratic spikes in blood sugar levels that disrupt the body's normal functioning and pose a risk for diabetes.

What to do?

Drinking water. A glass in the morning immediately after waking up. A glass of water before meals. In this case, you can't replace water with tea, coffee, or juice, and even more soda or beer.

Diabetes prevention diet

The diet should be healthy and complete, containing as many vegetables, legumes, and citrus fruits. The amount of easily digestible carbohydrates must be reduced. Cakes, pastries, jams, muffins - all these products are worth eating only from time to time and little by little.

 To maintain a normal weight, it is worth monitoring your calorie intake. Being overweight is also a "provocateur" of diabetes.

Nutritional recommendations:

Especially healthy foods: blueberries, sauerkraut, and peas.

Products made from wholemeal flour, cereals (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal), soft foods, and anything that contains enough fiber.

It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and allows the pancreas not to overload.

Try eating food baked or cooked.

Eat often (5-6) once a day, but little by little to ensure an even load on the pancreas.

Prevention of diabetes by traditional remedies

Mostly traditional medicine offers herbal medicine. Herbal teas from tea will be useful in the prevention of diabetes. Cook them as regular tea, and drink them in the morning and evening before breakfast and dinner.

Nettle grass - 1 gram, dandelion root - 2 grams, strawberry leaves - 3 g, bean, and blueberry leaves - 4 g, rose hips - 5 grams.

3 grams of root and strawberry leaves, 4 grams of nettle and blueberry, rosehip.

Physical activity

Exercise is the prevention of obesity and keeping the body healthy, and a good way to use excess glucose. You should be actively moving for about 30 minutes a day. It is suitable for any sport, walking or cycling. You can easily replace the use of the elevator with walking stairs.

Stress response

You won’t be able to avoid stress, but you can’t put yourself in a state of chronic stress. You have to learn to react constructively. Maybe you should refuse to communicate with some people who provoke negative emotions.

 It may be helpful to adjust the way you work so as not to overload yourself during the workday. Be sure to find your own way to overcome stress.

Can diabetes be avoided?

Diabetes mellitus is a serious and incurable disease associated with metabolic disorders in the body. The percentage of people with diabetes in the world is constantly growing due to the high probability of transmitting the disease, both the first and second type, by inheritance. 

In addition, modern lifestyles, bad habits, and unhealthy improper foods also increase the likelihood of developing diabetes. The disease manifests itself, mainly in old age. Because more and more people after the age of 40-50 are wondering how to avoid diabetes?


To answer the question of how to avoid diabetes, you need to understand what causes it. Not all causes of disease can control and adapt people. However, you can always reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.

Inheriting diabetes is the easiest. Both the first and the second types of diseases are transmitted. If a family has relatives suffering from this disease, then that person is at risk;

Obesity is another way of getting type 2 diabetes. This type is associated with damage or destruction of the receptors responsible for insulin absorption. These receptors are found predominantly in adipose tissue. When it grows, they are destroyed or damaged;

Lack of physical activity leads to metabolic disorders, which can lead to diabetes;

Indulging in bad habits is another way to get diabetes fast. Smoking and drinking negatively affect the metabolism, causing it to fail;

Older age. In this case, there is no advice on how not to get diabetes, because the sensitivity of insulin receptors decreases with age and it is impossible to control or stop this process.

Thus, it is not always easy to answer the question of how to prevent diabetes, because not all risk factors can be controlled. However, people at risk should be careful about their health.

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