What Is The Honeymoon Phase In Diabetes

Honeymoon for diabetes

Among people who have diabetes, there is the term “honeymoon”. It only applies to type 1 disease and means a reduction in insulin needs. During this period, the cells themselves begin to produce some insulin. It is important for diabetics to continue with injections so as not to get labile diabetes.

How are diabetes and honeymoon related?

The "honeymoon" is a certain stage in the development of type 1 diabetes. When a patient switches to insulin injections, there is a feeling of medicine. The patient and people close to him mistakenly believe that the disease has receded due to receiving the necessary insulin. Indeed, 5-6 weeks after the start of injection therapy, the need for hormone administration decreases, and remission sets in. The disease did not disappear but briefly receded under the influence of treatment. If you follow these symptoms, you are more likely to get decompensation, in advanced cases - a labile form of diabetes, which is very difficult to treat.

How long and what does it depend on?

You can learn about the beginning of the "honeymoon" with the help of a glucometer indicator: sugar is so low that sometimes the need for injections seems outweighed. The duration of remission and the specificity of its course in each patient are individual, and are subject to the influence of the following factors:

  • maintaining a diet;
  • the intensity of autoimmune processes;
  • a number of surviving cells.

The duration of the course also depends on such indicators:

Remission depends on the sex and age of the patient.

Age of the patient The longer a patient is in remission from type 1 diabetes, the older he or she is. This phenomenon is explained by the reduced activity of antibodies compared to the islets of Langengars.

  • The sex of the patient. In men, the remission period is longer.
  • Timeliness of treatment. If therapy is started on time, the period of remission of type 1 diabetes lasts much longer.
  • Good remission rates of C-reactive protein prolong the remission period.

The feelings of healing in the “honeymoon” are illusory. The disease recedes for a certain period, the dose in the injection is reduced because the excess of insulin causes hypoglycemia. The amount of the applied medicine is reduced to a minimum, and in special cases, the patient can do without it - the remaining cells produce the required amount. There are patients who practically do not notice the "honeymoon" period.

How to extend a "honeymoon"?

Drugs that can restore lost cells are still undergoing clinical trials. According to studies, these drugs will overcome autoimmune processes by effectively stimulating the growth of pancreatic cells. For now, these are just scientific hypotheses, and in practical medicine, there is a rule: the earlier insulin therapy is started, the more cells retain the ability to produce natural hormones. To prolong the remission phase, endocrinologists recommend:

  • Check for foci of chronic diseases. They support autoimmune processes.
  • If possible, protect yourself from SARS and other infections.
  • Watch for a sudden rise in blood glucose.

Proper nutrition is key to maintaining your honeymoon.

The last point is directly related to the patient’s diet. To reduce the risk, be sure to follow a diet using foods with a low glycemic index. In children, the body is particularly sensitive, so careful adherence to the recommendations described above can significantly improve the child's condition. To prevent your honeymoon from ending after 4-6 weeks, follow these recommendations. Monthly reliefs can last up to six months or longer.

Common mistakes

Sometimes it seems to diabetics that a “honeymoon” is a complete recovery. A common mistake is to refuse insulin. In exceptional cases, this is possible, but often the need for additional stimulation does not disappear. Labile diabetes is difficult to maintain: by treating it, it is impossible to predict what the reaction to injected insulin will be. Therefore, use at least 0.5 units of basal insulin during your honeymoon. Excluding insulin reduces remission.


After detection of the disease in most patients with type 1 diabetes over a period of 1 to 6 months, a decrease in insulin demand is observed, which is associated with an improvement in the function of the remaining pancreatic beta cells. This period is called the "honeymoon" of diabetes or remission.

Complete remission of the disease, when insulin injections can be canceled, is observed in 2-12% of cases.

Partial remission, when the need for insulin injections is less than 0.4 U / kg body weight per day, occurs in 18-62% of cases.

Diabetes mellitus often lasts from one to many months. Diabetes remission might take more than a year in some circumstances.

But it is worth understanding that this reaction of the pancreas is temporary. Despite the partial restoration of insulin secretion, the weak pancreas, which operates in enhanced mode, is rapidly depleted, especially since antibodies to pancreatic beta cells continue to act negatively and rapidly “complete” the remaining cells and residual insulin secretion.

Unfortunately, a method to avoid or eliminate these antibodies could not be found at this time. It is important to note that research in this area is continuing. There is even evidence that in experiments on diabetic rats, it was possible to remove antibodies that kill beta cells. As a result, diabetes in rats was cured, making it possible to completely discontinue insulin in experimental rats. Moreover, by the end of their lives, they no longer had diabetes. However, this method of antibody removal is not suitable for treating humans. Nevertheless, the findings hope to cure this disease. (New in the treatment of diabetes)

The development and duration of the diabetes honeymoon are influenced by various factors:

Age - the older the patient, the longer the "honeymoon" period;

Gender - remission of diabetes in men is more frequent and longer;

The presence of ketoacidosis, the degree of metabolic disorders - less severe onset of the disease contributes to an increase in the duration of the "honeymoon" in diabetes;

C-peptide secretion level - higher C-peptide levels help prolong remission;

Insulin treatment - early administration of insulin injections prolongs the "honeymoon" period.

During remission, some patients, observing a reduction in insulin dose, come to the conclusion that they have been misdiagnosed, so it is not necessary to use insulin.

Moreover, they are often subject to the tricks of folk healers and healers. Since the "honeymoon" manifests itself in the first months of the disease, when intensive methods of curing diabetes are intensively sought, the treatment that broke the disease, together with the remission of diabetes, is presented as a "miraculous cure". But diabetes doesn't go away! As a result, over time, this leads to severe diabetes.

You should not waste time looking for non-existent methods of treatment, it is better to take measures to maximize the "honeymoon" in diabetes. For this purpose, your doctor prescribes insulin therapy, thanks to which you can prolong the activity of your own beta cells.

Among patients with type 1 diabetes, in some cases, there are special forms of the disease, for the treatment of which insulin is necessary. It turns out that diabetes, which develops during the first six months of life, maybe due to genetic mutations in the beta-cell sulfanilamide receptors. In this case, no insulin is needed for treatment, but sulfanilamide preparations. But the diagnosis of such a disease requires special genetic testing.

Good day to all. Today I am dedicating an article to type 1 diabetes. The data will be useful to beginners who are at a loss when insulin doses start to decrease sharply, all the way to drug withdrawal. What does that mean? Recovery? Error in diagnosis? Neither, friends.

I will briefly recall what happens at the very beginning of diabetes. As you already know from the article "Causes of diabetes in young children?", Type 1 diabetes develops as a result of autoimmune aggression, and the process begins long before the first signs of diabetes. When the first signs of diabetes appear (thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, etc.), only 20% of healthy insulin-synthesizing cells remain in the pancreas. The other cells, as you know, went to another world. The symptoms of diabetes in children are a little different, as I wrote in a previous article.

So, these cells are still straining for a while, working at 2-3-4 rates and trying to provide their owner with enough insulin so he doesn’t need anything. How long do you think it would take a person to work 2-3-4 installments a day? And what will become of him in the end?

Thus poor cells gradually deplete their potential, only begin to lose soil, and insulin becomes less and less. As a result, incoming glucose is not overcome and begins to accumulate in the blood, gradually poisoning the body. As a result, "backup generators" are involved - the body's compensatory abilities. Excess glucose begins to be excreted intensively in urine, exhaled air, sweat. The body switches to energy fuel reserves - subcutaneous and internal fat. When burned in excess, ketone bodies and acetone are formed, which are powerful toxins that poison, primarily the brain.

Thus, the symptoms of ketoacidosis begin to develop. When there are a lot of toxins, they break through the blood-brain barrier and penetrate the brain tissue, like the "Russians in Kosovo". The brain has no choice but to surrender and fall into a deep sleep - a ketoacidosis coma.

What happens when doctors start injecting insulin from the outside

Friends, we are incredibly happy to be living in the 21st century. Insulin deficiency can now be administered externally. It is hard to think that in the days of our great-grandmothers, and even grandmothers, they could not even dream of such a miracle. All children and adolescents, as well as some adults, inevitably died.

So giving insulin to the remaining 20% ​​of cells is like a breath of fresh air. "Reinforcement finally sent!" - Survivors scream with joy. Now that the cells can rest, the "guest workers" will do the work for them. After some time (usually 4-6 weeks), the remaining cells, rested and gained strength, are taken as the cause for which they were born - for insulin synthesis.

Along with insulin, the inner gland begins to work better. Due to that, more "guest workers" are no longer needed and the need for them is decreasing. How much less insulin is needed depends on the remaining number of functional pancreatic cells.

This creates the illusion of curing diabetes, although in medicine this phenomenon is called the "honeymoon" of diabetes. In other words, diabetes mellitus recedes a little, insulin doses are reduced several times because a person constantly experiences hypoglycemia due to excess insulin. Therefore, the dose is reduced so that this hypoglycemia does not occur. In some people, insulin must be withdrawn almost completely because the remaining cells can provide enough insulin. And some may not even feel this “honeymoon”.

But it is not in vain that the honeymoon is called the honeymoon. It all ends once, and so does the honeymoon. Don't forget the autoimmune procedure, which does not sleep, but quietly and persistently does its dirty work. Gradually those cells that survived die. As a result, insulin becomes catastrophically small again, and sugar begins to rise again.

How long does the "honeymoon" of diabetes last and how to prolong it

The duration of such remission of diabetes is individual and takes place differently for everyone, but the fact that everyone goes through it to a certain extent is a fact. It all depends on:

  • speed of the autoimmune process
  • the number of remaining cells
  • the nature of the diet

As I said before, some may take small doses of insulin for a long time, and some will slightly reduce their insulin doses. I read that it is rare for remission to last for several years. Our "honeymoon" lasted only 2 months, the dose was reduced, but not until the complete cancellation. We injected both short and long insulin.

I wish this time had never ended or lasted as long as possible! How can we contribute to that ??

First, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection that support the autoimmune process, because oxygen supports combustion. Acute viral infections, which are also triggers, should also be avoided. So we are not speeding up the autoimmune process, but we are not stopping, unfortunately.

At this time, medicine has not yet introduced drugs that return lost cells to the pharmaceutical market, although they already exist and are undergoing clinical trials. Such drugs should stimulate the growth of glandular cells in order to overcome the autoimmune process because to act on it, as it turned out, is even more difficult. Therefore, this subject depends indirectly on us. Namely, the earlier insulin therapy is started, the more cells will remain operative.

The third paragraph depends entirely on the person or gender caring for the sick child. If you want to prolong the duration of remission, then large spikes in blood sugar should be avoided. Since sugar spikes occur mainly due to the use of foods with a high glycemic index, excluding them from the diet, more or less stable sugars can be achieved.

Some try to prolong remission by taking fees for various herbs. But I can’t advise you anything because I don’t understand herbal medicine and I don’t have good friends of herbal therapists. Since my son had a persistent allergy, I didn’t really ask that question, so as not to make the allergy situation worse. In the end, I chose less evil.

What is the most common blunder made by newcomers?

The most present and fatal mistake of some beginners is the complete rejection of insulin due to the reduction of its needs. In rare cases, this may be required, but most people still need to support basal secretion.

In other words, you can’t inject insulin into food, but you definitely need to leave at least a small dose of basal insulin. This can be done using handles in 0.5 unit increments. I'm preparing an article on how to do it, so subscribe to updates so you don't miss it.

It’s damn tempting to give up injections altogether, but that shortens your honeymoon. In addition, your behavior may contribute to the development of labile diabetes - diabetes that is very difficult to control and that responds to fully inspired insulin.

Sometimes insulin rejection follows the recommendations of various charlatans who practice it. Don't buy! You will still be receiving insulin, just how well does your diabetes flow at the same time? ... To date, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

That's all for me. I hope you don’t make the most important mistake, learn to live peacefully with diabetes, accepting it as it is.

With warmth and attention endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

Honeymoon for Diabetes: What is it for diabetics?

Diagnosed people know first hand what the term diabetes honeymoon is. True, this phenomenon applies to type 1 diabetes.

What is a honeymoon for diabetes and what are the main points you need to pay attention to.

Type 1 diabetes, as a rule, manifests itself in young people (up to twenty-five years) or in children. The development of pathology occurs as a consequence of a malfunction in the normal functioning of the pancreas.

How exactly this body is responsible for producing the hormone insulin in the amount needed by the human body. As a result of the development of the disease, beta cells are destroyed and insulin is blocked.

The main reasons for the development

Among the main causes that can cause the manifestation of the pathological process are:

A genetic predisposition or hereditary factor can cause a child to develop the disease if one of the parents had that diagnosis. Fortunately, this factor does not occur often enough, but only increases the risk of disease.

Strong stress or emotional upheaval in some cases can serve as a lever that will encourage the development of the disease.

Causes of the manifestation include recently experienced severe infectious diseases, including rubella, mumps, hepatitis, or shrimp.

The infection negatively affects the entire human body, but the pancreas begins to suffer the most. Thus, the human immune system begins to destroy the cells of this organ on its own.

The main aspects of drug pathology treatment

It is impossible to imagine drug therapy that would involve treating diabetes without insulin.

Patients with this diagnosis become addicted to such injections so that they can live a normal life.

Insulin therapy is used by everyone, regardless of whether the child is a patient or an adult. It includes the following groups of hormones for type 1 diabetes mellitus:

  1. Short and ultra-short insulin. The effect of the injection manifests itself very quickly and has a short duration of activity. One of the drugs in this group is Actrapid, which starts to work and lowers blood sugar levels twenty minutes after the injection. Its effect can last from two to four hours.
  2. The hormone of intermediate exposure is used in therapy because it has the ability to slow down the absorption of insulin in human blood. A representative of this group of drugs is Protafan NM, the effect of which begins to appear two hours after injection and remains in the body for another eight to ten hours.
  3. Long-acting insulin remains effective for up to thirty-six hours. The administered drug begins to act approximately ten to twelve hours after injection.

First aid, which will quickly lower blood glucose, is based on the following actions:

  • Direct injection of insulin is given. As a rule, drugs of this group have an ultra-short and maximum effect, they are used as first aid. At the same time, for each person, the drug is selected individually.
  • Oral medications are used to lower glucose.

The initial stages of insulin therapy can trigger a diabetes honeymoon.

The essence of the manifestation of the remission period

The honeymoon with the development of type 1 diabetes is also called the period of remission of the disease. This pathology is manifested as a result of improper functioning of the pancreas, rather than its production of insulin in the required amount. This phenomenon occurs as a result of beta-cell damage.

At the time the patient is diagnosed, approximately ten percent of their total number is still functioning normally. Therefore, the remaining beta cells simply cannot produce the same amount of hormones as before. The main symptoms of diabetes begin to manifest:

  • intense thirst and high fluid intakeꓼ
  • exhaustion of the body and rapid weight loss.
  • increased appetite and need for sweets.

After a diagnosis is determined, the patient has prescribed insulin treatment.. Thus, the body begins to receive the required amount of hormones from the outside, in an exogenous way.

After a certain period, which can be manifested in a few months, the following picture is noticed - the application of insulin in previous amounts reduces sugar below standard levels and hypoglycemia begins to appear.

Explaining this situation is very simple - beta cells received their help in the form of constant injections of insulin, which made it possible to reduce the previous load.

Resting begins to actively develop doses of hormones needed by the body, despite the fact that the latter still comes in the form of injections. As a result of such actions, an increased level of insulin in the body is observed, which causes the blood sugar level to fall below normal.

This is a protective reaction of the body, it fights with all its might without medical help against aggressive antibodies produced in the body. There is a gradual depletion of the gland, and when the forces become uneven (antibodies win, the level of insulin in the blood decreases) - the diabetic honeymoon ends.

To date, there are two types of remission or mild periods of diabetes.

Complete remission is possible in two percent of all patients and consists of complete cessation of insulin injections

Partial sugar with honey in partial remission - there remains a need for insulin to be injected. In this case, the dosage is significantly reduced. 0.4 units of the drug per kilogram of patient weight are usually sufficient.

The period of remission can last?

The duration of remission depends on a variety of factors and can last on average one to three months. Cases, when the honeymoon lasts a year, are observed somewhat less frequently. The patient begins to think about the fact that the disease has receded or has been misdiagnosed when the pathology re-encourages development.

The temporary occurrence is based on the fact that the pancreas is exposed to heavy loads, resulting in its rapid depletion. Gradually the remaining healthy beta cells die, causing new attacks of diabetes.

Key factors that may affect the length of the remission period include the following:

  • The age category to which the patient belongs. It should be borne in mind that the older a person becomes, the longer the periods of withdrawal of the pathology. Accordingly, children with an established diagnosis may not notice such relief.
  • According to medical statistics, the duration of the remission period in women is significantly shorter than a similar phenomenon in men.
  • If diabetes mellitus of the first type is diagnosed in the early stages of its development, which led to the timely treatment and application of insulin therapy, the possibility of prolonging the period of honey is significantly increased. In turn, the late course of treatment leads to the fact that there are serious interruptions in metabolic processes and an increased risk of ketoacidosis.

Factors affecting the duration of remission include high c-peptide.

How to extend the remission period?

To date, there are no special methods and ways to prolong the remission period. At the same time, medical experts recommend paying attention to several factors.

Constantly monitor your own health and strengthen your immunity. Because diabetes most often manifests itself as a result of chronic infectious diseases, leading to the manifestation of auto aggression. Therefore, the first step of every diabetic should be to heal the affected areas - to avoid seasonal colds, flu.

Strict adherence to a diet will reduce the load on the pancreas, which in turn will facilitate the work of surviving beta cells. The daily menu should not contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and forbidden foods.

It is necessary to ensure a constant intake of food in the body in small meals. That’s why doctors always recommend eating about five times a day, without overeating. Overeating should be carefully monitored, as this significantly increases the load on the pancreas.

Eating illegal or sugary foods will lead to a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. It should be noted that maintaining a protein diet for diabetes always plays an important role. Failure to follow the recommendations will lead to the fact that the remaining beta cells will stop producing the necessary insulin for the body.

Timely start of the therapeutic course of treatment. It should be noted that in this case, you must fully trust the doctor who is coming. And, if a medical specialist has prescribed a course of insulin therapy, it means that the patient needs such measures.

You should not believe in modern advertising or miraculous methods of alternative medicine, which promise to cure the pathology in a few days and without taking medication. To date, there is no way to completely and permanently get rid of type 1 diabetes.

It is therefore necessary to use such a period of remission to reduce the number of injections and allow the body to cope on its own.

Earlier treatment of the disease, the application of insulin injections helps to prolong the further period of remission.

What mistakes were made during remission ??

One of the major mistakes made by almost all patients is refusing an insulin injection. It should be noted that there are rare cases when, on the recommendation of a doctor, a temporary complete cessation of hormone use is allowed. As a rule, this is two percent of all cases. All other patients should reduce the amount of external insulin, but not completely abandon it.

As soon as the patient makes a decision and stops giving insulin, the duration of remission can be significantly reduced, because beta cells stop receiving the necessary support.

In addition, if you do not reduce the number of injections and insulin dosage, it can also lead to negative consequences. Large amounts of hormones will very quickly manifest as the development of temporary hypoglycemia and a significant reduction in blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and review existing insulin doses.

If a patient is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus, this means that constant and regular monitoring of sugar levels will be required. To help diabetics comes the purchase of a glucometer that will always monitor glucose readings. This will allow you to detect the presence of the honeymoon in a timely manner, prolong it in the future, and avoid possible negative consequences.

Information on the stage of diabetes remission can be found in the video in this article.

Type 1 diabetes

Which determines the period of remission

Everything here is strictly individual - the honeymoon can last longer or less - everyone has different ways. But in any case, all diabetics go through it. What does it all depend on?

  1. How fast the autoimmune process goes.
  2. What matters is how many cells are left.
  3. Being diabetic is very important.

Some diabetics can live long with low doses of insulin. It is rare for remission to last for several years. How to ensure that the honeymoon period is extended or does not end at all?

The honeymoon for type 1 diabetes can last a different period. Here everything can develop completely differently, depending on various related factors.

  1. It is important how old the diabetic is - the older he is, the less aggressively the antibodies act on the islets of Langengars. And that means the honeymoon lasts longer with type 1 diabetes.
  2. It also affects whether he is a man or a woman. In general, remission lasts longer in women than in women.
  3. Thanks to the right treatment started, the honeymoon lasts longer with type 1 diabetes.
  4. High levels of C-reactive protein - a good reason for prolonged remission.
  5. With the presence of concomitant ailments, the remission time is shortened.

Despite the fact that we are used to understanding honeymoon as a great period after marriage, there is another meaning of "honeymoon" - diabetes mellitus no longer sounds pleasant and solemn, in this case, it is a period of remission of the disease, which is difficult and long to treat. sometimes leading to serious consequences, even a fatal outcome is possible in the case of excessive disease progression.

Good day to all. Today I am dedicating an article to type 1 diabetes. The data will be useful to beginners who are at a loss when insulin doses start to decrease sharply, all the way to drug withdrawal. What does that mean? Recovery? Error in diagnosis? Neither, friends.

I will briefly recall what happens at the very beginning of diabetes. As you already know from the article "Causes of diabetes in young children?", Type 1 diabetes develops as a result of autoimmune aggression, and the process begins long before the first signs of diabetes.

When the first signs of diabetes appear (thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, etc.), only 20% of healthy insulin-synthesizing cells remain in the pancreas. The other cells, as you know, went to another world.

The symptoms of diabetes in children are a little different, as I wrote in a previous article.

So, these cells are still straining for a while, working at 2-3-4 rates and trying to provide their owner with enough insulin so he doesn’t need anything. How long do you think a person can work 2-3-4 installments a day? And what will happen to him in the end?

Thus poor cells gradually deplete their potential, only begin to lose soil, and insulin becomes less and less. As a result, the ingested glucose is not overcome and begins to accumulate in the blood, gradually poisoning the body.

As a result, "backup generators" are involved - the body's compensatory abilities. Excess glucose begins to be excreted intensively in the urine, exhaled air, and then.

The body switches to energy fuel reserves - subcutaneous and internal fat. When burned in excess, ketone bodies and acetone are formed, which are powerful toxins that poison, primarily the brain.

Thus, the symptoms of ketoacidosis begin to develop. When there are a lot of toxins, they break through the blood-brain barrier and penetrate the brain tissue, like the "Russians in Kosovo". The brain has no choice but to surrender and fall into a deep sleep - a ketoacidosis coma.

What happens when doctors start injecting insulin from the outside

Friends, we are incredibly happy to be living in the 21st century. Insulin deficiency can now be administered externally. It is hard to think that in the days of our great-grandmothers, and even grandmothers, they could not even dream of such a miracle. All children and adolescents, as well as some adults, inevitably died.

So giving insulin to the remaining 20% ​​of cells is like a breath of fresh air. "They finally sent reinforcements.

"- survivors scream with joy. Now the cells will be able to rest," guest workers "will do the work for them.

After some time (usually 4-6 weeks), the remaining cells, rested and gained strength, are taken as the cause for which they were born - for insulin synthesis.

Along with insulin, the inner gland begins to work better. Due to that, more "guest workers" are no longer needed and the need for them is decreasing. How much less insulin is needed depends on the remaining number of functional pancreatic cells.

Diabetes mellitus is a rather serious disease that develops as a result of pathological changes in the cells of the pancreas. Not many patients are aware that remission can occur in type 1 diabetes.

Honeymoon features

After 1-6 months after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, the patient will have a reduced need to introduce insulin-containing medications. Such changes in the body are explained by the improved functioning of healthy beta cells that are still present in the affected pancreas.

This period of type 1 diabetes has been dubbed the “honeymoon” or time of remission.

Diabetes has a period of remission

  • Complete. There is no need for insulin injections, it is diagnosed in patients in 2-12% of cases.
  • partial There remains a need for injections of insulin-containing drugs and does not exceed 0.4 units per kilogram of body weight. The probability of partial remission is 18 to 62%.

Often the "honeymoon" for type 1 diabetes mellitus does not last long (1 to 3 months). In rare cases, the remission period can last more than a year.

It is worth considering the fact that the improvement in such a serious disease is only temporary. Although insulin production is partially restored in the patient’s body, the pancreas is under great stress, leading to its rapid depletion.

It should be noted that, despite the improvement in the general condition of the patient, further development of antibodies to the remaining beta cells of the active pancreas takes place. This in turn leads to disease progression as the cells involved in insulin secretion are gradually destroyed.

Unfortunately, to date, scientists have failed to develop a drug that will remove the antibodies produced in pancreatic cells. Although many successful laboratory tests have been performed on animals, the tactics used to treat diabetes cannot be applied to humans.

What determines the duration of remission in type 1 diabetes

Early insulin therapy may prolong the remission period.

  • patient's age (in middle-aged and elderly patients this period is longer than in younger age);
  • gender (remission of type 1 diabetes in men is longer than in women);
  • the presence of symptoms of ketoacidosis, as well as the severity of metabolic disorders (a milder form of the disease will contribute to a long "honeymoon");
  • indicator of C-peptide production (high C-peptide determines a longer period of remission);
  • insulin therapy (early treatment of type 1 diabetes allows for a significant prolongation of the “honeymoon”).

Many patients immediately notice a significant improvement during remission because the amount of insulin administered decreases. For a short time, the disease may seem to go away, and the diagnosis made by the doctor is not true.

But after a certain period, everything returns to normal and the disease is made known again. Every patient should understand that at this point the disease is incurable, and tangible improvements are only temporary.

The most important thing for a “honeymoon” is to take all possible measures to prolong it.

How to prolong the period of remission in type 1 diabetes

If you slow down the process of auto aggression in the body, you will be able to prolong the "honeymoon". To understand how to do this, you need to understand the processes that take place in the body and pay attention to the following points:

  1. Increased immunity, fight against the chronic inflammatory process. The progression of auto aggression is caused by chronic foci of developing an infection. Therefore, the first thing to do is to reorganize the affected areas. If possible, you should avoid developing a seasonal disease, SARS. Such measures can "prolong the life" of beta cells and, accordingly, the time of remission of type 1 diabetes. A therapeutic diet prolongs the period of remission of the disease
  2. Therapeutic diet. Proper nutrition also plays an important role. The patient's diet should not have a lot of "light" carbohydrates, it is recommended to take food in moderation at regular intervals. Eating foods high in carbohydrates will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. In this case, the insulin coming from outside will not be enough and the pancreas will not be as productive as before. Failure to follow a special diet will adversely affect the patient’s body. Very soon the remaining beta cells will stop producing insulin, which is so necessary for a normal life.
  3. Timely start of insulin therapy. Do not hesitate to start taking insulin. If the doctor has prescribed injections of a drug containing insulin in a certain dose, then it is necessary to immediately follow his recommendations. The timely initiation of insulin therapy will slow down the process of pancreatic cell death.

What mistake patients make during remission

Patients consider the beginning of the remission period to be a moment of recovery and completely give up previously taken insulin. Complete cancellation of insulin therapy will be a major mistake during the “honeymoon”.

Insulin injections may be temporarily seen in only a few percent of cases. In 97% of cases, continuous insulin support will be required, but in a reduced dosage.

Otherwise, remission will soon come to an end, which will lead to complications - labile diabetes will appear.

Cancellation of insulin therapy is a mistake during the "honeymoon"

You should think carefully before canceling the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Often, the patient will need basic therapy during the "honeymoon", which involves injecting insulin to the extent necessary for its daily production.

An insulin-related diet can be canceled in most cases. This decision is made by the physician solely on the basis of the clinical picture obtained during the examination.

If you do not reduce your insulin dose during remission, it will also have serious consequences, as hypoglycemia may develop. The onset of this period is possible with the completion of therapy in a hospital setting or after a certain time after discharge.

To avoid serious health effects, it is worth consulting a doctor and determining the required dose of insulin. Its dose is reduced gradually, given the available glycemic indicators.

After confirmation of type 1 diabetes mellitus, it will be necessary to control the blood sugar level, follow the doctor's recommendations, taking the appropriate dose of insulin. Only in this situation will it be feasible to extend the "honeymoon" and avoid problems.

Do not look for treatments for this disease. Self-medication folk remedies will not bring the desired benefit but are harmful. Because there is no other option, it is important to learn how to live with this condition. Take care of your health, only complex therapy will help you maintain your condition at the appropriate level.

The main reasons for the development

A genetic predisposition or hereditary factor can cause a child to develop the disease if one of the parents had that diagnosis. Fortunately, this factor does not occur often enough, but only increases the risk of disease.

Strong stress or emotional upheaval in some cases can serve as a lever that will encourage the development of the disease.

Causes of the manifestation include recently experienced severe infectious diseases, including rubella, mumps, hepatitis, or shrimp.

The infection negatively affects the entire human body, but the pancreas begins to suffer the most. Thus, the human immune system begins to destroy the cells of this organ on its own.

First aid, which will quickly lower blood glucose, is based on the following actions:

Direct injection of insulin is given. As a rule, drugs of this group have an ultra-short and maximum effect, they are used as first aid. At the same time, for each person, the drug is selected individually.

  1. Oral medications are used to lower glucose.
  2. The initial stages of insulin therapy can trigger a diabetes honeymoon.

What period of remission can last?

The duration of remission depends on a variety of factors and can last on average one to three months. Cases, when the honeymoon lasts a year, are observed somewhat less frequently. The patient begins to think about the fact that the disease has receded or has been misdiagnosed when the pathology re-encourages development.

The temporary occurrence is based on the fact that the pancreas is exposed to heavy loads, resulting in its rapid depletion. Gradually the remaining healthy beta cells die, causing new attacks of diabetes.

Key factors that may affect the length of the remission period include the following:

The age category to which the patient belongs. It should be borne in mind that the older a person becomes, the longer the periods of withdrawal of the pathology. Accordingly, children with an established diagnosis may not notice such relief.

According to medical statistics, the duration of the remission period in women is significantly shorter than a similar phenomenon in men.

If diabetes mellitus of the first type is diagnosed in the early stages of its development, which led to the timely treatment and application of insulin therapy, the possibility of prolonging the period of honey is significantly increased. In turn, the late course of treatment leads to the fact that there are serious interruptions in metabolic processes and an increased risk of ketoacidosis.

Factors affecting the duration of remission include high c-peptide.

Major patient errors

The main mistake patients make is refusing to give insulin injections. Complete cessation of hormone intake is possible only in exceptional cases, on the recommendation of a doctor. The cost of not following these rules ends in remission and the recurrence of diabetes.

Remission of the disease is the period that the patient wants. At this moment, the symptoms of the pathology do not appear, the need for continuous use of synthetic hormone is sharply reduced. The main goal is to keep the honeymoon for a long time.

The cost of ignoring a doctor’s recommendations can be high. Insulin rejection may develop labile diabetes, and in some cases, diabetic coma is possible during relapse. Do not ignore the risk of disease, if deviations occur, you should seek medical attention.

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