Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes

Obesity, especially abdominal, is the main trigger for the development of type 2 diabetes. Almost every such diagnosis is made on the background of being overweight. One of the most essential responsibilities of a type 2 diabetes patient is to lose weight. And sometimes, when a patient gains a normal body mass index, the "sweet" disease, as it is commonly called, completely goes into clinical remission for many years.

Why do you need to lose weight with type 2 diabetes?

To understand why weight loss is so important, you need to understand what generally happens in the body with obesity.

Excessive fat stores reduce tissue sensitivity to insulin. Insulin resistance develops. Likewise, phase 1 of insulin release in response to food intake is disrupted, but phase 2 (bolus, delayed) persists.

Consequently, after eating, blood sugar levels continue to rise unchecked. In response, the pancreas releases excessive amounts of insulin into the bloodstream, a condition known as hyperinsulinism

Excess fat stores diminish tissue sensitivity to insulin, leading to insulin resistance. Additionally, the first phase of insulin release, which responds immediately to food intake, is impaired, while the second, delayed phase persists.

When weight is reduced, the amount of fat in the body decreases. This causes the cells to regain insulin sensitivity. Then blood sugar normalizes.

Early diabetes and diabetes can often be treated only by losing weight and continuing the diet.

But diabetes comes to the fore, often after 3-5 years when the B cell function of the pancreas is impaired. Then all the same, without tableted drugs to lower sugar or sometimes insulin can not.

Sustained weight loss and a lifelong healthy diet positively impact the progression of the disease and lower the risk of diabetes-related complications. These lifestyle changes also help regulate blood sugar levels consistently and can reduce the need for sugar-lowering medications.

What is the difference between the process of losing weight in diabetes from a healthy body?

A healthy person with obesity is just as important for weight loss as a patient with diabetes because being overweight causes insulin resistance. And if you don't lose weight, you're at a high risk of acquiring diabetes in the future.

Factors of type 2 diabetes

However, diabetes is a disease that leads to metabolic disorders. Therefore, there are some nuances when losing weight with a "sweet" disease.

1. Weight loss should be monitored by a doctor

This is because sugar-lowering medications are often prescribed to help reduce weight and glucose. The main one is Metformin (Siofor, Glyukofazh, Metfogamma, etc.).

With carbohydrate restriction, blood glucose levels decline, and, perhaps, dose adjustment of medications will be required to rule out hypoglycemia.

2. You cannot starve

In the process of losing weight, the patient selects food that can be constantly observed throughout life. And starvation 90% of cases end in disorders. This in turn leads to weight gain and hyperglycemia.

3. A low-carb diet is the diet of choice

With diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. To rule out a sudden rise in blood sugar and reduce the load on the pancreas, carbohydrate intake is as limited as possible.

4. In addition to diet, there should be physical activity

Doctors recommend physical activity for diabetes, but their intensity and strength depend on the severity of the diabetes, the presence of complications, and the associated pathology and age of the patient.

Along with physical education, the weight loss process is much faster. With diabetes, physical activity should be regular and moderate. Gym workout once a week until exhaustion is excluded. It negatively affects your body.

For starters, the simplest and most users will be walking. Every day you need to walk 6,000 steps at an average pace (about 1 hour of walking).

5. Vitamins are prescribed

It is especially important to take chromium. It has the potential to decrease sweet cravings during dieting. Chromium must restore tissue sensitivity to insulin.

6. Remember to drink clean water

During the period of weight loss, more toxic substances are formed than usual. Drinking water is an excellent helper in removing waste (toxins) from the body. Thanks to her, she will stay well: she will not suffer from weakness and headaches.

7. A visit to a psychologist is recommended

It is often said in the media that diabetes is a terrible disease and ends in disability at a young age. The person reacts wrongly and experiences diabetes as a sentence.

But you have to explain to the patient that this is a myth and that they have been living with diabetes for many happy years. This will help individuals accept their illness and change their lifestyle to avoid problems.

Diet for type 2 diabetes for weight loss

The diabetes diet does not have a time frame. It has to become a lifestyle. There will always be dietary restrictions and you need to get used to them. Otherwise, breaking the rules leads to the development of complications.

Clinical nutrition goals:

  • Reduce blood glucose levels and maintain their target level (preferably 3.3-6 mmol / l).
  • Normalize insulin levels.
  • Reach the normal body mass index (18.5-24.99), i.e. weight loss.
  • Improve the course of severe complications and remove the lungs.
  • In prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance), they prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • In the initial stage of the disease to achieve stable clinical remission without taking medication.

Low carb diet

This diet fulfills all goals. Its essence is a strict restriction of carbohydrates due to the increase in the number of healthy fats and normal protein intake.

Foods that exclude foods with a high and medium glycemic index, and increase with a small one. Use the recommended quantity of water and fiber. As with any diet, the body initially regenerates and resists. In the beginning, there may be a decrease in mood and spoilage.

After 2 weeks everything is better and the patient feels great.

What is excluded from the diet

  • Sugar, honey.
  • Baking, cakes, pastries, sweets, and other sweets.
  • Fructose and sorbitol.
  • Bread and other pastries.
  • All cereals (except cooked buckwheat, lentils, wild black rice).
  • All types of flour (except walnuts).
  • All kinds of pasta.
  • Breakfast cereals, muesli.
  • Strawberries, fruits, dried fruits with a high content of carbohydrates (you can avocado, lemon, cranberries, and for a good fee a handful of berries in season).
  • Potatoes, beets, and corn cannot be made from vegetables.
  • Bran (fibers can be separated).
  • Juices (all types).
  • Sweet carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, and others).
  • Beers and sweet drinks.
  • Glaze curds, sweet cooked curds, and yogurts.

With good compensation, you can add a little diet to change in small amounts:

  • Vegetables that grow underground (carrots, radishes, Jerusalem artichokes, etc.). It is recommended to use them raw because during heat treatment the glycemic index of these products increases.
  • Up to 100 gr. daily seasonal fruits or berries (cherries, black currants, blueberries, strawberries, etc.).
  • Up to 50 gr. on the day of nuts and seeds.
  • 10 gr. dark chocolate daily (75% or more cocoa).
  • Once a week a portion of porridge (30 g. Dry product). For example, cooked buckwheat, lentils, wild black rice. If eating cereals after 2 hours raises blood sugar, then you need to exclude them from the diet forever.
  • olives.
  • Walnut flour (almond, sesame, and others).
  • Alcohol on occasion: strong or dry wines.

Using the lists, anyone can create their own menu. All this is done individually, depending on the preferences, the degree of obesity, and concomitant pathology.

Number and frequency of food intake, BZHU

You can eat permitted foods until you feel full. There are no limits, but the measure should be in everything.

It is not necessary to exceed the protein intake above normal, as this will negatively affect the kidneys and intestines. In case of kidney failure, the menu is arranged with the passing doctor.

The frequency of meals is different and depends on each patient individually. It is not required to eat seven times a day if the individual is not hungry. But this does not mean that the whole daily amount of food can be consumed 2 times. After all, it increases the load on the pancreas.

Optimal 3-4 meals. If a patient with diabetes is more comfortable eating more often, this will by no means be a mistake.

The approximate BJU ratio for weight loss in type 2 diabetes is 25/55/20.

The truth about diet food

Currently, so-called diet products have become very popular. In the shops, there are a lot of low-fat products, fitness cheese, yogurt, bar.

The population itself often does not realize that these are very harmful products.

For example, by extracting fat from cheese, it will not have such a consistency. To stabilize, starch is added to the composition. These will already be foods high in carbohydrates, which is harmful in diabetes.

And all products called fitness mean that a person will use physical activity when used. They contain a significant amount of carbohydrates that are necessary for healthy people who do sports. People believe that these products will help them lose weight and buy them in large quantities.

With type 1 diabetes, do they lose weight or gain weight?

Often, type 1 patients are not only lean but even underweight. They might lose up to 10 kg of body weight during the start of the illness.

This is due to a lack of insulin in the body. When there is no insulin, there is no synthesis of fat from carbohydrates and replenishment of fat depots.

With type 1, unlike type 2 diabetes, the process of breaking down protein and fat stores in the body begins. As a result, the person loses weight.

After establishing a diagnosis and prescribing insulin injections, the patient should calculate XE and the number of carbohydrates to calculate the insulin dose. Theoretically, a person with type 1 diabetes can eat everything. 

The main thing is to correctly calculate the dose of the drug. He injected insulin and ate what he wanted. Only this phenomenon is temporary and after the pleasures of diabetes, the deterioration of health will begin. A constant increase in sugar will lead to complications.

Therefore, type 1 patients adhere to a diet to reduce insulin dose and maintain blood glucose levels more evenly without distinction.

When do they gain weight from type 1 diabetes?

  1. When overeating. Even if the doses of insulin and XE are consistent, you should not exceed your daily calorie intake and amount of carbohydrates.
  2. Excess insulin, even injections, leads to weight gain. When the dose is a few units higher than needed, the person feels hungry and overeating. You need to solve the problem by reviewing insulin doses and consuming carbohydrates.

The second type of diabetes has become an epidemic in the 21st century. The reason for this is the prevalence of obesity in the population. Being overweight leads to insulin resistance, which is a precursor to the development of type 2 diabetes.

With this disease, the metabolism suffers, and primarily the metabolism of carbohydrates. That is why diabetics must reduce weight.

Weight reduction and diet are frequently used as primary therapy strategies. For this procedure to be as effective as possible in diabetes, you need to follow a low-carb diet. And to lose weight as hard as possible, physical education classes are definitely added.

These are the most important points of weight loss in type 2 diabetes. By changing your lifestyle and working hard, you are doomed to success in the fight against overweight and diabetes.

How to lose weight with diabetes, its causes, and treatment


Advanced cases of the disease can lead to kidney failure, heart attack, blindness, and diabetic coma that require urgent medical attention.

To avoid this, you need to consult a doctor on time if you have the following symptoms.

  • Constant thirst;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Itching and non-healing wounds;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Constant hunger;
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Memory impairment;
  • The smell of acetone in the mouth.

Other dietary options

As an alternative to Table 9, you can use Dr. Atkins's diet. It also suggests a reduced amount of carbohydrates. In the first phase, which lasts 2 weeks, it is allowed to eat no more than 20 a day.

 This table needs lean meat, fish, seafood, and vegetables in this period. In the second stage, the number of carbohydrates can be increased to 40 g per day. But you have to control your weight. Its increase is a signal for exceeding the norm for carbohydrates for a certain patient.

The Bernstein diet is used to treat diabetes in the West. It also entails lowering the number of carbs and increasing the amount of fat. This diet is essentially a refined version of the Atkins diet.

Why does diabetes lose weight?

Many patients believe that this disease is associated with weight gain, since you always want to eat. In fact, sudden weight loss is a common symptom.

Rapid weight loss leads to exhaustion or cachexia, so it is important to understand the reason why people lose weight with diabetes.

During food intake, carbohydrates enter the gastrointestinal tract and then the bloodstream. The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which helps them absorb it. 

If a breakdown occurs in the body, little insulin is produced, and carbohydrates are retained in the blood, causing an increase in sugar levels. This leads to weight loss in the following cases.

The body stops recognizing the cells responsible for producing insulin. There is a lot of glucose in the body, but it cannot be absorbed and is excreted in the urine. This is typical for type 1 diabetes. The patient has stress, is depressed, is constantly hungry, and suffers from headaches.

Another reason why diabetics lose weight is insufficient insulin production, which is why the body does not consume glucose, instead, fat and muscle tissue are used as an energy source that restores sugar levels in the cells. As a result of active fat burning, body weight drops sharply. This weight loss is typical of type 2 diabetes.

What is the danger of losing weight?

A sharp change in a patient’s body weight in a minor direction carries a lot of health risks.

First of all, with a sharp weight loss, there is a violation of metabolic processes that ensure normal human activity, and secondly, the development of dystrophy of muscle and adipose tissue is observed ..

In addition, weight loss can jeopardize the onset of severe intoxication. In the patient's plasma, there is an increased accumulation of products of incomplete decay of adipose and muscle tissue.

 The body can not fully cope with the process of excretion of decomposition products, which negatively affects the state of all organs and their systems. A particularly negative effect of the toxin appears on the brain, which can ultimately cause death.

With weight loss in diabetics, the digestive system begins to suffer in the first place. The patient discovered violations in the motility of the stomach, such a violation is accompanied by the appearance of:

  • nausea
  • vomit
  • pain
  • feelings of heaviness and some others.

All these changes affect the work of the pancreas and all of these alterations have an impact on the pancreas and gallbladder's function. gallbladder. For this reason, the appearance and progression of pancreatitis and gastritis are becoming common companions of patients suffering from diabetes and rapidly losing weight.

New information: Lada diabetes: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

As a result of metabolic disorders and the accumulation of large amounts of toxins in the blood plasma, the metabolism of water and salt changes. Such a violation causes a malfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Such pathological changes lead to serious consequences:

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Hepatitis A.
  3. Urolithiasis, etc.

In addition to these disorders and pathologies, a diabetic who loses weight quickly can have the following complications:

  • occurrence and progression of hypoparathyroidism;
  • formation of severe edema;
  • there is increased fragility of hair and nail plates, which develops against the background of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • development of hypotension;
  • problems with memory and concentration.

In addition to these problems, diabetics with weight loss are accompanied by psychological disorders. Patients become irritable, sometimes there is aggression, and there is a tendency to develop depressive states.

It is difficult to recover from diabetes, however, complications can be avoided.. This requires strict adherence to the recommendations of an endocrinologist and regular use of prescribed medications.

If it becomes necessary to lose weight, the doctor must strictly control this procedure.

The danger of rapid weight loss

Rapid weight loss is no less dangerous than obesity. The patient may develop exhaustion (cachexia), the dangerous consequences of which may be:

  • Complete or partial atrophy of the leg muscles;
  • Adipose tissue dystrophy;
  • Ketoacidosis - a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which can lead to diabetic coma.

What to do

The foremost thing is to consult a doctor. If weight loss is associated with the patient's psychological state, then he will be prescribed cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, antidepressants, and a high-calorie diet.

When should you turn the alarm?

In healthy people, the weight can fluctuate as much as 5 kg. Its increase may be associated with holidays, vacations, or a decline in physical activity. Weight loss is mainly due to emotional stress as well as the desire of the person who intends to lose a few pounds.

However, a sharp weight loss of up to 20 kg in 1-1.5 months may indicate the development of diabetes. On the one hand, such weight loss brings significant relief to the patient, but on the other hand, it is a leader in the development of severe pathologies.

What else should you pay attention to? First of all, these are two symptoms - irreversible thirst and polyuria. In the presence of such signs, along with weight loss, a person should, above all, visit an endocrinologist. 

The doctor, after examining the patient, prescribes a blood glucose test and only then confirms or rejects the suspicion of "sweet disease".

How to gain weight in type 1 diabetes

To stop losing weight, you need to ensure a constant intake of calories in your body. The daily meal should be divided into 6 parts. Standard meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner) containing 85-90% of the daily calorie intake must be supplemented with two snacks, which contain 10-15% of the daily food intake.

Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds or other products containing monounsaturated fats are suitable for additional snacks.

During main meals, preference should be given to foods that contain polyunsaturated fats and improve insulin production.

They include the following products:

  • Vegetable soups;
  • Goat milk;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Soy meat;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Greens;
  • Low-fat fish;
  • Rye bread (not more than 200 g per day).

The diet must be balanced, it is necessary to follow the correct ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

How to lose weight on diabetes with insulin

Many patients suffering from high blood sugar have repeatedly wondered, "How do you lose weight with diabetes?" To overcome excess weight in this situation, you need to consult not only with a doctor but also with a nutritionist who can properly create a menu for each day.

 A patient with such a diagnosis will have to give up many products. But by sticking to a proper diet for a while, he will feel better. After dieting, many people will never return to their former image.

Permitted and prohibited products

A properly chosen diet for this disease of the endocrine system helps to reduce drug therapy to a minimum. But it is worth it because, in each specific situation, weight loss occurs in different ways. 

A balanced diet is selected for each patient individually, taking into account not only the progression of diabetes but also the characteristics of the body. If necessary, to compile the correct menu, the patient additionally undergoes an examination and passes tests.

Diabetics (with type 2 disease) should be excluded from the daily diet of the following foods:

  • sugar, bee products, cans, all kinds of confectionery;
  • fruits and berries high in fructose: grapes, bananas, raisins, dates.

If the patient is diagnosed with a mild or moderate form of pathology, then in rare cases you can allow the use of these products.

After a series of studies, it was found that fats affect the development of this disease of the endocrine system. The patient is allowed to eat no more than 38 grams of fat per day.

It is recommended to completely limit diabetics from fried, spicy, and alcoholic drinks, as well as salty, spicy, and smoked. The ban also includes chocolates, ice cream, and pastry shops with cream.

A patient with high sugar should include in the daily diet foods such as:

  • Black or diabetic bread, but not more than 0.2 kg per day.
  • Vegetable-based soups, with meat or fish soup - no more than twice a week.
  • Dietary poultry and fish just cooked. You can cook aspic.
  • Raisins, pasta, and beans are not banned (it is rare to limit the consumption of bakery products on this day). Allowed cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, sometimes millet, barley, rice. Deficiency remains forbidden.
  • Cooked or raw vegetables and herbs. Potatoes, beets, and carrots should be limited - no more than 0.2 kg per day.
  • Soft-boiled eggs or omelets, but no more than two pieces each day.
  • Sour and sweet and sour fruit with berries, but not more than 0.3 kg per day.
  • Milk is possible only with a doctor's permission. Dairy products should be consumed no more than one glass a day.
  • It is worth eating expensive every day, but not more than 0.2 kg.
  • You can drink green and black tea, and juices (preferably freshly squeezed).

If you have any contentious questions about nutrition, consult an expert. You should not self-medicate since it might aggravate your illness.

Diet for weight loss in type 1 diabetes

If the patient’s treatment is based on insulin, proper diet, and exercise therapy, it will help normalize body weight, and metabolism, and restore performance.

 In this situation, the patient's diet requires strict accounting of carbohydrates consumed, because they are considered the main source of energy and affect the concentration of sugar in the blood. The daily diet of diabetics should consist of 60% of carbohydrates consumed.

With type 1 pathology, there is no complete exclusion or restriction of any food product. This is a significant plus.

To properly compile a menu, you need to know that there are five groups of easily digestible carbohydrates:

  1. The first group - sugar and sweets.
  2. The second group - dairy products in liquid form.
  3. The third group - fruit.
  4. The fourth group - vegetables that do not contain starch.
  5. The fifth group - cereals, pasta, bakery products.

Patients with normal body weight with type 1 diabetes are recommended to exclude from the diet only products that belong to the first group. If the patient suffers from excess weight, and there is an increased level of cholesterol in the blood, then it is worth excluding the first group from the diet, the rest - learn how to properly distribute during the day, and limit fat.

Dietary recommendations for weight normalization:

  • the number of calories per day must be within the allowable norm, which is calculated for each patient individually, taking into account weight and activity;
  • you need to learn how to properly combine a proper diet, insulin, carbohydrates, calories, and activities;
  • it is necessary to create such a daily regimen and food intake to achieve a stable insulin content in the body. This will help control blood sugar on an empty stomach;
  • fractional diet - at least five times a day;
  • the distribution of carbohydrates consumed depends on the number of insulin injections.

Diet to lose weight in type 2 diabetes

How can you lose weight when dealing with type 2 diabetes? Achieving weight loss with this condition involves carefully choosing foods that positively affect blood sugar levels. It's crucial to discuss any dietary adjustments with a healthcare provider beforehand.

Carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source for the body, significantly impacting blood glucose levels. Consuming foods rich in carbohydrates can elevate your blood sugar to critical levels.

 which is undesirable for patients with diabetes because it can lead to negative consequences. It is worth noting that complete exclusion from the diet is not recommended, carbohydrates may be present in the daily diet, but in limited quantities.

Every day, a woman with pathology should eat 2-3 meals of carbohydrates, and a man - 3-4. For snacks, you should turn off this item.

Dietary recommendations for weight loss:

  • Meals should be balanced throughout the day, which will help maintain a stable blood glucose level. There should be no more than five hours between meals and no less than two hours. It is recommended to count the calories you consume with each meal.
  • It is worth consuming a small amount of protein with each meal, which does not increase blood sugar and slows down the rate of carbohydrate digestion, helping the patient to feel longer. Protein contains foods such as beef, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs, turkey, cottage cheese, and cheese.
  • Every day, you should eat omega-3 fats, but in moderation. They assist to satisfy your hunger. Reduce your consumption of saturated fats.
  • Increase your intake of fiber-rich meals. They help maintain a stable sugar level because they reduce the rate of carbohydrate digestion. Fiber is found in vegetables that do not contain starch.

It is recommended to not only adhere to a proper and balanced diet daily but also to engage in moderate physical activity.

Exercise and diet

Physical activity in parallel with diet will help normalize weight in diabetes. It should be borne in mind that physical activity should be moderate, as intense exercise can cause a sudden drop in blood glucose.

If the patient plans to increase activity, then it is worth taking some precautions so as not to cause complications and ill health:

  • The morning dose of insulin should be reduced. If the patient is taking medications that lower blood sugar, then the insulin dose in the morning is not reduced.
  • You should eat well before starting physical work and eat after another 2-3 hours.

Even if the patient is not planning intense physical activity, it is still necessary to bring a small lunch with you, preferably sweet. To a person with such a disease, experts prescribe therapeutic gymnastics, which helps the patient to feel good and to work on the same level with everyone.

An active diabetes lifestyle helps to slightly compensate for insulin.

Diabetics are also advised to keep a notebook of proper diet, calories and consumed carbohydrates, medications, well-being, and physical activity. Such a diary will help professionals to navigate with further adjustment of therapy.

How to gain weight in type 2 diabetes

For weight gain in type 2 diabetes, great attention is paid to diet. With this type of disease, you need to control your carbohydrate intake by choosing foods with a low glycemic index. The lower it is, the less sugar there will be with food and the lower the blood sugar level will be.

The most common foods with a low glycemic index:

  • Skimmed milk;
  • Walnuts;
  • legumes;
  • Perlovka;
  • Sugar-free yogurt.

Food should be fractional, it is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day, it is important to monitor the balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

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