Low carb diet for type 1 and 2 diabetes

Doctors say that “every diabetic has their own diabetes,” and in fact that claim is true. Therefore, each patient needs their own diet for type 2 diabetes to treat the disease.

General principles for controlling blood sugar levels are common to all, but in reality, they are effective tactics individually for each person, depending on the course of the disease, its stage, related pathologies, and other factors that directly and indirectly affect the development of diabetes.

It is known that in some situations the disease requires injections of hormones - insulin. In cases where the patient adheres to a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics, it is still impossible to completely give up insulin. The exception can be attributed to newly diagnosed diabetes, and due to the strictest diet, it is possible to completely give up injections.

It is worth knowing that the dose of basic insulin will decrease over time, in connection with the fact that it is important not to miss the period in which probable hypoglycemia occurs. It is necessary to consider what a low-carbohydrate diet means for type 2 diabetes, as well as the first type. And what foods does the diet include ??

Low Carb Type 1 Diabetes: Guidelines

Initially, a person diagnosed with diabetes should realize that he is not going on a strict diet, he is simply changing his lifestyle, especially composing a diet so that it is full and balanced.

All these actions are aimed at lowering a person's blood glucose level, because the fewer carbohydrates received, the lower the likelihood of disease progression, and the likelihood of well-being and stable blood sugar levels at normal levels increases several times.

Whether the patient is taking medication or not, he is shown a healthy diet. At the moment it is not as strict as it was before, however it implies some limitations.

Assign the following reasons to change your dietary rules:

  • Each patient has a special device for measuring blood sugar - a glucometer, with which you can find out the glucose content at home at any time. There was no need to visit a medical facility every time to get a blood test.
  • The dose of the hormone, which patients apply immediately before a meal, is not fixed and a person can vary it.
  • Due to the availability of medical data, patients with diabetes can calculate the number of carbohydrates in food products to choose the required amount of insulin for themselves.

Important tip: for diabetes, you must learn to properly correlate the number of carbohydrates a person ingests with food and the dose of hormones needed to administer them.

A low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics is a guarantee that the patient's quality of life will not deteriorate, that he will live a normal and normal life in a normal rhythm.

In addition, a diet for type 1 diabetes helps prevent possible complications of cardiovascular disease.

The first type of diabetes: menus, food

In the presence of diabetes, it is recommended to monitor body weight and eat in such a way that the weight is within the normal range of patients. Before eating, you need to assess its carbohydrate balance.

You need to enrich your menu for a week, and the rest of the time with foods that contain carbohydrates, which have a low glycemic index. It will also be important to know your glycemic profile to choose the right diet and foods.

If the patient is overweight against diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to limit the amount of animal fat. If the patient's weight is normal, then there is no need to control the amount of fat, because the proportion of fat in the food consumed will not affect the insulin dosage.

Tip for diabetics: for the first type of disease, the patient's diet must contain the required number of calories and fiber. In this case, the patient can eat table salt, granulated sugar as healthy people, but without abuse.

Foods that must be excluded from the diet:

  • Ice cream, chocolate, and other sweets, jam.
  • Marinades, salty and smoked dishes.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • The first high-fat courses.
  • Concentrated sales juices, carbonated sweet liquids.
  • Sweet fruits: grapes, bananas, peaches.
  • Sweet dough, pastries, pastries, and more.

Foods that can be eaten with diabetes:

  • All flour products, if made from whole grains.
  • Okroshka, the first course for vegetable soups.
  • Seafood, low-fat fish fillets.
  • Low sugar vegetables.
  • Dried fruit. As a rule, compotes, fruit drinks, and the like are prepared from them, but without granulated sugar.
  • Porridge, dairy products, natural honey (moderate).

Regardless of the type of diabetes, the patient should always control the intake of fruits, dairy products, pasta, cereals.

In addition, each diabetic is recommended a special notebook in which to record the consumption of sugar along with food. This action will facilitate the preparation of diets to avoid excess sugar.

Type 2 low carb diabetes

For type 2 diabetics, the Atkins diet, which includes 4 phases, is recommended. Each phase has its own characteristics and its own time in time.

The first stage is the most difficult, lasting two weeks or more. During this period, a process of ketosis is observed in the patient's body, as a result of which fats are broken down.

At this stage, no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates are consumed per day, a fractional diet is needed - 3-5 times a day. The size of the serving at a time should not exceed 300 grams of food, and the interval between meals should not exceed 6 hours.

Important tip: it is necessary to maintain fluid balance in the body, so it is recommended to drink no less than 8-9 glasses of regular fluid a day; get off the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Main foods on the menu:

  • Lean meat, fish.
  • Seafood - shrimp, mussels.
  • Chicken and quail.
  • Vegetable oil.

In the first phase, it is forbidden to eat sweet foods, bread, ketchup, nuts, sunflower seeds, carrots, as well as products that contain a lot of starch.

You can eat in limited quantities:

  • Tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Olives, white cabbage.
  • Fresh zucchini, eggplant.
  • Dairy Products.

For type 2 diabetics, it is recommended to bring optimal physical activities into your life to activate the process of losing weight and removing excess weight. Medical experience shows that if you follow all the rules of the first phase, you can lose 5-6 kilograms.

The second phase of the diet can be two weeks, or maybe two years. The duration of such a diet depends on the initial weight of the patient. At this stage, it is necessary to find out the required dose of carbohydrates, which will enable you to eat properly and rationally, and at the same time lose weight. If during it the weight starts to rise, or stops at some point, you need to go back to the first stage.

The third phase implies that the patient has reached a normal weight. At this point, the amount of carbohydrates is determined, which will allow you to be at that weight without shifting in either direction. The fourth and final stage for life. The required carbohydrate content is calculated on the basis of a special table with few carbohydrates.

Based on it, the patient will be able to put together their own diet and even come up with new recipes for a low-carb diet for diabetes.

Low carb diet for the week: type 1 and 2 diabetes

The 7-day menu with type 1 diabetes includes no more than 1,400 calories a day. That is, such a diet will not only help to cope with excess weight but also improve the overall well-being of the patient.

For diabetics who do not have problems with excess weight, it is allowed to increase the amount of food consumed.

It is worth noting that many patients underestimate the importance of such a diet, considering it an unnecessary and stupid restriction, which is fundamentally wrong.

In fact, the medical experience of specialists shows that a proper diet helps control sugar levels, and in the vast majority of cases does not allow the development of complications.

Breakfast can look like this:

  1. Porridge on water, a small piece of cheese and bread, water, or a cup of tea without sugar.
  2. Steamed omelet of a few eggs, a boiled piece of veal, a small tomato, and a slice of whole-grain bread.
  3. Cabbage cookies with low-fat content, a slice of bread, low-fat yogurt.

Lunch options for type 1 diabetes mellitus:

  • Fresh vegetable salad, first course - vegetable borsch, steamed meatballs, stewed cabbage with a little vegetable oil, a slice of bread.
  • Cooked chicken breast, vegetable salad, pumpkin puree.
  • Cooked meat or fish fillets, tomato and cucumber salad, pasta.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat low-calorie cheese, washed with pomegranate soup; orange grapefruit; low-fat kefir.

Dinner with diabetes can look like this:

  1. Cooked meat plus boiled cabbage.
  2. Cabbage flour and boiled fish fillet.
  3. Boiled chicken, stewed asparagus.
  4. Cheese, tea.

The second type of diabetes involves creating an optimal and individual menu that takes into account the number of carbohydrates. It is not necessary to calculate protein and fat intake.

To develop a diet in seven days, you can pay attention to the following template:

  • It is better to eat protein foods for breakfast, it is recommended to use only unsweetened green tea.
  • At lunchtime, give preference to fish or lean meat, a side dish of vegetables, or a small amount of bread, cereals.
  • For dinner, they also recommend fish or meat dishes, the main way of cooking is cooking or baking, as well as unsweetened vegetables and fruits.

As practice shows, diabetes is an insidious disease that requires not only adequate treatment but also adherence to strict dietary rules. Extremely complex therapy will not allow the deterioration of the patient's quality of life, as well as the improvement of the patient's well-being and general condition.

The following is a table of compatible products to help the diabetic choose the right diet.

Type 1 low carb diabetes: a recipe menu

With type 1 "sweet disease," the pancreas does not synthesize enough insulin. There are not enough hormones to completely transport sugar from the blood to the liver and muscle cells. Carbohydrates accumulate in the plasma and negatively affect the functioning of the body. A dangerous condition of hyperglycemia develops, which can lead to coma. Patients with type 1 diabetes have insulin injections to make up for the hormone deficiency. This is often not enough to improve health, so patients resort to other methods of therapy.

What is a low-carb diet for type 1 diabetes?

The most important thing in treating type 1 diabetes is to maintain a stable blood sugar level. This conclusion was made by Dr. Richard Bernstein - a diabetic with "experience" of 70 years. Conducting experiments with his diet and measuring his sugar level with a home glucometer 6-8 times a day, he realized that just reducing the number of carbohydrates helps avoid glucose spikes. Over the years, Dr. Bernstein found that 1 g of carbohydrate increases sugar by 0.28 mmol / l, and 1 unit of insulin in cattle or pigs reduces sugar by 0.83 mmol / l.

By changing the diet, the American doctor partially solved the complications caused by diabetes, improved well-being, and extended his life by several decades. The essence of a low-carbohydrate diet is to completely reduce the number of saccharides and replace them with protein. Bernstein’s diet for diabetes normalizes sugar levels just 2-3 days after it starts. Indicators do not exceed 5.3-6.0 mmol / l after a meal. Precise calculations of insulin doses, taking special pills, a balanced diet with 50-60% of carbohydrates in the diet do not give such an effect.


A low-carbohydrate diet for type 1 diabetes is a progressive idea that is not supported by all modern endocrinologists. If the patient follows this diet, he will gradually give up expensive supportive drugs, which is not beneficial for the pharmaceutical industry. For human health, a low-carbohydrate diet has a number of benefits:

  • supports the pancreas;
  • reduces cell resistance to insulin;
  • maintains consistently good sugar levels;
  • helps control weight;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels of “bad” cholesterol;
  • maintains normal blood pressure;
  • reduces the risk of complications from blood vessels, kidneys, nervous system, fundus.

It is not easy for a person who is used to eating foods with sugar and carbohydrates on the Bernstein diet. At first, a patient with diabetes may be haunted by hunger, but then the body will get used to the changes. It is most severe in patients with renal complications. With advanced diabetic nephropathy, a low-carbohydrate diet is contraindicated. In 2011, a study was completed at the American Medical School that proved that a diet containing low carbohydrates can encourage the development of diabetic nephropathy. The experiment was performed on mice.

Diet rules

The most important point in a low-carb diet for type I diabetes is calculating the number of carbs. The weight of saccharides is determined individually, taking into account the sex, age, and weight of the person, glycemia on the test, and 1-2 hours after a meal. Numerous scientists believe that it is necessary to limit carbohydrate intake to 30 g per day. Other health professionals do not allow a significant reduction and recommend consuming up to 70 g of carbohydrates. Richard Bernstein developed such a plan for an adult weighing 64 kg: 6 g of saccharide in the morning, 12 g for lunch and evening.

A low-carbohydrate diet for type 1 diabetes begins with an experiment. A person eats permitted foods, measures blood sugar, and monitors the effect over time. If the food does not cause a jump in glycemia, it remains in the diet. General rules of the power system:

  • Divide the allowable amount of carbohydrates into 3 meals.
  • Plan the menu a week in advance and execute the plan without deviation. You are not allowed to loosen up a bit - then you have to lower your sugar.
  • Eat only when you feel real hunger. Overeating is strictly forbidden! Any product consumed in excessive amounts will cause a jump in blood sugar.
  • Every day, you should eat the same amount of carbohydrates and protein at a meal. The food must be different, but the standard content of nutrients.
  • Sugar must be controlled up to 8 times a day, sometimes at night. After using a new product, measure your glycemic level 5 minutes after a meal and then after 15, 30, 60 minutes. Make a list of foods that do not affect glucose and that trigger its growth. It is especially important to check the "marginal" foods for sugar: tomato juice, cheese, nuts, etc.

List of products with low carbon diabetes

The list of permitted products is not particularly striking in its diversity, but a person with diabetes has little choice: you need to change your diet or your quality of life will deteriorate. Allowed foods low in carbohydrates:

  • meat and poultry: beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey;
  • medium-fat and non-fat fish varieties: pike, trout, pollock, cross carp, etc .;
  • all kinds of seafood;
  • eggs
  • green vegetables: cabbage, seaweed, cucumbers, spinach, green onions, raw onions (very little), fresh tomatoes (2-3 slices), hot peppers, green beans, eggplant (test);
  • cabbage: dill, cilantro, parsley;
  • mushroom;
  • avocado;
  • dairy products: fat cream, natural yogurt from whole milk, kefir, any cheese, except feta, butter, cottage cheese (1-2 tablespoons, test);
  • soy products: milk, flour (in limited quantities);
  • natural spices;
  • nuts: hazelnuts, Brazil nuts (not more than 10 pieces at a time);
  • drinks: coffee, tea, sugar-free cola, mineral, and plain clean water.

Prohibited products

Carbohydrates in the evening, harmful fats, and products with hidden sugar are strictly forbidden to a patient with type 1 diabetes. List of foods that should not be in the diet:

  • table sugar;
  • sweets, including for diabetics;
  • honey;
  • either flour and pasta;
  • buns;
  • cereals: rye, wheat, oatmeal, rice, corn, barley, millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables: carrots, beets, potatoes, sweet peppers, beans, peas, legumes, boiled tomatoes, pumpkin;
  • fatty pork, sausages;
  • margarine;
  • caviar, canned fish, smoked and salted fish;
  • any fruits and berries, including grapefruit, green apples, lemons, blueberries;
  • fruit juices;
  • whole, skimmed, condensed milk, sour cream;
  • all semi-finished products;
  • canned soups;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • products with sugar substitutes: with dextrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, xylitol, corn and maple syrup, maltodextrin, malt;
  • soda;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks, lemonade, compote, rosehip soup.

Switching to a low-carb diet

To regulate type 1 diabetes, you need to prepare for the transition to the Bernstein diet system. Learn how to calculate the dose of "prolonged" and "short" insulin, depending on glycemia. As the number of carbohydrates in the diet decreases, the sugar will dilute and the demand for insulin will decrease. To avoid hypoglycemia, you must adjust the dose of the injection. Always have glucometer and glucose tablets to react in time if your sugar drops too much.

You need to spend 10 weeks intensifying your blood sugar control. Write the glycemic indicators in the table, what they ate, in what quantities, which insulin was injected, which tablets were taken. During this time, it is advisable to find out how much sugar increases each 1 g of carbohydrates eaten. Gradually reduce the number of saccharides while checking your glycemic level.

Determine the mass of protein you need to achieve satiety. At the same time, rely on your own feelings and the protein/fat/carbohydrate (BJU) tables in the products. For example, you have decided that you need to eat 50 g of pure protein (about 250 g of protein products) for lunch. Eat this amount of food and see how much hunger has subsided, how your blood sugar has behaved. If indicators and well-being do not suit you, reduce or increase the amount of protein and adjust your insulin dose.

What to consider when creating a menu

When planning a diet, it is necessary to consider three main indicators that characterize the products:

  1. The glycemic index (GI) is the digital equivalent that shows how much a particular product raises sugar levels. The higher the value (maximum 100), the greater the possibility of food to increase glycemia.
  2. The insulin (II) index is an indicator that shows how many hormones are needed to normalize blood sugar levels after eating a particular product.
  3. Nutritional value - the weight of BZHU in 100 g of product.

A patient with type 1 diabetes must know that heat treatment increases the GI of the product. Raw vegetables have a lower amount, and this should be taken into account when calculating the insulin dose. The patient can eat boiled in water and steamed, baked, stewed food. Most diabetics find it difficult to remove a spike of sugar after breakfast. To solve this problem, you need to consume 2 times fewer carbohydrates in the morning than for lunch and dinner or by no means include saccharides in your breakfast menu. The evening meal should be no later than 6.30 pm.

There may be snacks between main meals, but they are not optional. On a proper low-carb diet, the patient does not need extra food because blood sugar levels remain stable. If there are eating disorders, hunger may increase. Snacks should be protein, and after that, they should monitor blood sugar. Eating is allowed only when the previous food has been fully digested.

Each compiles a diet for themselves individually, and it is advisable to show it to a progressive endocrinologist. The serving size is selected independently. A low-carb diet for diabetics involves adjusting insulin doses - that’s a very important point! If the patient does not understand the specifics of taking insulin, Bernstein’s diet system will not be fully effective. Sample menu for 3 days:

  • Boiled eggs, coffee with cream
  • Mushroom soup with beef, stewed cauliflower
  • Salad of roasted pollock, cucumber, and greens
  • Pork, roasted meat, nuts allowed, sunflower seeds, eggs, fish slices
  • Roast chicken breast, salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, tea
  • Borscht for diabetics, tofu
  • Steamed pork and beef pate, roasted zucchini with spices and mozzarella
  • Vegetable soup, meatballs without rice, hard cheese
  • Chicken fillet with mushrooms, stewed with yogurt sauce, lettuce salad


A low-carb diet for type 1 diabetes excludes cereals, pasta, any bread (even rye), sugar, fruit, and many other foods that people have been accustomed to eating for years. They are replaced by vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, etc. From these ingredients, you can cook excellent dishes that provide the body with energy, vitamins, minerals. Delicious Recipes for a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics have been selected for you.

Beer stew

  • Time: 90 minutes.
  • Serving per tank: 6 people.
  • Calorie content: 2900 kcal (128 kcal / 100 g).

The soft meat is very tasty, tender, and aromatic. The regulation for patients with type 1 diabetes has changed little - in the original version, there are still wheat flour and red pepper. In any case, when you use a dish for the first time, a diabetic patient should test his sugar level, because there are “over the border” products among the ingredients. Do not eat onions and garlic in the finished dish.


  • beef - 1 kg;
  • bacon - 100 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs .;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • red hot pepper - 1 pc .;
  • tomato paste - 5-6 tbsp. l .;
  • cumin seeds - 1 tsp;
  • dark beer - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the meat into cubes, press the garlic through a press and mix with the meat.
  • Cut the fat into strips, fry in a drop of vegetable oil.
  • Cut the onion in half rings, add the bacon. Strain the cumin seeds and sauté until the onions are soft.
  • Add tomato paste, stir and simmer for another 1 minute.
  • Add garlic meat to the ingredients, fill the products with beer.
  • Salt the pan, cover the pan or cauldron, simmer over low heat until the meat is ready.

Fish cheese fillet fillets

  1. Time: 40 minutes.
  2. Serving per dish: 4 people.
  3. Calorie content: 1930 kcal (144 kcal / 100 g).

A tender fish in a cloud of egg cheese and eggs melts in your mouth. The best part is that there is not a single gram of harmful sugar in the meal, which is extremely important for patients with type 1 diabetes. Even a beginner can cope with cooking. Once you have tried a fish in such an interpretation, you will want to repeat it over and over again. Shell, chipboard, sea bass, pangasius are suitable for eating.


  • fish fillet - 4 pcs .;
  • hard cheese - 75 g;
  • chicken egg - 5 pcs .;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • fresh spice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Roll out the fillets in a test tube, tie with string and fry in butter until half did.
  • Season the fish with salt and pepper, remove the threads.
  • Place the butter rolls in a muffin tin, greased with butter.
  • Grate the cheese in a large oven, coat it with egg yolks.
  • Beat the squirrels until the tops are continuous.
  • Mix the cheese, egg yolks, and zucchini, immediately pour them into cans of fish.
  • You need to bake the dish in the oven, preheated to 220 °. The time is 15 minutes. Sign of readiness - shine souffle, fried top crust.

Pate for diabetics

Time: 35 minutes.

Serving per tank: 8 people.

Calorie content: 2090 kcal (140 kcal / 100 g).

How do you want a person with type 1 diabetes to indulge in the foods that healthy people eat! The presented paste recipe will help you make that wish come true. You shouldn’t spread it on bread, but you can eat it with stewed vegetables or an omelet. After eating pasta, it is necessary to monitor glycemia, because the food contains onions.


  • chicken liver - 300 g;
  • chicken fillet (double) - 1 pc .;
  • cream 15% - 500 ml;
  • onion - 2 pcs .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Provencal herbs, salt - to taste.
  • Cooking method:
  • Cook the liver and chicken breasts until soft.
  • Chop the onion into small pieces, fry until golden.
  • Pour the onion cream, add spices, salt, boil the sauce a little. Add the chopped garlic.
  • Mix the chicken, liver, and sauce in a blender. The pate is ready.

Low carb diet for type 1 and 2 diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that can be felt at any age. It often affects the body in the midst of life. With diabetes, you need to adhere to a special low-carb diet. How does it affect the course of the disease, what are the results of such a diet?

Diet for type 1 diabetes

The diet of a patient with type 1 diabetes consists mainly of carbohydrates. Protein and fat content is reduced to 25%. For example, the daily diet may include baked or stewed fish, porridge, pasta, a portion of potatoes, a piece of chicken. If necessary, the menu is supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the snack can be combined with insulin.

For patients with diabetes, there are 5 rules to follow a low-carb diet.

  • Daily meals should be 4 to 8 times. Most foods that contain carbohydrates are for lunch and breakfast. The frequency and timing of meals are determined by the type of insulin and its intake program.
  • Increased physical activity requires more carbohydrates.
  • It is forbidden to skip meals. Overeating is also undesirable. The lump-sum should not exceed 600 calories. If a diabetic needs to lose weight, then the number of calories is reduced. A patient with normal weight should not consume more than 3,100 calories a day.
  • With a low-carb diet, fats are not excluded from the diet. However, you cannot abuse their rich food. Also, do not mix in fried, smoked, salty, and spicy dishes. It is better to sauté meat, fish, steam or bake in the oven.
  • Complete rejection of alcoholic beverages.

Diet of type 2 diabetes

The principle of a low-carbohydrate diet is to eat predominantly protein foods. Carbohydrates are also included in the diet, but not all. Fast carbs are contraindicated in type 2 diabetes. There are many of them in products like pasta, jams, melons, honey, confectionery and bakery products, figs, grapes, bananas, and dried fruits.

Instead, products that contain slower carbohydrates are introduced into the menu. As a rule, they are divided into several groups:

  • cereals;
  • Dairy Products;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • legumes and crops.

From fruits, peaches, plums, grapefruits, cherries, unsweetened varieties of apples, oranges, and apricots are allowed. The daily rate of plant food is not more than 300 g.

Bread with type 2 diabetes mellitus can be made only from whole grains or relevancy (from a mixture of flour with wheat and rye seeds). The daily rate of flour products - no more than 120 g per day.

Protein foods are a major element of the low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes. These are mainly chicken eggs, meat, and dairy products. In the latter case, preference is given to cottage cheese, fat-free kefir, filler-free yogurts, fermented baked milk. The maximum daily intake is 500 g.

Chicken eggs can be eaten in any form. Daily price - no more than 2 per day.

Be sure to include porridge in the menu of diabetics. It is the main source of dietary fiber, vitamins B and E. Dietary fiber is essential for the normalization of cholesterol and glucose.

The ideal meat products are white rabbit, turkey, and poultry fillets. It contains low amounts of cholesterol and fats. After eating meat, hunger does not occur for a long time. You can also include seafood in your diet. Oily fish must not be taken away.

It is difficult for many people with diabetes to give up sugar. Xylitol is a good alternative.

Menu for the week

To switch to a low-carb diet, it is recommended to follow a pre-compiled menu on a weekly basis. Such a diet provides the patient with 1200–1400 calories per day and 8400–8600 calories per week. If the diabetic is not overweight, you can increase calories.

Atkins diet

The Atkins low-carbohydrate diet can be used in the early stages of diabetes, but only under medical supervision. It consists of four phases. Each has its own characteristics.

The first phase

The first phase is the most difficult. Its duration is 15 days or more. During this period, the body breaks down fats (the process of ketosis). There are about 20 g of carbohydrates in the menu daily. Divide the daily meal into small meals, 3-5 receptions. Adhere to the interval between meals - no more than 6 hours. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

The main products of the menu for diabetes at this stage are vegetable oil, meat, mussels, fish, eggs, shrimp. In small quantities, you can eat olives, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, cheese, and other dairy products. Forbidden bread, nuts, flour and sweets, tomato paste, seeds, carrots, starchy vegetables, sweet fruits.

To activate the process of breaking down fat, do physical exercises. In accordance with all the recommendations in the first phase, weight loss will be up to 5 kg.

Second phase

This lasts from a few weeks to a few years (depending on the number of pounds you need to lose). During this period, the own daily dose of carbohydrates is calculated, at which the ketosis process will continue. This is done experimentally - increase the number of carbohydrates in the diet gradually. Weigh once a week to see how your body weight changes. If it stops at the same level or rises, return to Phase 1.

The third phase

It starts when the ideal weight is reached. At this stage, determine the optimal amount of carbohydrates that will allow you to maintain your weight at the desired level. You must not gain weight, but also not lose weight. You can include 10 g of excess carbohydrates in your diet for a few months a week.

The fourth phase

Filled with all subsequent lives. Ensures that the weight is maintained at the desired level. You can find the number of carbohydrates contained in different foods in the table of low-carbohydrate diets. Based on this information, you will make a daily diet.


A wide selection of protein foods with a carbohydrate-free diet allows diabetics to prepare many delicious and healthy meals.

Cooked chicken. Peel a squash, grate it and remove all the fat. Rinse, salt, and pepper the meat. Fold in the slow cooker. Add 150 g of water and bay leaf. Select the shutdown mode for 1.5 hours. Add sliced ​​potatoes if desired. There is no need to change the shutdown time.

Squid salad with meat Squeeze 1 boiled egg and 100 g of squid rings. Add 2 tablespoons to the salad. l canned corn and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Drizzle all the ingredients with olive oil and mix well.

Fish cakes. You will need 100 g of sea fish fillets, 30 ml of milk, 5-10 g of butter, 25-30 g of bread. Soak the bread in milk. Then go through the meat grinder together with the fish. Add salt and oil to the minced meat. Mix everything well. Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat. Steam them.

Baked fish. Cut the fish into small pieces, pepper and salt to taste. Bake in the oven for 1 hour. Serve the finished dish with a salad, boiled egg, or pepper. Use pine nuts or soy sauce if desired.

Cabbage soup. Ingredients: carrots - 25-30 g, cabbage - 100-150 g, wheat flour - 12 g, onions - 25-30 g, sour cream - 10 g, cabbage - 5-7 g, vegetable oil - 10-15 ml, Finely chop the onion and cook in salted water over low heat (until half cooked). Saute carrots, onions, and flour with vegetable oil in a pan. Send the stewed vegetables to the cabbage and cook for 10-15 minutes. Finally, add sour cream and herbs.

Cheese mass. To prepare a dessert with a low carbohydrate content you will need raisins - 10 g, cheese, 200 g, sugar substitute, rum, or vanilla essence. Soak the raisins in boiling water. Curd cheese with 1 tsp. l cold water. Add rum or vanilla essence, raisins, and sugar substitute (to taste) to the resulting mass.

A low-carb diet gives good results in diabetes. However, there are some limitations. Not especially recommended for adolescents, athletes, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Therefore, it will be better if such a specialist chooses an individual diet.

Optimal low-carbohydrate diet for type 1 and 2 diabetes, allowed and forbidden foods and menus for a week

According to statistics, more than 500 million people suffer from diabetes. And that number is increasing every day. No treatment regimen can solve the problem without normalizing the diet. A low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes is one of the most important elements of treatment.

The need for a low carbohydrate content

The diet is aimed at normalizing blood sugar. The lower it is, the less the body will need insulin to process, assimilate food. With carbohydrate abuse, glucose levels always rise. It is dangerous for a person, his condition worsens, his appearance, on the background of diabetes, diseases of other organs and systems appear. Often the skin deteriorates, dries, cracks, growths appear on the heels, corn. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "diabetic foot". Another danger - a person can get into a diabetic coma at any time.

Another point of the need for a diet is weight loss or simply weight loss. Its set is often caused by a violation of internal metabolism, unstable sugar. A lot of weight worsens the condition of a sick person. A diet with low-carb diabetes will solve the problem. No additional measures are required.

Basic rules of low-carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes

The diet includes the use of healthy foods rich in protein and healthy fats. Food that affects fluctuation, glucose spikes are forbidden. And it’s not just sugar or sweets.

Other low-carb diets for type 2 diabetes:

drink 2 liters of fluid. Not only water is allowed, but there can also be teas, coffee, fruit drinks, juices from permitted types of products;

be sure to consume complex saccharides. They are rich in fiber. Coarse fiber inhibits sugar absorption, prevents sudden spikes in glucose;

food consists of different and only natural products. It is important to provide the body with minerals and vitamins;

Do not drink alcohol. Including alcoholic beverages. A taboo imposed on life.

As for the caloric content in the daily diet, for an active person it can reach up to 2700, and even 3000 kilocalories per day. It is in the absence of excess weight. If a person needs to lose weight, then a low-carb diet is great for that. In this case, you need to stick to calories until 2000. For each person, this is calculated individually.

What can’t you do on a low-carb diet for diabetes?

If you use the products listed here, then the sick person will experience unnecessary fluctuations in glucose. “For a little, and sometimes” is also not an option. It is necessary to completely remove all forbidden foods from the diet, especially during periods of ill health.

What is impossible on a low carb diet for diabetes:

  • fatty meat, bacon, fish, smoked meat. This includes the skin of the bird, which is high in fat, low in nutrients;
  • sugar and honey in all manifestations. Do not forget the jam, jam, jams, any desserts with them in the composition;
  • fatty dairy products. Especially cheese, you need to carefully choose the cheese (not more than 5%);
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, any sauces purchased;
  • sweet fruit. Specifically, tangerines, grapes, bananas. It is worth forgetting about persimmons, dates, raisins, and other dried fruit carbohydrates;
  • all white wheat flour products, including bread, pastries, cookies;
  • polished rice, semolina, wheat pasta;
  • butter, margarine, other refined fats.

Important! You cannot eat sausages and semi-finished products on a therapeutic diet, even with low-fat content. No beef sausages or chicken sausages! They have a lot of spices, flavor enhancers, starch is often present. All this does not affect the blood in the best way.

What is possible on a low-carb diet for type 1 diabetes?

The diet of a person with diabetes should enjoy variety. First, the body needs it. Rejection of some products causes a lack of essential substances for health. Second, a varied diet will provide pleasure, help forget about harmful and forbidden foods.

Diabetes porridge

A low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics does not require the complete exclusion of carbohydrates. They must be present in the diet, but they come from real food. Leek is ideal for eating. Cereals can be cooked for breakfast, side dishes, used in soups, cash registers, meatballs, cabbage rolls. It is important to remember that they have a high enough calorie content.

What is possible with diabetes:

  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • pearl barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • All legumes are allowed.
  • corn kernels;
  • oatmeal.

Sometimes you can treat yourself to a brown rice dish. If you want to cook pasta, then you should choose buckwheat flour pasta.

Vegetable fruits

Vegetables and fruits will become the basis of the diet. But it is important to choose only the allowed species. Everyone's favorite potato is banned. But sometimes sick people use it in soups after a long soaking of starch. More often replaced by Jerusalem artichoke.

What vegetables can be safely consumed for diabetes:

  • tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, any seasonal species;
  • spinach, sorrel, parsley, all other kinds of fresh herbs;
  • zucchini, squash, zucchini;
  • green peas, asparagus beans;
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • radish, radish.

If you choose fruits, then apples and citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, are ideal. Can different berries not too sweet kind.

With diabetes, mushrooms are allowed! Many people do not know about it. Mushrooms greatly expand the possibilities, give room for culinary imagination.

Meat fish

A low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics requires adequate protein intake. Meat and fish are the main sources. But it is important to choose low-fat types. It is immediately worth giving up pork, poultry with a flat part, lamb. Redfish and river fatty species are prohibited.

What I can use:

  • beef, preferably veal;
  • chicken, turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • Horse meat;
  • low-fat sea and river fish;
  • shrimp, squid.

These products can be used to create first courses. But it’s important to make the right soup. Do not cook on a rich base. The product should be boiled for five minutes, replaced with water, and then brought to readiness.

Flour products

All products made from wheat flour, muffins, cakes, cookies, cookies are prohibited. You can eat dark rye bread. Sometimes doctors allow white crackers, biscuit biscuits, but this is arranged individually.

For a change, you can make oatmeal or tortilla cakes. It is allowed to use corn, buckwheat, peas. Now all this can be bought without any problems. There is a large selection of products for diet against diabetes in stores and health food stores ..

Dairy and eggs

Another difficult group of products that are allowed in diabetes. But only with amendments. You can fresh milk, fermented dairy products with no more than 2% fat, it is better to choose up to 1%. Boiled cheese up to 5% fat. Sometimes you can slice the cheese up to 30%. Such a product is hard to find in the store, but there are many homemade recipes ..

It is not forbidden for diabetes and eggs. It is only important not to consume more than 2 egg yolks a day. If you want to cook a large omelet, then you should use more protein.

Animal fats are excluded from the diet as much as possible. But vegetable oils are allowed. The selection of raw species obtained by direct extraction is recommended. Such oils in the diet are not used for frying. They are added to the diet to enrich the dish. No more than a tablespoon a day.

A good source of fat will be seeded. It is possible with diabetes and nuts. They have a low glycemic index, but it is important to remember the increased energy value. It is recommended to eat no more than 50 g per day. So they easily fit into the menu. Any nuts or seeds will be a great snack, you can add it to raw dishes, vegetable, and fruit dishes.

What can a person with diabetes drink?

There are no soft drinks on the product list and menu table for a low-carb diet for type 2 diabetes, alcohol and sweet juices are not included. It is recommended to prepare all food independently on the basis of permitted ingredients.

What is allowed to use:

  • plain water, mineral water;
  • fresh juices, especially of tomatoes, cabbage, parsley;
  • fruit juices with a small amount of sugar, grapefruit is very useful;
  • fresh and dried fruit compotes;
  • frappe
  • cocoa (rare).

The diet does not prohibit the use of sugar substitutes. But do not add them in large quantities. In addition, many species have in the composition of soda, chemical additives. They will have a negative effect on the already weak work of the stomach.

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