Diabetes symptoms In Children

 Diabetes mellitus is a potentially fatal illness that affects both adults and children. Diabetes mellitus in newborns is not so common and is caused by a violation of the gene that is responsible for the function of pancreatic beta cells. (In medicine, this is referred to as neonatal diabetes. The illness endangers the newborn's health and needs immediate treatment.

Causes For diabetes in infants

In infants, diabetes makes up only 1 child out of 200,000. In this case, the disease is especially severe and poses a danger to the child's life. Diabetes mellitus in infants is often caused by a genetic predisposition, which is why the disease is transmitted from parents. In addition, there are other reasons for the manifestation of diabetes in children in the first year of life:

  • Use of pregnancy drugs that are toxic to the fetus;
  • Beta-cell damage by viruses, resulting in no insulin secretion;
  • Underdeveloped pancreas due to premature birth.

During pregnancy, a woman should refrain from drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking, as these negative factors can disrupt the formation of the pancreas and subsequently cause the progression of diabetes in the newborn. Another reason for the manifestation of the disease in newborns is the use of cow's milk or cereal grains in infancy.

Risk group

Doctors identify a risk group more prone to neonatal diabetes. Newborns with such abnormalities are at risk:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Intrauterine diseases of viral nature:
  • Rubella;
  • Chickenpox;
  • Mumps.
  • Toxic destruction of the pancreas;
  • Malnutrition.

It has been established that babies that are constantly stressed, worried, or afraid are more prone to develop neonatal diabetes. This is due to the fact that stress in the body increases the amount of sugar in the blood.

The main symptoms of diabetes in infants

Although diabetes mellitus seldom affects infants, parents should be aware of the major symptoms of the condition in order to seek treatment in a timely manner. Because the signs of diabetes in newborns are frequently overlooked, parents will discover the condition when their child develops diabetic coma. The most common symptoms of diabetes in neonates are:

  • Inadequate weight growth, despite the fact that the infant has a healthy appetite;
  • Constant desire to drink;
  • Frequent urination: the daily amount of urine may be 2 liters;
  • Tears, constant moods, and anxiety;
  • Diaper rash and skin irritation in the genital area: ladies get vulvitis, while guys suffer from foreskin inflammation.

A common symptom of neonatal diabetes in infants is strange pee that shrinks after diaper urination, producing odd patches. If parents do not pay attention to the aforementioned signs in a timely manner, the infant may soon suffer from toxic poisoning of the body and coma. With neonatal diabetes in children, the acid-base balance is often disturbed, resulting in dehydration, which threatens dangerous consequences for the baby.

Possible consequences

Without timely treatment, a child with diabetes is threatened with health and life consequences. Non-diabetes-related alterations that impair the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes are also conceivable. Doctors point out the main complications of neonatal diabetes in newborns:

  • Development of hypoglycemic coma;
  • Signs of diabetic ketoacidosis in which sugar levels change uncontrollably;
  • Violation of visual function, to complete loss of vision;
  • Impaired child development;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Formation of trophic ulcerative lesions on the lower extremities, signs of the diabetic foot;
  • Renal failure;
  • Improper blood circulation to the brain;
  • lactic acid acidosis.


To identify diabetes in babies, urine and blood must be passed to measure the amount of glucose in the blood fluid. A laboratory test for hormone levels is also performed. Performing these procedures will show the condition and degree of diabetes in the newborn. Also, diagnostic procedures allow the doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Features of therapy

In the treatment of neonatal diabetes in newborns, insulin is restored, which the body lacks. The medicine is given to the baby through special syringes or dispensers. Generally, your doctor prescribes urea sulfate or glibenclamide. Each newborn endocrinologist prescribes an individual drug and dosage, depending on the patient's age and physical characteristics.

So far, doctors have not been able to develop such drugs that would completely cure diabetes in newborns, so these babies will be shown lifelong therapy with a special diet in the future.

Parents should regularly monitor the amount of sugar in their baby’s blood. To do this, devices are used that allow you to control your sugar at home. Also, newborns with diabetes should control the balance of acids and water, and electrolytes with the help of special medications. Enzymes to normalize pancreatic function are also involved in complex therapy.

Diet food

Maintenance therapy involves monitoring a special diet. Babies are strictly forbidden to give cow's milk for up to a year and to feed cereals for up to 3 months. With special care, children with diabetes should be given extra food. Babies suffering from diabetes have been prescribed a diet that includes these products:

  • Egg yolks and sour cream should be limited;
  • Kefir for children, skim without fat and without fillings and additives, meat, fish;
  • Sweets with sweeteners;
  • Porridge and potatoes are allowed in small portions once a day;
  • Fruits with minimal sugar content;
  • Cooked or roasted vegetables.

It is strictly forbidden to give a child a banana, figs, grapes, and other fruits, which contain a lot of sugar. In the diet of infants, salt should be in limited quantities. When preparing complementary foods, it is recommended not to salt porridges and soups at all. To give the dishes a flavor, it is possible to add onions, garlic, or herbs to them. But if the baby has an upset stomach or liver, such additives should be discarded.

Prognosis of neonatal diabetes

Neonatal diabetes in infants is usually divided into two types, each of which manifests itself in different ways. If a newborn is diagnosed with transient diabetes, which is diagnosed in 50% of cases, then by one year the symptoms of the disease gradually or sharply disappear. However, there is a significant likelihood of recurrence during adolescence. In persistent diabetes, the symptoms do not disappear during life, so maintenance therapy is indicated for life.

If a child is diagnosed with diabetes in a timely manner and proper treatment is started, then the prognosis is quite favorable. In the absence of complex treatment in a quarter of cases, the baby lags behind in development. Symptoms of epilepsy and muscle weakness in a child are possible. Children with complicated diabetes are harder to learn.

How to warn?

To avoid the development of diabetes in infants, all risk factors must be eliminated. Before planning a pregnancy, women should be checked for the existence of an inherited gene. Even if the kid has a genetic susceptibility to neonatal diabetes, this does not ensure that the illness will develop. In this case, the child should be protected from childhood diseases that can interfere with the normal functioning of the pancreas. Children predisposed to developing diabetes are best-fed breast milk, which has special enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the child. The child should be protected from stress and nervous shocks.

Signs of diabetes in newborns 

If the pathology is diagnosed in a child younger than six months in pediatric endocrinology and pediatrics, it is called neonatal diabetes

Diabetes mellitus in infants is a complex disease that is often diagnosed in a state of hypoglycemic coma and is life-threatening. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease at this age are not specific and parents do not attach due importance to them. Therefore, it is necessary to know the causes and signs of diabetes in newborns and infants in order to start treatment in a timely manner.

What is neonatal diabetes?

The prevalence of this serious disease in children under one year of age is 1 case per 200,000 children, but the disease is significant in its severe course and life-threatening. In addition, in newborns, with a prolonged increase in blood glucose, neonatal diabetes acquires a complicated course, which can later cause permanent reduction of vision or its complete loss, impaired physical and psychoemotional development of the child, renal failure, encephalopathy, and epilepsy.

There are two forms of this pathology in infants:

transient - in 50% of cases the symptoms of diabetes disappear spontaneously before the age of 12 weeks, and children do not need additional therapy,

persistent form, which most often turns into type I diabetes.

But it is important to remember that even the transitional form is more likely to recur diabetes in school or adolescence, as well as after 20 years, especially with a hereditary load, exposure to aggressive factors of pancreatic cells (viruses, intoxications, "harmful" products, drugs), stress, overwork. Changes in the behavior or condition of the child, especially children at risk, should be closely monitored.

Causes and risk factors

The development of this pathology in the newborn is often caused by a genetic predisposition and is transmitted from the parents

Diabetes in infants is caused by a change in the gene that is responsible for the normal functioning of insulin-producing cells. Therefore, special attention is paid to babies from a family in which one of the parents has diabetes. But at the same time, the occurrence of this pathology in newborns and infants is often associated with other causes and they should also be known.

These risk factors include harmful agents that disrupt the laying and differentiation of the structure of the fetal pancreas and cause malformations of the insulin-secreting region.

That includes:

  • Viruses (measles, shrimp, cytomegalovirus, rubella, mumps, Coxsackie viruses),
  • Taking medications (Streptozocin, Vacor, Diazoxide, Aloxanpentamidine, β-adrenergic agonists, α-interferon, Thiazides, antidepressants),
  • Tobacco, drug, or alcohol usage, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy,
  • Prematurity with permanent morphofunctional immaturity of pancreatic structures.

If there are one or more risk factors in the history, it is necessary to monitor the child's blood sugar level

Parents must remember that the development of diabetes in infants can be triggered not only by harmful factors during fetal development but also after the birth of a child.

Diabetes in babies can be caused by:

  • Severe viral or bacterial infections,
  • Prolonged use of drugs that are toxic to the pancreas (antibiotics, sulfa drugs):
  • Stress: prolonged crying and constant irritation of the nervous system (loud sounds, flashing lights) cause the development of this disease in children at risk,
  • Improper feeding: early giving of fatty, fried foods, cereals younger than 3 months, sugar, high-fat whole milk.

When is neonatal diabetes suspected?

Often, visible clinical symptoms in newborns occur with high blood sugar and difficulty in the timely diagnosis of the disease.

Signs of diabetes in infants:

  • Insufficient weight gain with good appetite and frequency of feeding, it is important to note that the child constantly requires feeding,
  • Constant anxiety and mood without obvious causes of discomfort,
  • A large amount of urine per day (more than 2 liters),
  • Permanent diaper rash, inflammation, and skin irritation in the gluteal region and in the genital area, which are difficult to treat,
  • Recurrent abscess diseases,
  • At some point, the baby becomes lethargic and loses interest in the outside world,
  • Dry skin, reduction of turgor, large fontanel sink,
  • Urine becomes sticky and leaves whitish marks on diapers.

One of the signs of this complex pathology is constant thirst. The baby is capricious and calms down only after drinking for a short time.

With a prolonged increase in blood sugar levels, the symptoms of diabetes in children under one year worsen - there is severe vomiting (for no apparent reason), diarrhea, convulsive readiness or convulsions, loss of consciousness. In this situation, urgent hospitalization of the child in the hospital, clarification of the diagnosis, and urgent treatment are necessary.

In diabetes, babies up to one year of age have metabolic and dehydration symptoms that can cause dangerous health effects. The treatment of this disease in infancy depends on the form of the pathology: transient neonatal diabetes or a persistent form of the disease.

In order to prescribe the correct therapy for this pathology, it is necessary to determine the form of the disease in the newborn

Diabetes mellitus is a serious and complex pathology that requires early detection and timely treatment at any age. The development of type I diabetes in infants requires constant monitoring of the child's condition and constant vigilance of parents and professionals.

If possible, it is necessary to protect the child from the influence of negative factors with an unfavorable family history. Children who have an early onset of diabetes should be given maximum attention and attention and gradually learn to control the child's condition.

With proper nutrition, treatment, and lifestyle, you can prevent the development of diabetes or ensure a healthy life for a child with diabetes, provided the disease is treated properly.

Signs of diabetes in infants, causes of congenital diseases, and principles of treatment

Diabetes in babies is very rare. Moreover, it is diagnosed quite accidentally with the development of ketoacidosis or diabetic coma.

One of the pronounced signs that are very important to pay attention to is the low weight of a newborn baby born prematurely.

Diabetes in this baby is quite severe because acidosis (increased acidity of the acid-base balance in the body) occurs in the liver due to a lack of glycogen in the liver. In addition to the accompanying symptoms, an insufficient amount of moisture in the child's body can be attributed.

Remember that this disease in a child can contribute to the occurrence of frequent colds, as well as skin damage, such as dryness, diaper rash, dermatitis, furunculosis, eczema, and various congenital hemangiomas. Very often babies are diagnosed with significant liver enlargement and cataracts. What are the chances of newborns developing diabetes?

Factors impacting the disease's progression

There are currently several main reasons that can trigger the onset of diabetes in children born prematurely:

  • Taking certain medications during gestation. Such drugs include a variety of anti-inflammatory and antitumor drugs, which differ in toxic effects;
  • The occurrence of this disease in infants occurs due to the presence of pancreatic malformations or severe damage to beta-cell viruses;
  • In addition, diabetes from birth can develop due to an immature pancreas. As a general rule, this applies to children who are deemed preterm.


The symptoms that characterize diabetes in newborns are as follows:

  • Restless behavior of the baby;
  • The appearance of symptoms indicating dehydration (feeling thirsty);
  • In the presence of a normal appetite, the child does not gain weight;
  • The newborn's urine is sticky and leaves marks on clothes or diapers (so-called "starch stains");
  • Diaper rash and other types of inflammatory reactions on the skin;
  • Development of inflammation in the genital area (in boys on the foreskin, and in girls - vulvitis).

Congenital Diabetes 

Moreover, it is due to the so-called genetic predisposition. With this disease, the baby's pancreas cannot produce enough insulin.

This is why the concentration of sugar in the blood plasma increases, which has a devastating effect on the organs of the excretory system of the newborn, nerve endings, blood vessels, and other vital organs.

Those babies who suffer from diabetes need pancreatic injections daily. Furthermore, so-called blood sugar management is critical. Parents must ensure that their child does not develop significant and potentially fatal problems.

The causes of congenital diabetes are:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Injuries
  • Viral diseases are carried by the expectant mother.

Congenital diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood.

Moreover, the therapy is not completely amenable to therapy, but it is quite possible to control it with appropriate insulin injections daily. This dangerous and serious disease negatively affects all organs.

In infants, there are signs of diabetes, such as thirst, rapid weight loss, rapid urination, fatigue, weakness, irritability, and vomiting.

Congenital diabetes can lead to these unforeseen consequences:

Because blood sugar levels are still very high, small vessels in children’s eyeballs can be damaged. The veins and capillaries of the kidneys are often damaged. Babies who suffer from this type of diabetes have a fairly high risk of developing kidney failure and even complete blindness. Previous studies have shown that the destructive effects of diabetes on the organs of the excretory system can be completely prevented by the use of a drug called Captopril. It is considered a drug that is usually prescribed for hypertension. There is still a possibility that diabetes will negatively affect blood circulation in the lower extremities, leading to amputation sooner or later;

During an extensive lesion of the nervous system, a persistent feeling of numbness and pain in the legs occurs;

The risk of an increase in blood pressure also increases significantly, which accelerates the accumulation of cholesterol, which can lead to the development of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Treatment and prevention

The first signs of diabetes in infants are characterized by polyuria, which in newborns is seen as bed disorders and polydipsia. It is also worth noting that the concentration of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach and in the daily urine in children is high. Therefore, to determine glucose tolerance, it is necessary to clarify the initial sugar content.

The treatment of diabetes in newborns must necessarily be comprehensive with the use of insulin and dietary therapy, which are not only aimed at treating the great disease but also at ensuring proper physical development.

But with regard to diet, it must be balanced and appropriate age physiological standards.

Remember that so-called extractive dishes must be completely excluded. As for the need for sugar, during the period of therapy, it should be covered by the application of carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. The main source of this nutrient is breast milk. The other child must receive vegetables and fruits. It is important to note that easily digestible sugar, sweets and fats must be constantly limited.

In the presence of pronounced ketosis and acetonuria, you must immediately significantly reduce fat intake while maintaining a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Children should eat special cottage cheese, cereals, and all kinds of dishes with steamed meat.

But as for pancreatic hormone injections, they need to be done eight hours apart.

In this case, one should not forget to take into account the high sensitivity to insulin. In no case is it recommended to give the child special antidiabetic drugs.

With regard to mandatory preventive measures, it is necessary to immediately establish dispensary monitoring of the child from those families in which there are relatives suffering from diabetes.

Check your blood and urine glucose levels regularly. In addition, it is absolutely necessary to completely exclude the use of products that contain sugar (mainly sweets). It is very important to observe children born with a large body weight (greater than four kilograms).

In infants with all symptoms of prediabetes, special glycemic curves with two loads should be examined. The prognosis of treatment with early diagnosis is quite favorable. If the parents carefully monitor the condition of the child, as well as adhere to proper nutrition, nutrition, and proper treatment, the body will be fine, and the manifestations of the disease will completely disappear.

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