How To Reduce High Blood Sugar

 How To Reduce High Blood Sugar

Blood sugar is the household name of dissolved glucose in the blood, which circulates through the vessels. The article tells what are the blood sugar levels for children and adults, men and pregnant women. 

You will learn why glucose levels rise, how dangerous it is, and most importantly how to lower them effectively and safely. In the clinic, sugar blood tests can be done on an empty stomach or after a meal. 

This should be checked every three years for adults over the age of 40. If you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, you should measure your blood sugar all day with an electronic device. A glucometer is an example of such a device.

Glucose enters the bloodstream from the liver and intestines, and then carries blood throughout the body, from the top of the head to the heels. In this way, the tissues gain energy. 

Cells need a hormone called insulin to absorb glucose from the blood. It is produced by specialized cells of the pancreas - beta cells. The sugar level is the ratio of blood to glucose. Normally, it is subject to fluctuations in a narrow range, without going overboard. The minimum blood sugar level is on an empty stomach. After eating, it grows. If everything is normal with glucose metabolism, then this increase will be minimal and not for long.


The body constantly regulates itself as glucose to maintain its balance. High sugar is called hyperglycemia and low sugar is called hypoglycemia. If several blood tests on different days show high levels of sugar, you may suspect prediabetes or "real" diabetes. A single analysis is not enough for this. However, one should already be careful after the first unsuccessful outcome. Do the analysis again in the coming days.

In Russian-speaking countries, blood sugar is measured in millimoles (mmol / l) per liter. In English-speaking countries, in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). Sometimes you need to translate the analysis result from one unit measurement to another. It's not difficult.

1 mmol / L = 18 mg / dl.


4.0 mmol / L = 72 mg / dl

6.0 mmol / L = 108 mg / dl

7.0 mmol / L = 126 mg / dl

8.0 mmol / L = 144 mg / dL

Blood sugar

They were identified by a survey of thousands of healthy and diabetic patients in the mid-twentieth century. Official sugar rates for diabetics are much higher than for healthy ones. Medicine does not even try to control sugar in diabetes so that it returns to normal. Below you will find out why this happens and what are the alternative treatments.

A balanced diet recommended by doctors can be overloaded with carbohydrates. This diet is bad for people with diabetes. This is because carbohydrates increase blood sugar. As a result, diabetics are regarded unwell and suffer from long-term complications.

In patients with diabetes treated with traditional methods, the sugar jumps from very high to very low. Eating carbohydrates increase it and then reduces insulin injection in large doses. At the same time, returning the sugar level to normal is out of the question. Diabetic coma can already be avoided, according to doctors and patients.

However, if you follow a low carbohydrate diet, even with type 2 diabetes and severe type 1 diabetes, you can keep normal sugar as in healthy people. Patients who limit their intake of carbohydrates can control their diabetes completely or maintain low doses without insulin. 

The risk of problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, legs, eyesight - decreases to zero. The website promotes a low-carbohydrate diet to control diabetes in Russian-speaking patients. 

For more information, read "Why Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Need Low Carbohydrates". The following describes what blood sugar levels are in healthy individuals and how they differ from official regulations

In healthy individuals, blood sugar is in the range of 3.9-5.3 mmol / L at almost all times. Most often, it is 4.2-4.6 mmol / l on an empty stomach and after eating. If a person overeats with fast carbohydrates, then the sugar will rise to 6.7-6.9 mmol / l in several minutes. 

However, it is unlikely to be higher than 7.0 mmol / L. For patients with diabetes mellitus, a blood glucose value of 7-8 mmol / L 1-2 hours after a meal is considered excellent, up to 10 mmol / L - acceptable. The doctor may not prescribe any treatment, but only give the patient a valuable indication - monitor the sugar.

Diabetics have greater blood sugar levels than non-diabetics. Patients with diabetes should attempt to keep their blood sugar levels above 5.5-6.0 mmol/L after meals and in the morning on an empty stomach.

This is really achieved if you switch to a low carbohydrate diet. You can eliminate the risk of developing diabetes problems in your eyesight, legs, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

Why should patients with diabetes try for sugar indicators as they do in healthy individuals? This is because chronic problems can occur even when the blood sugar rises to 6.0 mmol / L. However, they do not grow rapidly with high values. It is best to keep your glycated hemoglobin below 5.5%. If this goal is achieved, the risk of dying from all causes is minimal.

In 2001, a sensational article was published in the British Medical Journal on the relationship between glycated hemoglobin and mortality. This has been dubbed the "glycated hemoglobin, diabetes, and the Norfolk cohort of the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition mortality in males" (EPIC-Norfolk)." 

Authors - K-Ti Kha, Nicholas Wareham et al. HbA1c was measured in 4662 men aged 45-79 years and then observed for 4 years. Among the study participants, most were healthy people with no diabetes.

Mortality from any cause, including heart attack and stroke, was found to be minimal, with glycated hemoglobin levels no more than 5.0 percent. Every 1% rise in HbA1C increases the chance of mortality by 28%. As a result, a person with 7% HbA1c has a 63% greater chance of dying than a healthy person. However, glycated hemoglobin is 7%, which is seen to be excellent diabetic management.

What you should keep in mind:

Blood sugar levels are the same for children and adults, men and women.

It's good to keep your blood sugar stable, just like healthy people. A low carbohydrate diet is also possible for patients with severe type 1 diabetes and for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, schedule a 2-hour glucose tolerance test.

Every three years, those over the age of 40 should get a blood test for glycated hemoglobin.

Because the “sugar” diet does not allow for adequate diabetic control, official sugar guidelines are high. Physicians aim to simplify their work at the price of worsening patient outcomes.

 Diabetes treatment is not good to the state. As the worst people control their diabetes, the budget savings on the payment of pensions and various benefits are high. Take responsibility for your treatment. Try a low carbohydrate diet - and make sure it gives results after 2-3 days. Blood sugar returns to normal, insulin doses are reduced by 2-7 times, health improves.

Sugar on an empty stomach and after eating - what's the difference

The minimum sugar level in people is on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach. When the food eaten is absorbed, the nutrients enter the bloodstream. Therefore, the concentration of glucose increases after eating. 

If carbohydrate metabolism is not disrupted, this increase will be minimal and will not last long. This is because the pancreas secretes excess insulin quickly to lower sugar after eating.

If insulin is not enough (type 1 diabetes) or it is weak (type 2 diabetes), then the sugar rises every few hours after eating. It is harmful because problems with the kidneys develop, vision drops, and the conduction of the nervous system is impaired. 

The most dangerous thing is that conditions are created for a sudden heart attack or stroke. Health problems caused by rising sugar after eating are often thought of as age-related changes. However, they need to be treated, otherwise, the patient will not be able to live normally in middle and old age

Glucose Assessment:

Fasting blood sugar: This test is done in the morning when a person has not eaten anything for 8-12 hours in the evening.

Two-hour glucose tolerance test: You should drink an aqueous solution containing 75 grams of glucose, and then measure the sugar after 1 and 2 hours. This is a very accurate test for the diagnosis of diabetes and prediabetes. However, it is not as comfortable as it used to be.

Glycated hemoglobin: This Shows that glucose is associated with red blood cells (erythrocytes). This is an important analysis to diagnose diabetes and to monitor the effectiveness of its treatment in the last 2-3 months. Conveniently, it does not need to be taken on an empty stomach, and the procedure is quick. However, it is not suitable for pregnant women.

Measure sugar 2 hours after a meal: An important analysis to monitor the effectiveness of diabetes care. Usually, patients perform this using a glucometer. Allows you to find out if you have the right dose of insulin before a meal.

A fasting blood sugar test is not the right choice for the diagnosis of diabetes. Let's see why. When diabetes develops, blood glucose first rises after eating. The pancreas, for a variety of reasons, cannot bear to bring it back to normal quickly. The rise in sugar after eating gradually destroys the blood vessels and causes problems. 

During the first few years of diabetes, fasting glucose levels may return to normal. At this point, however, the problems are already fully developed. If the patient does not measure the sugar after eating, he will not suspect his illness until symptoms appear.

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