The Benefits Of Intermittent Dry Fasting

The Benefits Of Intermittent Dry Fasting

You will experience impacts on your cognitive system, digestive, and food processing.

You can manage to go from three meals a day to a meal like this on a whim. The first day it can work, the second day maybe. But unless you are damn motivated the third day will be particularly tough. In addition, the body is not prepared. You may have complications.

Three health benefits: cognitive, digestive, and assimilation side.


you are going to have an easy time remembering things. Your reasoning will be more relevant. You generally feel that you perform better. So I think that being on a fast, the body makes a different fuel which is ketone bodies. Because we are in ketosis.

The digestive part

Digestively, your stomach has to make a very corrosive acid that helps digestion. This acid is very harmful, including for your stomach, which will have to regenerate for the next digestion. 

So the fact of having three meals in a day leaves him little time for this regeneration since each digestion takes several hours. And then it consumes a lot of energy during this period of time you will have less energy for other things.

Food assimilation

The absorption of food by the intestines can take up to 24 hours. When we eat often, the intestines are constantly working which can lead to increasingly partial assimilation of macros and micro-nutrients.

 What can be the welcome to allow the intestines to take a break so that they can then increase their percentage of assimilation? Suddenly you will receive more micronutrients since your body will be able to assimilate more, so you will have more energy.

Muscle mass gain by doing intermittent dry fasting in 23/1

When I say that intermittent dry fasting helps you gain muscle mass, I am often told that I am saying anything. It is true that it seems unnatural.

Pleasure is essential to be able to flourish in your weight loss, in your health.

When you have a meal during the day, it is true that there is a dietary constraint. You have to start with raw vegetables (so of course you started to rehydrate 1 or 2 hours before the meal). Then cooked vegetables, legumes, then proteins (meat and cheese). Then if you are still hungry, eat starchy foods (pasta, bread, rice, and anything sweet, etc.).

It’s simple, the fact of eating only one meal in a day, even if you do not do it every day, in the end, you still go from 21 meals to 14 in a week if you are in 16/8 and if you add 2 or 3 days of dry fasting in 23/1 you can go up to 10 meals per week.

Why intermittent dry fasting in 23/1 allows you to better manage your snacking

This is especially helpful for people who snack all day. So why and well simply because when you do a 23/1, there is still a 23 hour fasting period and during this period you can no longer eat at the risk of breaking your fast. 

You are therefore forced to stop snacking, which once again allows you to look yourself in the face and understand this need for snacking. So you will turn to other solutions to replace it during the day. I call it the Back to the Wall Method.

How to do an intermittent dry fast in 23/1

So already it is important not to do it every day. Because it puts your body in stress, in endos-stress also called Eustress. regularly (1 to 3 times a week).

It is already knowing how to do intermittent water fast in 16/8 without difficulty or without effort. This already requires an apprenticeship. This will then allow you to start testing 16/8 Intermittent Dry Fasting.

Second step,

It will be to be able to do an intermittent dry fast in 16/8 that is to say to remove water for 16 hours without requiring the slightest effort. And from time to time do intermittent water fast in 23/1.

Third step,

It’s going to be to do intermittent 23/1 water fasts at least 1 to 3 per week while you do intermittent 16/8 dry fasting.

The last step,

It will therefore consist of successfully completing an intermittent 23/1 dry fast during your 16/8 intermittent dry fasting period.

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