Precautions To Stop preDiabetes


A banner explaining how to stop prediabetes

Do you know that nearly 184,000 people die each year from sugary drinks? This figure was revealed following an American study.

So know a little more about what sugar is.
 finally, find solutions to stop your consumption.

We will only discuss refined sugars here naturally found in fruits, vegetables, or honey.

And after reading this article, I assure you that the sugar will not taste the same anymore.

Causes and symptoms of sugar addiction

Studies have shown that sugar addiction is greater than cocaine addiction.

For Marisa Peer, renowned hypnotherapist:

Our brains are set up to remind us where the sugar is and send us to look for it.

But what happens when you eat sugar?

Sugar makes you produce an enormous amount of dopamine (neurotransmitter) which is your body's main source of gratification and pleasure, and therefore also of addiction.

Once in the blood, it becomes glucose and becomes your body's energy. However, consuming large amounts of sugar is like an energy bomb.

And after receiving this discharge, you will suffer the crash.

Insulin kicks in; it regulates the level of glucose in the blood. It will therefore store this immense amount of sugar and leave you without energy to help rebalance the levels.

You suddenly feel exhausted, tired, and lethargic, you will need a new dose of sugar to recover energy: the addiction begins.

In addition, you should know that following these avalanches of sugar, your dopamine receptors become less and less sensitive.

You will therefore need to take more and more in the next shoots to reach the same level of energy. And all of this goes almost unnoticed.

Sugar stimulates your appetite and makes you hungry.

-Eric Edmeades

At this point, you become what Eric Edmeades, a health expert at Mindvalley, calls “Hungry Zombies”.

You've been bitten… The addiction has already started.

 should have stopped the sugar sooner.

How did we get there?

Who doesn't buy prepared tomato sauce, ketchup, soft drinks, breakfast cereal, or jam?

Over 70% of packaged and prepared food contains some form of sugar.

Sugar is everywhere.

Everyone in the Western world is experiencing a major health and food crisis, and the source of this crisis is refined sugar.

-Eric Edmeades

Indeed, refined sugar exists in many forms and names that you can find here.

As Eric explains: Big companies know what they're doing and even come to use a concept called the “power of bullying”: it's the ability of children to bully their parents to buy products, and more. especially those they see in advertisements.

These companies, therefore, spend a fortune to promote their sugar-doped products, add toys, and attractive packaging, and position them in stores at child height so that they can see them.

The power of harassment is starting to work. And addiction too.

It is one of the most egregious violations of the right to truth in marketing and advertising that I have seen. It borders on criminals.

-Dr. Mark Hyman

But that's not all; sugar is not only an addicting and zombifying food, it is also a poison for the body and the mind.

He's an invisible killer.

Stopping sugar will surely become your # 1 goal!

Health sugar effects

Effects of sugar on your health

Besides its generation of irrepressible cravings, sugar has many other negative effects on your physical and psychological health.

Fatigue and depression

Sudden changes in blood sugar cause hypo and hyperglycemia.

Then follow mood swings, confusion, irritability, depression, fatigue ...

Your body is doing yoyoing with your blood sugar: everything is starting to go wrong.


Since refined sugar first appeared in our diets, there has never been such a high rate of obesity in the world. The point is when you are in high blood sugar, insulin is released, that insulin will store sugar and make you overweight.


It has been scientifically proven that not all cancer can grow or even survive in an alkaline environment; it needs acidity. And what is one of the greatest sources of food acidity?

Refined sugar. The first non-food cause is stress.

Disturbances in attention, concentration, and memory

When you experience the energy “crash” due to excessive sugar consumption, this lack of energy manifests itself in the fact that you have difficulty concentrating and paying attention. Memory problems also appear and can intensify with regular sugar intake.

We will realize in 5 years that sugar is as dangerous as tobacco, and maybe even worse, but we don't yet realize it.

The list is still very long, here are other effects:

  • Insulin spikes in the blood
  • Silent inflammations
  • Hypertension
  • Cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular illnesses
  • Diabetes
  • Decreased immune system
  • Neurological diseases

Do you still feel so drawn to a chocolate bar?

Or are you starting to wonder how to cut out sugar?

How to stop sugar

At Mindvalley, we are actively fighting this 21st-century serial killer, and with the advice of our experts, you will be able to reduce its consumption or get rid of it altogether.

When you begin to realize that you are basing your food choices on your emotions and not on nutritional intake, then a change can take place.

The best solution is of course to stop all manufactured food products: sodas, cooked sauces, ready meals, ketchup, breakfast cereals, sweet yogurts, etc.

And try to replace them with other natural and sugar-free, organic, or homemade foods!

So here are some tips.

How to decrease blood sugar naturally?

A healthier diet

Eat more fruits, vegetables, and grains, and eat balanced meals. The sugar contained in fruit or honey is “good natural sugar”.

Research indicates that cinnamon can effectively reduce blood sugar levels, especially among individuals with type 2 diabetes. 

In a recent study, participants who consumed a daily capsule of cinnamon extract experienced significant decreases in both blood sugar and lipid levels. Remarkably, among the 30 individuals monitored, there was a notable 25% reduction observed within just 40 days.

This spice works on insulin, the hormone secreted by the pancreas, and it will help you stop sugar.

Eat garlic, ginger, and onion.

Studies have shown that these 3 ingredients act on the blood sugar level. Garlic contains substances very similar to insulin, and onion is rich in flavonoids and suffers from them which affect your blood sugar. Ginger helps in the absorption of glucose by the muscles.

Get some exercise

Walking for about 20 minutes a day helps metabolize blood sugar.

Exercising also helps flush toxins and bad fats stored by your body. And most importantly, don't forget to drink plenty of water to help with this detox.

Use herbal medicine

Hypoglycemic Gymnema Sylvestre leaves lower blood sugar levels and calms cravings for sugar. In powder, dilute it in a glass of water or with a compote.

The prickly pear: Several studies have shown that the prickly pear is very effective in reducing the high level of glucose in the blood. It contains a lot of fiber and other substances that control and regulate the metabolism of sugar. It is therefore ideal for people who suffer from diabetes.

Bilberry leaves : (Vaccinium myrtillus). The leaves of this plant have been shown to help lower blood sugar. Traditional use: put a few handfuls of leaves in three to four cups of water. Left on low heat for half an hour. Drink a few cups of blueberry tea without sugar.


When a person is constantly under stress, there is a significant risk that the liver will release glycogen into the bloodstream. Glycogen is a secondary storage of glucose that can quickly increase blood sugar levels.

Whenever possible, you should practice relaxation exercises and take time to deal with stress.

These 4 techniques will allow you to stop sugar and lower your blood sugar level.

Of course, the “ right sugar ” is important for your body; but here we are talking about all these different types of modified and refined sugar used as addictive or flavor enhancers.

You shouldn't be looking for zero sugar, but rather to “stop refined sugar”.

Putting an end to it in your diet will make you healthy.

Stop sugar benefits

You will find all the benefits of a healthy and balanced body and much more.

  • Energy boost
  • Weight loss, decrease in your cellulite
  • Decrease in diabetes
  • Well-being and emotional stability
  • Better sleep
  • Better concentration and memorization
  • Improvement of the intestinal flora
  • Decrease in Cholesterol

Improvement of the immune system

No more addictions, no overweight, and diabetes, no more slaves to a few food lobbies that use your health for their profits.

You know everything now; and it's up to you to take a little more care of your diet, your health, your life.

And you, what are your techniques to stop the sugar in your diet? Do not hesitate to leave a comment a little lower!

Why diets don't work

It is a fallacy that current diets improve your health.

When we diet, we hope to radically change our lives. We want to be healthier, happier, and more physically fit.

Unfortunately, that's not what ends up happening most of the time: 95% of people who have been on diet programs say it hasn't worked for them.

The problem is, these people have been misled by the diet myth.

The fallacy of the diet myth suggests that optimal health hinges on either consuming less overall or fixating solely on a particular food group.

But these restrictions create their own problems. They don't address the real problem: the fact that we aren't getting all the nutrition our bodies really need.

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